MDC Bodycomp
Measures of body composition. Anthropometric measurements were taken by a trained nurse. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA 103, RLJ system) was used for measuring the resistance and reactance. Measured values of these two variables were used together with the participant's sex, age, height and weight in regression analysis and formulas to calculate the other variables (i.e. totbodyw, bodywatp, fatweigh, bodyfatp, leanweig, leanfatr, basalmet and bodycell).
Lines: 30 439
Variables: 20
Waist- and hip-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high original values were removed in 2022, two new variables with corrected data were created (waist_22 and butt_22).
Steen B, Bosaeus I, Elmstahl S, Galvard H, Isaksson B, Robertsson E. Body composition in the elderly estimated with an electrical impedance method. Compr Gerontol [A]. 1987;1:102–5.
Mattisson I, Wirfält E, Aronsson CA, Wallström P, Sonestedt E, Gullberg B, Berglund G. Misreporting of energy: prevalence, characteristics of misreporters and influence on observed risk estimates in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Br J Nutr. 2005 Nov;94(5):832-42.
List of variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Sequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric) | Numeric | F5 | 12 117 | 18 322 |
sdate | Examination date (YYYYMMDD) | Date | SDATE10 | 12 117 | 18 322 |
height | Height (cm) | Numeric | F3 | 12 095 | 18 294 |
weight | Weight (kg) | Numeric | F3 | 12 095 | 18 293 |
bmi | Body mass index (kg/m^2). Remarks: bmi = weight/((height/100)**2) | Numeric | F5.2 | 12 095 | 18 293 |
waist_22 | Waist (cm). Remarks: Waist-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high values.were removed in 2022. | Numeric | F3 | 12 085 | 18 282 |
butt_22 | Hip (cm). Remarks: Also called "stuss" in Swedish. Hip-data from a few individuals with unrealistic low or high values.were removed in 2022. | Numeric | F3 | 12 087 | 18 280 |
waisthip_22 | Waist hip ratio (WHR). Remarks: waisthip_22=waist_22/hip/22. | Numeric | F5.2 | 12 084 | 18 278 |
systolic | Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | Numeric | F3 | 12 100 | 18 291 |
diastoli | Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) | Numeric | F3 | 12 099 | 18 289 |
resistan | Resistance (ohm) | Numeric | F3 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
reactanc | Reactance (ohm) | Numeric | F2 | 12 027 | 18 198 |
totbodyw | Total body water (litre) | Numeric | F2 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
bodywatp | Percentage body water (%). Remarks: bodywatp=100*(totbodyw/weight). | Numeric | F2 | 12 031 | 18 208 |
fatweigh | Fat weight (kg) | Numeric | F2 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
bodyfatp | Percent fatweight (%). Remarks: bodyfatp=100*(fatweigh/weight) | Numeric | F2 | 12 031 | 18 208 |
leanweig | Muscle weight (kg) | Numeric | F3 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
leanfatr | Ratio muscle weight/fat weight (%). Remarks: leanweig/fatweigh. Rounded downwards to nearest integer. | Numeric | F2 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
basalmet | Basal metabolic rate (BMR) | Numeric | F4 | 12 030 | 18 206 |
bodycell | Body cell mass (BCM). | Numeric | F3 | 12 025 | 18 196 |