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MPP Baseline questionnaire, anthropometry, laboratory data (på engelska)

The aim of the Malmö Preventive Project was to find high-risk individuals for preventive intervention on cardiovascular risk factors, alcohol abuse, impaired glucose tolerance, and breast cancer. The risk factor screening included a physical examination, a panel of laboratory tests, a glucose intolerance test, and a mammography for women. In addition, every participant filled in a self-administered questionnaire centred on family history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension and diabetes, smoking habits and signs of high alcohol consumption, physical activity at work and during leisure time, dietary habits and weight gain, presence of symptoms and signs of cardiovascular disease, alcohol abuse and history of malignancies.

Lines: 33 346

Variables: 527

Selection: Selected sex and birth-year cohorts of individuals born 1921-1949 in Malmö and residents of the city were invited. Males were mostly screened in the first half of the period (1974–82) and females in the latter half (1981–92). 

Sources: Data have been derived from the various examinations and tests, and from the questionnaire filled in by the participating individuals.

Miscellaneous: In addition to the baseline screening, some individuals participated in the so called "6-year rescreening" (primarily men born in 1926–31 and 1938) conducted on average 6 years after the first examination, or in other screenings. In total, the MPP database from 1974-1992 contains five  data sets, all with the same variables (only the suffix of the variable names differ): 

MPP Baseline screeningMFM_bas_chrt1_n33346.sav33 3461974-92
MPP 6-year rescreeningMFM_6yr_chrt2_n6109.sav  6 1091981-89
MPP screening no 2 (not in 6-year)MFM_scr2_chrt21_n1245.sav1 2451976-91
MPP screening no 3MFM_scr3_chrt30_n581.sav 5811982-91
MPP screening no 4MFM_scr4_chrt40_n21.sav  211990-91


  • Berglund G, Nilsson P, Eriksson KF, Nilsson JA, Hedblad B, Kristenson H, Lindgärde F. Long-term outcome of the Malmö preventive project: mortality and cardiovascular morbidity. J Intern Med. 2000 Jan;247(1):19-29.  
  • Nilsson PM, Nilsson JA, Berglund G. Population-attributable risk of coronary heart disease risk factors during long-term follow-up: the Malmö Preventive Project. J Intern Med 2006;260:134-41. 


List of Variables

pnr12Civil registration number (social security number) (String)StringA12   
lopnrMFMSequence number for baseline examination in the MPP cohortNumericF7 22 44410 902
labnrMFMSequence number for baseline laboratory samples in the MPP cohortNumericF5 21 42510 867
SCRDATUMDate at baseline screening in the MPP cohortDateSDATE10 22 44410 902
AGEAge at baseline screening in the MPP cohort (yrs)NumericF5.2 22 44410 902


OLDYRKEOccupation at screening according to Nordic Occupational Classification, 1974, 1978 or 1983 (SCB)NumericF6.2 20 0140


LANGDLength (cm)NumericF5.1   
VIKTWeight (kg)NumericF5.1   
BMIBody Mass Index (kg/m2)NumericF5.2 22 43710 898
SKINFOLDTriceps skinfold subcutane fat (log value)NumericF5.1 22 43410 898
BUKOMFAbdomen circumference, standing (middle of the abdomen) (cm)NumericF3 22 43410 898
HOFTOMFHip circumference, standing max (cm)NumericF3 22 07710 381
WHKVOTAbdomen/Hip ratio (%)NumericF4.1 01 331
PULS0Pulse 0 minutes laying (beats/minute)NumericF3 01 331
PULS10Pulse 10 minutes laying (beats/minute)NumericF3 01 331

Blood pressure

   22 41910 442
BTLI0SYSSystolic blood pressure laying 0 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 31410 867
BTLI0DIADiastolic blood pressure laying 0 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 43310 443
BTLI10SYSystolic blood pressure laying 10 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 43010 440
BTLI10DIDiastolic blood pressure laying 10 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 42110 888
BTST0SYSSystolic blood pressure standing 0 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 42110 885
BTST0DIADiastolic blood pressure standing 0 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 42110 440
BTST10SYSystolic blood pressure standing 10 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 42210 432
BTST10DIDiastolic blood pressure standing 10 minutes (mmHg)NumericF3 22 38310 426

Lab values

   22 38010 421
SR_07B-SR (sänka) (mm).
Remarks: B-SR = Blood Sedimentation Rate.
NumericF3 22 38510 824
HB_07B-Hb (hemoglobin) (g/L)NumericF3 22 37210 866
ROEDAB-Erythrocytes (10^12/L)NumericF3.1 38
HEMATOKR_07B-Hematocrit (%)NumericF3 17 1918 778
VITA_07B-Vita (leukocytes) (10^9/LNumericF5.1 17 2232 939
TROMBOCYB-Thrombocytes (10^9/L)NumericF3 4189
S_NA_07S-Natrium (sodium) (mmol/L)NumericF3 17 3204 953
S_K_07S-Kalium (potassium) (mmol/L)NumericF3.1 17 2534 917
S_KREATI_07S-Creatinine (micromol/L)NumericF4 22 37510 836
S_ALB_07S-Albumin (g/L)NumericF2 17 0964 949
S_CAS-Calcium (mmol/L)NumericF4.2 22 40110 848
S_PO4S-Fosfat (phosphate) (mmol/L)NumericF4.2 13 1004 867
BILS-Bilirubin total (micromol/L)NumericF2 00
ASATS-ASAT (Aspartate aminotransferase) (microkat/L)NumericF4.2 18 26610 823
ALATS-ALAT (Alanine aminotransferase) (mikrocat/L)NumericF4.2 18 27110 817
LDS-LD (Lactate dehydrogenase) (microkat/L)NumericF4.2 00
@GTS-GT (gamma-glutamyl transferase) (microkat/L)NumericF5.2 22 40210 837
ALPS-ALP (alkaline phosphatase) (microkat/L)NumericF5.2 13 0994 953
AMYLASS-Amylase (microkat/L)NumericF3.1 00
KOLS-Cholesterol (mmol/L)NumericF5.2 22 40310 866
TGfS-TG (triglycerides) (mmol/L)NumericF5.2 22 39810 862
S_URAT_07S-Urate (micromol/L)NumericF3 22 37910 848
HDLKOLS-HDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)NumericF4.2 0446
LDLKOLS-LDL-cholesterol (mmol/L)NumericF3.1 0442
LDLHDLKVLDL/HDL ratioNumericF3.1 0442
T3S-T3 (Triiodothyronine) (nmol/L)NumericF4.1 0380
TSHS-TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) (mIU/L)NumericF4.1 0974
T4S-T4 (Tetraiodothyronine, Thyroxine) (nmol/L)NumericF3 0159
THGLAK2S-THGL Thyroglobulin antibody (titer step)NumericF6 0125
APOAS-Apo A1 (Apolipoprotein A1) (mg/dL)NumericF3 8 9501 167
TU_NAtU-Natrium (Sodium) (mmol/day)NumericF3 00
U_NAU-Natrium (Sodium) (mmol/L)NumericF3 00
TU_KtU-Kalium (Potassium) (mmol/day)NumericF3 00
U_KU-Kalium (Potassium) (mmol/L)NumericF3 00
U_CAU-Calcium (mmol/L)NumericF4 00
UNITURU-NiturNumericF1 00
UKREATINtU-Creatinine (mmol/day)NumericF4.1 00
UALBKVALU-Alb kval REDIATESTNumericF1 22 0486 581
URINVOLYUrine volume (ml)NumericF4 00
TOBAKTobacco smoking (g/day)NumericF2 01 323
COHBB-COHb (%)NumericF5.2 10 407493
HBA1CEry-HbA1c (%)NumericF5.2 0376

Lung function

PFPeak flow (liter/s).
Remarks: Peak flow = A person's maximum speed of expiration (exhalation).
NumericF4.1 21 2047 754
FVCFVC (liter).
Remarks: FVC (Forced vital capacity) = The amount of air a person can expire after a maximum inspiration.
NumericF4.1 21 2067 756
FEV05FEV 0,5 s (liter).
Remarks: FEV (Forced Expiratory Volume) in 0.5 seconds.
NumericF3.1 21 1957 750
FEV10FEV 1,0 s (liter).
Remarks: FEV (Forced Expiratory Volume) in 1.0 seconds.
NumericF3.1 21 1867 748
FEV30FEV 3,0 s (liter).
Remarks: FEV (Forced Expiratory Volume) in 3.0 seconds.
NumericF3.1 21 1787 743
FEVPR05FEV% 0,5 s (ratio FEV05/FVC) (%)NumericF2 21 1987 756
FEVPR10FEV% 1,0 s (ratio FEV10/FVC) (%)NumericF2 20 9017 584
FEVPR30FEV% 3,0 s (ratio FEV30/FVC) (%)NumericF3 21 1827 748

Fitness test

FYSARBETPhysical activity at workNumericF1 80436
FYSFRITIPhysical activity during leisure timeNumericF1 101443
TESTVIKTTest weight fitness test (kg)NumericF5.1 95433
VILOPULSResting heart rate before the test (beats/min)NumericF3 85395
BELASTNILoad fitness test (Watts)NumericF3 85392
BORGSKALBorg scale (RPE scale, Rating of Perceived Exertion)NumericF36 = Extremely easy
7 = Extremely easy, 45% of max
8 = Extremely easy
9 = Very easy, 55% of max
10 = Very easy
11 = Easy, 65% of max
12 = Easy
13 = Fairly strenuous
14 = Fairly strenuous, 75% of max
15 = Strenuous
16 = strenuous, 85% of max
17 = Very strenuous
18 = Very strenuous, 92% of max
19 = Extremely strenuous
20 = Maximum strain, 95-100% of max
ARBPULS6Working pulse 6 min (beats/min)NumericF3 81377
VO2VO2 max (L/min)NumericF4.2 76375
VO2KGVO2/kg/min (mL/min/kg)NumericF4.1 76376
KONDITIORelative fitness (score 1-5)NumericF11 = Very bad
2 = Poor
3 = Fair
4 = Good
5 = Very good

Glucose Tolerance Test

GLUDOSGlucose challenge under load (grams)NumericF3 13 4606 123
GNRTime series number for glucose loadNumericF2 22 39510 863
GLU0fB-Glucose = 0' OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 22 33210 845
GLU20B-Glucose 20' at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 5 528138
GLU40B-Glucose 40' at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 5 528238
GLU60B-Glucose 60 'at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 5 553135
GLU90B-Glucose 90' at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 5 530137
GLU120B-Glucose 120' at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF4.1 13 0565 904
GLUSUMOGB-Glucose sum at OGTT (oral) (mmol/L)NumericF5.1 21 72210 646
INRTime series number for insulinNumericF2 6 3121 071
INS0fP-Insulin = 0' OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 6 2561 042
INS20P-Insulin 20' at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 3740
INS40P-Insulin 40' at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 3 752200
INS60P-Insulin 60' at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 3720
INS90P-Insulin 90' at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 140
INS120P-Insulin 120' at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF3 5 641921
INSSUMOGP-Insulin sum at OGTT (oral) (mIU/L)NumericF4 5 668927
IVINS5Insulin 5' IV at IVGTT (intravenous) (mIU/L)NumericF3 4630
IVINS20Insulin 20' IV at IVGTT (intravenous) (mIU/L)NumericF3 4670
IVINS40Insulin 40' IV at IVGTT (intravenous) (mIU/L)NumericF3 4680
IVINS60Insulin 60' IV at IVGTT (intravenous) (mIU/L)NumericF3 4630
KVARDEK-value at IVGTT IV (intravenous) (%/min)NumericF4.2 58198
RVARDER-value at IVGTT IV (intravenous) (mIU/L)NumericF4.2 583101

Life style intervention (re diabetes)

IGT_VAR9Status of glucose tolerance at OGTT or IVGTT at baseline screening.
Remarks: Data obtained from Karl-Fredrik Eriksson in October 2016, original variable name is VAR9.
NumericF10 = Normal glucose tolerance
1 = Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), reproducible (IGT confirmed at two occasions)
2 = Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), not reproducible (IGT not confirmed at second test)
3 = Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), only one test (no second test conducted)
4 = Diabetes discovered at screening (i e "new diabetes")
5 = Known diabetes (responded YES on the question "Do you have diabetes?", or given diabetes information to nurse)
6 9550
IGT_BEHType of treatment at diabetes clinic. Remarks: Data obtainet from Karl-Fredrik Eriksson in October 2016, original variable name is BEH.NumericF10 = Standard treatment, but not at IGT or diabetic clinic
1 = Intensive treatment after screening (VAR9=1) or after two years (VAR9=2) at IGT clinic
2 = Treatment at diabetic clinic or in Primay care
6 9550

Bone density

CAINTAGCalcium intake (mg/day)NumericF4 0857
BENTH1CMBone density right 1 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 299
BENTV1CMBone density left 1 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 300
BENTMV1CBone density average 1 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 298
BENTH6CMBone density right 6 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 302
BENTV6CMBone density left 6 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 304
BENTMV6CBone density average 6 cm (mg/cm2)NumericF3 01 298

Questions put to women only

MAALDERFirst menstrual bleeding age (yrs)NumericF2 01 307
MPALDERLast menstrual bleeding age (yrs)NumericF2 0938
ANTBARNNumber of children.
Remarks: Data are only available from women (plus a few men) during the period Feb -90 to Feb -92.
NumericF2 01 311
DIABGRAVDiabetes during pregnancyNumericF10 = No
1 = Yes


F010101Does (did) your father have diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 762
F010102Does (did) your mother have diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 798
F010201Do you have or have you had siblings with diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 802
F010301Do you have children with diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 842
F010401Do you have other relatives who have (had) diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 579
F010410Do (Did) any of your parents or siblings constantly use insulin against diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 064
F010501Is your father deceased?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 839
F010502Does (Did) your father have heart problems in the form of chest pain (angina pectoris)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 620
F010503Has your father had a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F010504Did your father die of a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 448
F010505Has your father had a stroke or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F010506Did your father die of stroke or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 207
F010507Does (Did) your father have high blood pressure?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 312
F010508Did your father die of cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 156
F010509Did your father die of cancer before the age of 60 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 032
F010510Has your father been treated for cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 967
F010511Has your father had a heart attack (clot in the heart) before the age of 60 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 991
F010512Has your father had a stroke or clot in the brain before the age of 70 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 998
F010601Is your mother deceased?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 844
F010602Does (Did) your mother have heart problems in the form of chest pain (angina pectoris)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 728
F010603Has your mother had a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F010604Did your mother die of a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 161
F010605Has your mother had a stroke or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F010606Did your mother die of stroke or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 007
F010607Does (Did) your mother have high blood pressure?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 508
F010608Did your mother die of cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 939
F010609Did your mother die of cancer before the age of 60 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 972
F010610Has your mother been treated for cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 009
F010611Have any of your siblings had cancer or died of cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 077
F010612Has your mother had a heart attack (clot in the heart) before the age of 60 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 049
F010613Has your mother had a stroke or clot in the brain before the age of 70 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 050
F010701Do you have (had) siblings?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 840
F010702Do you have any brother who has (had) high blood pressure?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 385
F010703Do you have any sister who has (had) high blood pressure?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 443
F010704Has any brother to you had a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 610
F010705Has any sister to you had a heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 617
F010706Has any brother to you had a stroke, or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 615
F010707Has any sister to you had a stroke, or clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 622
F010708Do you have siblings who died of cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F010709Are you badly familiar with your relatives disease conditions and similar (e g parents, siblings, paternal and maternal grandparents)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2408 822
F010801Do you have children?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 851
F010802Do any of the children suffer from long term illness?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F020101Have you ever had chest pain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F020102Have you ever had pressure or feeling of pressure over the chest?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 832
F020103Have you ever had chest pain when you walk uphills?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F020104Have you ever got pressure or feeling of pressure in the chest when you walk uphills?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F020105Have you ever got chest pain when you walk in normal pace on flat ground?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F020106Have you ever got pressure or feeling of pressure in the chest when you have walked in normal pace on flat ground?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F020107Can you get pain in the chest when you are walking outdoors in chilly weather?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F020108Can you get pressure or feeling of pressure in the chest when you are walking outdoors in chilly weather?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 828
F020109Have you ever had chest pain that lasted half an hour or longer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 838
F020110Have you been in the hospital for heart attack (clot in the heart)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 849
F020111Has any doctor told you that you have angina?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 840
F020112Do you use nitroglycerin tablets?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 842
F020113Have you ever got pressure or feeling of pressure in the chest when you walk uphill or climb stairs?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 081
F020201Do you usually get pain in the calf or lower leg when you walk and does the pain cease after a short while at rest?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 834
F020301Do you become breathless of walking two flights of stairs up or the equivalent at the same pace as peers?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F020401Have you at any prior blood pressure measurement been informed that your blood pressure was high?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 838
F020402Do you use tablets for high blood pressure?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 851
F020501Do you use heart medicine?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 851
F020502Do you regularly use liquid- (urine) driven medicine?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 846
F030101Have you ever in your life smoked daily for half a year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 849
F030102Are you a smoker?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 271
F030103Do you inhale?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 963
F030104Have you smoked longer than 1 year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030105Have you smoked longer than 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030106Have you smoked for longer than 10 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 966
F030107Have you the last half year significantly reduced your smoking?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 962
F030108Have you stopped smoking the last year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 582
F030109Have you stopped smoking for between 1- 5 years ago?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 631
F030110Have you stopped smoking for more than 5 years ago?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 868
F030111Do you smoke daily?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 971
F030112Do you smoke 10 cigarettes or more per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F030113Do you smoke 20 cigarettes or more per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F030114Do you smoke 30 cigarettes or more per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030115Do you smoke 40 cigarettes or more per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030116Do you smoke 1 cigar or 3 cigarillos per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030117Do you smoke 2-3 cigars or 4-6 cigarillos per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030118Do you smoke at least 3 cigars or at least 6 cigarillos per day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030119Do you smoke pipe?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030120Do you smoke 1 package of pipe tobacco or more per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F030121Would you like to stop smoking?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 884
F030122Do you use snuff or chewing tobacco?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 927
F030123Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of cancer in trachea, lungs or oral cavity?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030124Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of cancer in the urinary tracts?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030125Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of pneumonia and chronic bronchitis?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030126Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of myocardial infarction?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030127Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of gangrene in the legs?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030128Do you consider that there is a relationship between smoking and development of generally increased morbidity?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030129Do you consider that air pollution and various environmental pollutants on the whole are more important than smoking as a health risk?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030130Do you consider that hereditary factors on the whole are more important than the smoking for occurrence of various diseases that are said to be smoke dependent?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030131Do you consider that medical conditions that could be induced by smoking continues to worsen even if one stops smoking?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030132Do you consider that medical conditions that could be induced by smoking can be improved partially or substantially if one stops smoking?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030133Do you consider that it is unknown and unproven that various disease conditions may improve if one stops smoking?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F030134Have you smoked between 5-9 years of time?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 842
F030135Have you smoked between 1-4 years of time?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 827
F030136Do you smoke 30 cigarettes or more per day, or 15 cigarillos or more per day, or 200 grams of tobacco or more per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 208
F030137Do you smoke 20 cigarettes or more per day, or 10 cigarillos or more per day, or 150 grams of tobacco or more per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 152
F030138Do you smoke 10 cigarettes or more per day, or 5 cigarillos or more per day, or 75 grams of tobacco or more per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 044
F030139Do you smoke of various tobacco varieties 20 grams of tobacco or more per day? (1 cigarette=1 gram) (1 cigarillo=2 grams) (1 cigarr=5 grams) (1 package of pipe tobacco=50 grams).NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 876
F040101Do you have difficult falling asleep at the evenings (insomnia)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 839
F040102Do you often wake up in the late night and not being able to fall back asleep?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 839
F040103Do you use sleeping pills more than three times per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 847
F040104Have you ever used sleeping pills regularly for a longer period?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 850
F040105Do you get impatient facing people who speak slowly and/or provide very detailed, lengthy descriptions of simple things?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040106Do you get impatient in stationary queues, such as bus or car queue, queue at post office, shop or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040107Do you like your work less now than for 5 years ago?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040108Do you feel stressed in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040109Are you a disability pensioner (sjukpensionär)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040110Do you have partly disability pension?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040111Do you have life annuity?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F040112Are you sick-listed at present?.
Remarks: F040112 has the same wording as F091101.
NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 842
F040113Have you been sick-listed at at least three occasions past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 829
F040114Have you shifted occupation or employment during the past 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040115Have you shifted place of work (employer) during the past 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040116Have you been unemployed more than 1 month past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040117Have there been layoffs at your place of work or have you felt yourself layoff- threatened during past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040118Do you have shift work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040119Do you have piece work pay?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040120Have you had a lot of overtime during past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040121Do you have or have you had extra work (moonlighting) during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040122Have you studied at home or attended courses besides your normal work past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040123Have you got other duties which resulted in changed responsibility during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040124Have you experienced problems or had conflicts with over- or subordinate during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040125Do you experience your work as unpleasant?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040126Have you the past five years experienced any period of stress (hereby referred that you have felt yourself tense, irritable or anguished) due to problems and conflicts in the work or in the home, etc?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040127Have you been living under constant stress (felt yourself tense, irritable or anguished) the past year due to problems and conflicts in the work or in the home, etc?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040128Have you been living under constant stress (felt yourself tense, irritable or anguished) the past 5 years due to problems and conflicts in the work or in the home, etc?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040129Can you relax after a normal workday?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040130Have you been treated for nervous or psychological disorders?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 834
F040131Have you ever been hospitalized for psychiatric disease?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 753
F040132Have you been married sometime before?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040133Are you under legal separation now or have you divorced during the past year?. Remarks: F040133 has the same wording as F040182.NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040134Have you got married or moved together with someone during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F040135Have you during the past year had serious conflicts or sad events (illness, death, etc.) with family members, other dependents, cohabitant or acquaintances?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F040136Have you changed your sexual behavior significantly during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 565
F040137Has your income changed significantly during the past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F040138Do you have financial problems?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F040139Are you dissatisfied with your housing conditions?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 565
F040140Have you changed place of residence during the past 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F040141Are you teetotal (total abstainer)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 833
F040142Do you usually have a drink before going to a party?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 646
F040143Do you in most cases drink alcohol, e g a bottle of wine or similar at weekends or public holidays?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 642
F040144Do you drink a few beers, a few glasses of wine or one drink daily to unwind?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 654
F040145Do you hold your liquor better now than 10 years ago?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 171
F040146Do you have to think of keeping steady pace when you drink alcoholic beverages along with others?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
19 3852 741
F040148Has it happened that you after a party do not remember how you got into bed?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 649
F040149Do you usually after drinking alcohol have remorse?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 640
F040150Do you usually after having partied quench (eftersläcka) with a beer the next day?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
19 3852 741
F040151Do you usually try not to drink alcoholic beverages a fixed time e g 'a white week'?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
19 3852 741
F040152Have you completed secondary school, folk high-school (=adult education centre) or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 921
F040153Have you completed junior secondary school (realskola), vocational school or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 921
F040154Have you completed elementary school (folkskola), primary school or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 920
F040155Do you live in a house?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 928
F040156Do you live in an apartment?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 482
F040157Do you live as lodger, i e in a rented room or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2408 657
F040160Is your work hectic?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 045
F040161Is your work monotonous?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 050
F040162Is your work psychically strenuous?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 024
F040163Do you lack the opportunity to make at least one private telephone calls of about 10 minutes duration during working hours?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 033
F040164Do you lack the opportunity to make a private matter of about a half an hour during working hours without asking a supervisor?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 017
F040165Do you lack the opportunity to receive a private visit of about 10 minutes during working hours?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 025
F040166Does the work demand that you work very fast?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 016
F040167Does the work demand that you work very hard?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 994
F040168Does the work demand too much effort?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 925
F040169Do you have insufficient time in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 958
F040170Are there conflicting demands of your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 945
F040171Does your work imply that you can not get to learn yourself new things?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 000
F040172Can you perform your work without possessing special skill?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 934
F040173Can you perform your work without being inventive?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 949
F040174Are you forced to do the same things over and over again in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 016
F040175Do you miss freedom to decide anything about how your work should be carried out?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 469
F040176Do you miss freedom to decide anything about what should be done in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 456
F040180Are you married or living together with a partner at present?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 553
F040181Have you been married or living together with a partner for a longer time before?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 546
F040182Are you under legal separation now or have you divorced during the past year?. Remarks: F040182 has the same wording as F040133.NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 548
F040183Are you travelling or are you away from home more than one week per month?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 553
F040184Are you an active member of any religious community?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 550
F040185Do you have any relatives or friends who you can confide in?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 537
F040186Do you feel inferior to your partner (husband, wife)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 484
F040190Have you felt that you ought to cut down your drinking of alcohol?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 078
F040191Have other people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking of alcohol?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 092
F040192Do you have on various occasions been drinking alcohol immediately in the morning to calm the nerves and cure a hangover?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 101
F040201Are you being exposed (so that you are irritated by it) to dust in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F040202Are you being exposed (so that you are irritated by it) to vapors from solvents, paints, sprays or similar in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
20 30210 264
F040203Are you being exposed (so that you are irritated by it) to smoke, exhaust gas or similar in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 93410 266
F040204Have you often been exposed to asbestos products in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
4 694923
F040205Are you being exposed to much noise or other annoying sound in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 93410 251
F040306Have you regularly or for a longer time worked with asbestos (including, e g asbestos cement, Invarit [=colored facade panel, sidings], Kvarto [=corrugated roofing shingle], insulation work, brake band work or similar)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 350
F040307Have you regularly or for a longer time been working in any of following industries: shipbuilding industry, in machine at sea, engineering industry, demolition work, construction industry?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 359
F040308Have you regularly or for a longer period of time been working with rock drilling, concrete drilling, sand work, stone crushing, stone masonry, underground work, ceramic work or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 362
F040309Have you regularly or for a longer period of time been working in the iron works, foundry, talc grinding, tool grinding, hard metal manufacturing, welding or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 362
F040310Have you regularly or for a longer time been working in milling industry, bakery, threshing work, harvesting work or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050101Do you bike or walk to work during most of the year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050102Does the time to and from work take 5-10 minutes by bike or by foot?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050103Does the time to and from work take 10- 20 minutes by bike or by foot?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050104Do you have predominantly sedentary work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050105Do you have a job where you are standing and walking most of the time?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050106Do you in your work frequently lift and carry heavy objects (at least 10-20 kg)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050107Do you have a heavy manual work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F050108Does the time to and from work take more than 20 minutes by bike or by foot?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050201Do you devote yourself mostly to reading, television, cinema or other sedentary activities on the leisure time?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F050202Do you usually walk or bike for fun during the weekdays?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F050203Do you usually walk or bike for fun on weekends?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F050204Do you devote yourself to any exercise sport or heavy gardening work (in season) at least 3 hours per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F050205Does the total time for walking and biking usually amount to 4 hours or more per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F050206Does the total time for walking and biking usually amount to 2-3 hours per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F050207Does the total time for walking and biking usually amount to about 1 hour per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F050208Do you usually devote yourself to some heavier gardening work when it is season?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050209Do you usually devote yourself to any physical exercise activity (e g swimming, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, folk dance, running etc) at least 3 hours per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F050210Do you usually devote yourself to any physical exercise activity (e g swimming, gymnastics, badminton, tennis, folk dance, running etc) 1-2 hours per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050211Do you every week usually get light physical exercise in connection with walking to and from work or in the form of gardening work or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 531
F050212Do you regularly every week intentionally devote yourself to physical exercise of lighter kind such as walking, biking (or other activities with the same effort)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 099
F050213Do you regularly every week devote yourself to more strenuous exercise (sports) such as jogging, swimming, keep- fit exercises, ball games etc?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 106
F050214Did you regularly practice any sport during your youth?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 100
F050215Are you easy to persuade to participate in physical exercise?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 930
F050216Do you generally feel clumsy and lost when it comes to sports and physical exercise?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 995
F050217Can you swim 500 meters?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 920
F050218Do you usually jog 2 km without resting?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 048
F050302Do you have desire to physical exercising or at all move yourself more than you do now?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050303Do you believe it is good to exercise?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050304Do you believe it is necessary with physical exercise to maintain a good
NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050305Do you believe it is difficult to find enough time for physical exercise?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050306Do you have difficulties finding any form of physical exercise that you enjoy?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050307Are you afraid of 'making a fool of yourself' in physical exercise situations?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050308Do you believe that you are not able to exercise?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050309Did you devote yourself to any sport at leasure before the age of 20 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F050401Are you 'total vegetarian' (vegan) (i e only eats vegetables)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
19 3852 741
F050402Are you 'part vegetarian' (i e do you permit milk, cheese, egg or similar, but not meat or fish)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050403Have you been vegetarian for the past 1-2 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050404Have you been vegetarian for the past 2- 10 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050405Have you been vegetarian for more than the past 10 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050406Have you previously been vegetarian?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050407If you are or have been vegetarian: Are you that because of some chronic medical condition to counteract this condition?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 0172 741
F050410Have you ever been prescribed any special diet?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 095
F050411Do you eat vegetables at least 5 days/week (vegetables as garnish does not count)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 089
F050412Do you daily eat cookies or wheat bread?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 097
F050413Does your bread mainly consists of white bread, e g loaf of syrup bread, French bread, fine bread and similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F050414Does your bread mainly consists of coarse bread, e g crispbread, wholemeal bread, coarse unsweetened rye bread?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F050415Do you usually cut away visible fat?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 100
F050416Do you consciously try to eat nutritious food?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 049
F050417Do you daily sweeten any drink or dish with sugar or honey e g coffee, tea, porridge, sour milk?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 108
F050418Do you have representation at restaurant at least 4 days per month?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 106
F050419Do you daily drink or eat any milk product (e g milk, sour milk, yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 110
F050420Do you try to avoid milk or milk products (e g milk, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 097
F050421Do you use grilled or heavily fried food more than 3 days per week?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 089
F050422Do you avoid eating grilled or heavily fried food?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 078
F060101Have you had pulmonary tuberculosis?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F060102Have you ever had pneumonia?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060103Do you go for controls at the tuberculosis clinic for any pulmonary disease?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F060104Have you after 20 years of age had asthma problems?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060105Have you lately been bothered by coughing?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060106Have you lately been bothered by persistent hoarseness (during at least 3 months)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F060107Do you regularly every year have more than one period with bronchial problems in the form of cough with expectorations?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060108Have you during any period of your life suffered from prolonged and persistent cough (cough hereby meant almost every day for several / at least 3 / consecutive months over several / at least 2 / consecutive years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060109Do you usually cough up phlegm in the morning in winter?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060110Have you lately observed presence of blood in sputum?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F060111Do you have a cold at present?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 833
F060112Have you had any cold with fever during the past 3 weeks?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 847
F060113Do you usually run out of breath when you go up stairs and hills?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060114Do you usually run out of breath when you walk on flat ground?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
6 836923
F060115Do you run out of breath when you are hurrying yourself or are walking up a flight of stairs?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
4 0321 818
F060116Can you run out of breath when you walk on flat ground at normal pace together with contemporaries?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 782
F060117Can you run out of breath when you walk in your own pace on flat ground?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060118Do run out of breath when you wash or dress yourself?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060119Are you disabled?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060120Do you usually cough in the mornings when you get up?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060121Do you usually have cough during the day or at night?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060122Have you during at least 3 months per year, the past 2 years, had daily cough problems?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 6089 901
F060123Does some phlegm normally come up from the airways when you get up in the mornings?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060124Does some phlegm normally come up from the airways during the day or at night?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060125Has it during at least 3 months per year, the past 2 years, come up phlegm daily from the airways?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 887
F060126Has anyone in the family (paternal or maternal grandparents, parents, siblings, parent's siblings, children) had prolonged bronchial problems with cough and expectorations?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060127Have you in the past 3 years had any period with cough and expectorations of at least 3 weeks duration or any pneumonia or similar?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060128Has anyone in the family (paternal or maternal grandparents, parents, parent's siblings, children) had: asthma, allergic rhinitis, (hay fever, pollen rhinitis), allergic eczema, hives or allergic mucosal thickening?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060129Do you know yourself if or do you suspect that you have: asthma, allergic rhinitis, (hay fever, pollen rhinitis), allergic eczema or allergic mucosal thickening?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 861
F060130Are you troubled by attacks with persistent dry cough?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 904
F060131Do you sometimes have attacks with shortness of breath and wheezing?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 6089 910
F060132Can you get attacks of shortness of breath with wheezing if you go into an old house, a wet basement or an outhouse?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060133Do you have easy to get attacks with shortness of breath with wheezing if you are exposed to humidity, fog, cold, warm or dry air?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 892
F060134Do you easily get respiratory problems with wheezing in association with physical exertion (running, swimming, cycling, walking against the wind etc)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 858
F060135Is there central heating in the home?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060136Have you repeatedly had prolonged inflammations (lungs, sinuses, ears, teeth, urinary tract etc)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060137Do you know if or do you suspect hypersensitivity (asthma, allergic rhinitis with tinglings in the throat, hives or allergic eczema) for bushes, trees, grass or flowers?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 868
F060138Do you know if or do you suspect hypersensitivity (asthma, allergic rhinitis, hives or allergic eczema) for dust or pets (e g dog, cat), fur or feather?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 871
F060139Do you know if or do you suspect hypersensitivity (asthma, allergic rhinitis, hives or allergic eczema) for any foodstuff (fish, egg, milk, nuts, seafood, flour or other)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 866
F060140Do you know if or do you suspect hypersensitivity (asthma, allergic rhinitis, hives or allergic eczema) for salicylic medicines (e g Albyl, Dispril, Treo Magnecyl, Idocyl etc) or preservatives or colouring matter in foodstuff?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 848
F060141Have you ever been allergy tested for any substance?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F060142Have you previously undergone chest X- ray or mass radiography?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F070101Have your stool habits the past months changed character?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 822
F070102Have you had several diarrhea periods past year (more than 3 loose stools per day)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 843
F070103Do you use laxatives regularly?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 844
F070104Have you during the last period observed blood in the stool?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 844
F070105Are you operated for stomach ulcers?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 851
F070106Is your gall bladder surgically removed?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F070107Do you usually have pains or suction feelings in the pit of the stomach?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F070108Do you usually suffer from heartburn and acid indigestions?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F070109Have you several times past year had pains somewhere in your stomach?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
21 5272 741
F070110Do you have irregular stool (alternating constipation and loose stool)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F070111Do you have hemorrhoids?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
4 2910
F070112Have you had repeated gallstone problems?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 091
F080101Have you ever past year had bloody urine?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
13 4872 741
F080102Do you have difficulty getting started with urination?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080103Has your urine stream become thin and weak?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080104Have you had bladder catarrh (urinary tract infection)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080105Have you had kidney inflammation with blood in the urine (even in childhood)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080106Have you had renal pelvis inflammation?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080107Have you in the past 5 years received sulfa or similar for infection of the urinary tract?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080108Have you ever had protein in the urine?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 647
F080109Have you ever had kidney stone attack?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 828
F080110Have you had several kidney stone attacks?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 664
F080111Are the kidneys X-rayed?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F080112Have you had repeated problems with bladder catarrh (urinary tract infections)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 101
F080113Have you been subjected to broken arm or leg more than once?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 105
F080114Have you been subjected to other skeletal damage than arm and broken leg more than once (e g rib fracture)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 100
F090101Have you had pain in the hand and finger joints past year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 842
F090102Are you troubled by joint pain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 797
F090103Do you have (had) back pain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 843
F090104Do you have (had) gout symptoms?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 791
F090201Have you had anemia at some time during the past 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 1592 741
F090202Have you had anemia more than once the past 5 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 026
F090301Has your appetite permanently been impaired?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 829
F090302Have you against your will lost weight the recent past?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 838
F090401Have you increased more than 10 kg in weight since the age of 30?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 826
F090402Would you like to have help to lose weight?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 781
F090501Have you had stroke or blood clot in the brain?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 846
F090601Have you (had) cancer?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 827
F090701Have you ever (heard that you) had sugar in the urine?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 819
F090702Do you have diabetes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 816
F090801Have you been treated for goiter?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 839
F090802Do you easily feel cold (hereby referred to not only hands and feet)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F090901Has your eyesight deteriorated?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 565
F091001Has your hearing deteriorated?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 0769 565
F091101Are you sick-listed at present?.
Remarks: F091101 has the same wording as F040112
NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
10 8682 741
F091102Are you currently undergoing medical supervision?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
16 07610 840
F091201Do you feel perfectly healthy?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 759
F091301Have you eaten painkillers regularly for a longer period (at least one month)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
F091302Do you feel almost always tired?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091303Do you often feel tired during your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091304Do you often feel tired when you come home from work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091305Do you have such a job that you often or sometimes can feel dazed or intoxicated during certain working operations?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F091306Do you often have headache?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091307Do you usually get dizzy?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091308Do you often get nauseous?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091309Have you used painkillers regularly for a longer period (at least 1 year)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F091310Do you have headache more than 3 times per month?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 079
F091408Have you often felt tinglings in fingertips or toes?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F091409Has the strength in the arms or the legs decreased substantially?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
4 0321 818
F091410Do you think that you have got difficulties in concentrating yourself, think clearly etc, compared to before?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
14 6911 818
F091411Do you use any kind of breathing mask or the like in your work?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
8 3231 818
F100102Have you been fasting from 22:00 last night until you came here to the examination?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
15 6089 925
F100103Have you worked this night (or this morning before you came here)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 924
F100104Have you smoked anything this morning before the examination here?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 924
F100105Were you born in another country than Sweden?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 109
F100106Have you immigrated to Sweden in adulthood?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 104
F100107Are you gainfully employed?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 085
F100108Do you run your own or partly owned company?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F100109Do you take care of housework (not as an employee)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 097
F100110Are you full-time student?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 106
F100111Are you completely disability pensioned (sjukpensionerad)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 108
F100112Are you partly disability pensioned?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 997
F100113Are you disability pensioned since less than 1 year back?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 966
F100114Are you disability pensioned since 1-3 years back?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 891
F100115Are you disability pensioned since more than 3 years back?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 848
F100116Are you currently unemployed or laid off?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 098
F100117Have you been unemployed less than 1 year?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 879
F100118Have you been unemployed between 1-3 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 846
F100119Have you been unemployed more than 3 years?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9176 837
F100199Are you a woman?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 109
F100201Do you take birth control pills?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 921
F100202Are you currently pregnant?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 2409 920
F100203Did you have the first menstrual period before the age of 12?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 068
F100204Did you have the first menstrual period after the age of 15?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 908
F100205Has the menstruation ceased?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 051
F100206Did menstruation cease before the age of 40?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 782
F100207Did menstruation cease between 40 and 45 years of age?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 719
F100208Did menstruation cease after the age of 50?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 541
F100209Do you have menopausal symptoms (sweating attacks, hot flushes)?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 073
F100210Do you take any female hormone preparation against menopausal symptoms?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 100
F100211Have you given birth?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 103
F100212Have you given birth to 3 or 4 children?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F100213Have you given birth to more than 4 children?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9177 769
F100214Have both ovaries been surgically removed before the age of 40?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 102
F100215Have you had more than two inflammations of the oviducts?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 078
F100216Have you had more than two miscarriages?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 098
F100217Have you undergone more than two abortions?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 098
F100218Do you have a full-time job outside the home?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 090
F100219Do you have a half-time job outside the home?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 094
F100220Do you belong to any Women's organisation?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 097
F100221Do you have a senior position at your workplace?NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9178 063

Screening period

PERIOD1Screened during the period 740901- 780301NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 902
PERIOD1BScreened during the period 760412- 780301NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 902
PERIOD2Screened during the period 780302- 800330NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 902
PERIOD3Screened during the period 800331- 830404NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 902
PERIOD4Screened during the period 830405--NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
22 44410 902

Population and Housing Census

SCRSEISEI code closest screening (Population and Housing Census, FoB).
Remarks (source: SCB, MIS 1982:4): SCRSEI=11: Occupations involving the production of goods and normally requiring less than two years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=12: Occupations involving service production and normally requiring less than two years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=21: Occupations involving the production of goods and normally requiring two years or more of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=22: Occupations involving service production and normally requiring two years or more of post-comprehensive school education
SCRSEI=33: Occupations normally requiring less than two years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=36: Occupations normally requiring two, but not three, years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=46: Occupations normally requiring three, but not six, years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=56: Occupations normally requiring at least six years of post- comprehensive school education SCRSEI=57: Upper-level executives in private enterprises or organisations with at leat 100 employees or upper-level executives in public service
SCRSEI=60: Self-employed persons in occupations normally requiring at least six years of post-comprehensive school education
SCRSEI=79: Self-employed with unspecified number of employees, not including farmers or professionals SCRSEI=89: Farmers with unspecified number of hectares of arable or forest land
NumericF211 = Unskilled employees in goods production (Ej facklärd i varuproduktion)
12 = Unskilled employees in service production (Ej facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
21 = Skilled employees in goods production (Facklärd i varuproduktion)
22 = Skilled employees in service production (Facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
33 = Assistant non-manual employees, lower level (Lägre tjänsteman I)
36 = Assistant non-manual employees, higher level, without or with subordinates (Lägre tjänsteman II)
46 = Intermediate non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Tjänsteman på mellannivå)
56 = Professionals and other higher non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Högre tjänsteman/ledande befattningar (FoB80) eller Högre tjänsteman (FoB85/90)) 57 = Upper-level executives (Ledande befattningar)
60 = Self-employed professionals (Fria yrkesutövare/akademiska yrken)
79 = Self-employed without employees, or entrepreneurs with employees, excl farmers (Företagare, exkl lantbrukare) 89 = Farmers (Lantbrukare) 91 = Unclassified employees (Oklassificerade anställda)
95 = Pensioner (Pensionär)
96 = Housework (Hemarbete)
97 = Student (Studerande)
98 = Part-time work (Deltidsarbete)
99 = Data not available (Uppgift saknas)
22 1439 603
SCR2SEISEI code second nearest screening (Population and Housing Census, FoB). Remarks: See SCRSEI.NumericF211 = Unskilled employees in goods production (Ej facklärd i varuproduktion)
12 = Unskilled employees in service production (Ej facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
21 = Skilled employees in goods production (Facklärd i varuproduktion)
22 = Skilled employees in service production (Facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
33 = Assistant non-manual employees, lower level (Lägre tjänsteman I)
36 = Assistant non-manual employees, higher level, without or with subordinates (Lägre tjänsteman II)
46 = Intermediate non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Tjänsteman på mellannivå)
56 = Professionals and other higher non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Högre tjänsteman/ledande befattningar (FoB80) eller Högre tjänsteman (FoB85/90)) 57 = Upper-level executives (Ledande befattningar)
60 = Self-employed professionals (Fria yrkesutövare/akademiska yrken)
79 = Self-employed without employees, or entrepreneurs with employees, excl farmers (Företagare, exkl lantbrukare) 89 = Farmers (Lantbrukare) 91 = Unclassified employees (Oklassificerade anställda)
95 = Pensioner (Pensionär)
96 = Housework (Hemarbete)
97 = Student (Studerande)
98 = Part-time work (Deltidsarbete)
99 = Data not available (Uppgift saknas)
19 2819 741
SCR3SEISEI code third closest screening (Population and Housing Census, FoB). Remarks: See SCRSEI.NumericF211 = Unskilled employees in goods production (Ej facklärd i varuproduktion)
12 = Unskilled employees in service production (Ej facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
21 = Skilled employees in goods production (Facklärd i varuproduktion)
22 = Skilled employees in service production (Facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
33 = Assistant non-manual employees, lower level (Lägre tjänsteman I)
36 = Assistant non-manual employees, higher level, without or with subordinates (Lägre tjänsteman II)
46 = Intermediate non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Tjänsteman på mellannivå)
56 = Professionals and other higher non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Högre tjänsteman/ledande befattningar (FoB80) eller Högre tjänsteman (FoB85/90)) 57 = Upper-level executives (Ledande befattningar)
60 = Self-employed professionals (Fria yrkesutövare/akademiska yrken)
79 = Self-employed without employees, or entrepreneurs with employees, excl farmers (Företagare, exkl lantbrukare) 89 = Farmers (Lantbrukare) 91 = Unclassified employees (Oklassificerade anställda)
95 = Pensioner (Pensionär)
96 = Housework (Hemarbete)
97 = Student (Studerande)
98 = Part-time work (Deltidsarbete)
99 = Data not available (Uppgift saknas)
15 8078 769
SEISEI code (first valid value in SCRSEI, SCR2SEI, SCR3SEI according to the given order).
Remarks: See SCRSEI.
NumericF211 = Unskilled employees in goods production (Ej facklärd i varuproduktion)
12 = Unskilled employees in service production (Ej facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
21 = Skilled employees in goods production (Facklärd i varuproduktion)
22 = Skilled employees in service production (Facklärd i tjänsteproduktion)
33 = Assistant non-manual employees, lower level (Lägre tjänsteman I)
36 = Assistant non-manual employees, higher level, without or with subordinates (Lägre tjänsteman II)
46 = Intermediate non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Tjänsteman på mellannivå)
56 = Professionals and other higher non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (Högre tjänsteman/ledande befattningar (FoB80) eller Högre tjänsteman (FoB85/90)) 57 = Upper-level executives (Ledande befattningar)
60 = Self-employed professionals (Fria yrkesutövare/akademiska yrken)
79 = Self-employed without employees, or entrepreneurs with employees, excl farmers (Företagare, exkl lantbrukare) 89 = Farmers (Lantbrukare) 91 = Unclassified employees (Oklassificerade anställda)
95 = Pensioner (Pensionär)
96 = Housework (Hemarbete)
97 = Student (Studerande)
98 = Part-time work (Deltidsarbete)
99 = Data not available (Uppgift saknas)
21 79210 701
CIV60INMarital status according FoB60 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
CIV70INMarital status according FoB70 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
CIV75INMarital status according FoB75 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
CIV80INMarital status according FoB80 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
CIV85INMarital status according FoB85 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
CIV90INMarital status according FoB90 (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902
SCRCIVMarital status at screening (according FoB70/75/80/85/90) (original value processed)NumericF31 = Unmarried
2 = Married
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow / widower 999 = Not specified
22 44410 902