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MDC Bodycomp



Measures of body composition. Anthropometric measurements were taken by a trained nurse. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA 103, RLJ system) was used for measuring the resistance and reactance. Measured values of these two variables were used together with the participant's sex, age, height and weight in regression analysis and formulas to calculate the other variables (i.e. totbodyw, bodywatp, fatweigh, bodyfatp, leanweig, leanfatr, basalmet and bodycell).

Lines: 30 439

Variables: 20


Waist- and hip-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high original values were removed in 2022, two new variables with corrected data were created (waist_22 and butt_22).


Steen B, Bosaeus I, Elmstahl S, Galvard H, Isaksson B, Robertsson E. Body composition in the elderly estimated with an electrical impedance method. Compr Gerontol [A]. 1987;1:102–5.

Mattisson I, Wirfält E, Aronsson CA, Wallström P, Sonestedt E, Gullberg B, Berglund G. Misreporting of energy: prevalence, characteristics of misreporters and influence on observed risk estimates in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Br J Nutr. 2005 Nov;94(5):832-42.

List of variables

NameVariable labelTypeFormatMaleFemale
lopnrMKCSequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric)NumericF512 11718 322
sdateExamination date (YYYYMMDD)DateSDATE1012 11718 322
heightHeight (cm)NumericF312 09518 294
weightWeight (kg)NumericF312 09518 293
bmiBody mass index (kg/m^2).
Remarks: bmi = weight/((height/100)**2)
NumericF5.212 09518 293
waist_22Waist (cm).
Remarks: Waist-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high values.were removed in 2022.
NumericF312 08518 282
butt_22Hip (cm).
Remarks: Also called "stuss" in Swedish. Hip-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high values.were removed in 2022.
NumericF312 08718 280
waisthip_22Waist hip ratio (WHR).
Remarks: waisthip_22=waist_22/hip/22.
NumericF5.212 08418 278
systolicSystolic blood pressure (mm Hg)NumericF312 10018 291
diastoliDiastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)NumericF312 09918 289
resistanResistance (ohm)NumericF312 03018 206
reactancReactance (ohm)NumericF212 02718 198
totbodywTotal body water (litre)NumericF212 03018 206
bodywatpPercentage body water (%).
Remarks: bodywatp=100*(totbodyw/weight).
NumericF212 03118 208
fatweighFat weight (kg)NumericF212 03018 206
bodyfatpPercent fatweight (%).
Remarks: bodyfatp=100*(fatweigh/weight)
NumericF212 03118 208
leanweigMuscle weight (kg)NumericF312 03018 206
leanfatrRatio muscle weight/fat weight (%).
Remarks: leanweig/fatweigh. Rounded downwards to nearest integer.
NumericF212 03018 206
basalmetBasal metabolic rate (BMR)NumericF412 03018 206
bodycellBody cell mass (BCM).NumericF312 02518 196