MDC Food and nutrients
Dietary data on basic food groups (raw ingredients) and cooked foods (dishes), plus energy and nutrients from intake of food and supplements. Data are available in five files.
Lines & variables
MDC Food – Basic foods (orig. name: g1_aggr.sav) | # lines 28 234 # variables 126 |
MDC Food – Cooked dishes (orig. name: g2_aggr.sav) | # lines 28 234 # variables 64 |
MDC Energy and nutrients (orig. name: nvds_kost_91_96.sav) | # lines 28 234 # variables 52 |
MDC Energy and nutrients from supplements (orig. name: nvds_s_91-96.sav) | # lines 19 383 # variables 52 |
MDC Food and nutrients – Miscellaneous | # lines 28 098 # variables 5 |
Dietary data originate from three sources:
- a 7-day food diary (“Menybok”)
- a 168-item semi quantitative diet history questionnaire (“Kosthistoria”)
- a 45-60 minutes diet history interview.
The methodology combined a “current diet” method (food diary) with a “usual diet” method (diet history questionnaire).
Data editing
The food information was entered into the data base using an interactive computer software KOSTSVAR, which guided the interviewer through a system of ”recipe identifiers”, particularly useful for identifying preparation methods and ingredients in mixed dishes. The food intake data were converted into nutrient intake data by the combined use of the interactive computer software, and the Swedish Food Database PC KOST2 of the Swedish National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket).
Wirfält E and Sonestedt E (eds). The modified diet history methodology of the Malmö Diet Cancer cohort. 2016. Lund University, Dept of Clinical Sciences Malmö, Lund.
List of variables
MDC Food - Basic Foods
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female | ||
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
g2vegthf | Vegetables all kinds, all types of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). Remarks: g2vegthf = gvegth + glegumh + gcarrotf + grootvef + glegumf + gleafvef + gcabbf + gtomatof + gothvegf. | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gvegth | Vegetables, heat-treated (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
glegumh | Legumes, dried, cooked (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcarrotf | Carrot, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
grootvef | Root vegetables, raw, other (ie not carrot), (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
glegumf | Legumes, raw (not dried, including sprouts from dried legumes) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gleafvef | Leafy vegetables, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcabbf | Cabbage, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gtomatof | Tomato, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gothvegf | Vegetables, other raw (ie not carrot, root vegetables, legumes, leafy vegetables, cabbage, tomato) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcarrju | Carrot juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gvegju | Vegetable juices, other (ie not carrot juice) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
g2ncitrt | Fruits (not citrus) and berries in total, all forms of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). Remarks: g2ncitrt = gfrbeth + gncitrif + gberrtf (gfrbeth include only the non-citrus part) | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
g2citrt | Citrus fruits in total, all forms of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). Remarks: g2citrt = gcitrf + gfrbeth (gfrbeth include only the citrus part) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfrbeth | Fruits and berries, cooked (weight before cooking) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gdrifrbe | Fruits/berries dried, non-heat treated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcitrf | Citrus, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gncitrif | Fruits, non-citrus, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gberrtf | Berries in total, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcitrju | Citrus juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gncitrju | Non-citrus juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpotboil | Potato, boiled/baked incl mashed potato (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpotrec | Potato, heat-treated (boiled/fried in mixed dishes) (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpotfri | Potato, fried (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpotdfri | Potato, deep-fried (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
geggt | Egg, in total (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gporklf | Pork <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gporkmf | Pork 11-24% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gporkhf | Pork >25% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gporks | Sliced sandwhich meat, pork (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbeeflf | Beef <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbeefhf | Beef >10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbeefs | Sliced sandwhich meat, beef (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
glamblf | Lamb <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
glambhf | Lamb >10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
ggamet | Game meat, in total (elk, roe deer, reindeer, deer, hare, rabbit) (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goffal | Offal, pure (liver, kidney, heart, tongue) (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goffalm | Offal, mixed product (liver sausage, black pudding) (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goffals | Offal spread (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsaust | Sausage (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsauss | Sausage spread (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpoultry | Poultry (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfishlf | Fish (incl fish balls) <=5% (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfishhf | Fish >5% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfishm | Fish, mixed products (eg fish fingers) (weight before cooking) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfihelf | Canned fish and herring <=5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfihehf | Canned fish and herring >5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gfishs | Spread (fish) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gshellft | Shellfish, molluscs (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilklf | Milk <=0,5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilkmf | Milk 0,6-2,4% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilkhf | Milk 2,5-7% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilkylf | Fermented milk <=0,5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilkymf | Fermented milk 0,6-2,4% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmilkyhf | Fermented milk 2,5-7% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcreamlf | Cream <=12% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcreammf | Cream 13-30% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcreamhf | Cream >30% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcheeslf | Cheese <=10% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcheesmf | Cheese 11-20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcheeshf | Cheese >20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gicecrlf | Ice cream, sorbet <=6% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gicecrhf | Glass >6% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcelfin | Cereals/flakes <10% fibre, natural (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcelfls | Cereals/flakes <10% fibre <15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcelfhs | Cereals/flakes <10% fibre >15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcehfn | Cereals/flakes >=10% fibre, natural (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcehfls | Cereals/flakes >=10% fibre <15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcehfhs | Cereals/flakes >=10% fibre >15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gflourt | Flour, in total (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbrelfi | Bread <=3,5% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbremfi | Bread 3,6-4,5% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbrehfi | Bread 4,6-5,9% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbrexhfi | Bread >=6,0% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcrbrlfi | Crispbread <10% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcrbrmfi | Crispbread 10-20% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcrbrhfi | Crispbread >20% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbirulei | Crackers, wafers, wheat rusks etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbiruhfi | Rusks >10g fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcakeslf | Coffee bread, biscuits, <=15g fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). Remarks: Including various kinds of Swedish coffee breads, e g cardamom wheat bread, cinnamon roll bread. | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcakeshf | Biscuits, cake/pastry >15g fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gripat | Rice/pasta in total (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goil1 | Oil/lard <=30% poly <=40% mono (lard, coconut fat) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goil2 | Oil/lard <=30% poly >40% mono (olive oil) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goil3 | Oil/lard >30% poly <=40% mono (corn oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, etc) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
goil4 | Oil/lard >30% poly >40% mono (rapeseed oil) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbutter | Butter (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmargd1 | Milk fat-based margarine >=80% fat (Bregott) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmargd2 | Milk fat-based margarine <=40% fat (Lätt och Lagom, Klick) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarghf1 | Margarine 61-80% fat <=20% poly <=20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F3.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarghf2 | Margarine 61-80% fat <=20% poly >20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarghf3 | Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly <=20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarghf4 | Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly >20% mono <=10% saturated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarghf5 | Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly >20% mono >10% saturated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmargmf | Margarine 41-60% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarglf1 | Margarine <=40% fat <=10% poly <=10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F3.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarglf2 | Margarine <=40% fat <=10% poly >10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F3.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarglf3 | Margarine <=40% fat >10% poly <=10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F3.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarglf4 | Margarine <=40% fat >10% poly >10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gdresslf | Mayonnaise/dressing <=20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gdressmf | Mayonnaise/dressing 20-40% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gdresshf | Mayonnaise/dressing >40% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsugar | Sugar (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsweet | Sweets etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gchoc | Chocolate etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gnuts | Nuts, seeds, almond paste, etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsnacks | Snacks, chips, etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gmarm | Marmalade, honey, jam, puree (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gketchup | Tomato ketchup, tomato paste, chili sauce (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gcoffee | Coffee (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gtea | Tea (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsofdr | Juice, soft drink, meal drink ready to drink (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsofdrne | Juice, soft drink, meal drink ready to drink, energy-free (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gbeer | Beer, cider (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gwine | Wine (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gspirits | Liquor (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gminwa | Mineral water (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gtapwa | Tap water (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). Remarks: Average of various tap water in Malmö is used | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
ginsoup | Industrial soups (eg Varma koppen) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
ggruel | Gruel (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gspice | Vinegar, spices, broth, etc (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gsoya | Soya products, algae, seaweed meal (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gformula | Nutritional powder (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
gpowder | Powder for sauces, soups, cream (dry weight) (g/day). | Numeric | F6.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
ggarb | Remainder (miscellaneous difficult to define) (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 |
MDC Food - Cooked dishes
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrmeat | Fried meat (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfroff | Fried offal, blood sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrsau | Fried sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrmmeat | Fried mince (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrpoul | Fried poultry (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrfish | Fried fish/seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrveg | Fried vegetables/root vegetables (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrpot | Fried potato (grams). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrpotdi | Fried potato dishes (g/day). | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfrvegbe | Fried vegetarian burgers/vegetarian sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfreggd | Fried egg/milk/flour dishes (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbameat | Roasted meat (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbasau | Roasted sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbammeat | Roasted mince (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbapoul | Roasted poultry (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbafish | Baked fish/seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbaveg | Roasted vegetable/root vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbapot | Baked potato (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbomeat | Cooked meat (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbosau | Cooked sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbommeat | Cooked mince (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbopoul | Cooked poultry (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rpiveg | Pickled/lacto-fermented vegetables/root vegetables (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbofish | Cooked fish/seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbopot | Boiled potato, mashed, baked (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rboveg | Cooked vegetable/root vegetable/legume, vegetarian sausage (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rborice | Boiled rice and other cereals (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rbopast | Boiled pasta incl stewed macaroni (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rporri | Porridge incl gruel (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsmmpf | Smoked meat/sausage/mince/poultry/fish + seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rpifish | Pickled herring, all kinds (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcasmeat | Casserole with meat, pork/beef/lamb incl mince +/- vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcasoff | Casserole with offal +/- vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcassau | Casserole with sausage +/- vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcaspoul | Casserole with poultry +/- vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcasfish | Casserole with fish/seafood +/- vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcasveg | Casserole with only vegetable/root vegetable incl potato (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsoumsp | Soup with meat/sausage/mince/poultry (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsoufish | Soup with fish/seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsouveg | Soup with only vegetable/root vegetable incl potato (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rpie | Savory pies, all kinds (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rgrampsf | 'Lådor'/puddings (savory dish)/soufflés/gratins/pates, all kinds (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcrep | Crepes, pirogs and similar, all kinds (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rpizza | Pizza, all kinds (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rfastfo | Fast food, burgers, etc (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rallinl | Complete meals (eg 'pyttipanna') all kinds (g/day). Remarks: 'Pyttipanna' = hash of fried diced meat with onions and potatoes | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsmalldi | Various small dishes, eg 'fräs' (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsalsm | Accompaniment salad/vegetable without dressing (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsalsmdr | Accompaniment salad with fat dressing, eg mimosa salad, potato salad (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rsalbig | Salad meal without dressing (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcosandw | Sandwiches, cold (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rwasandw | Sandwiches, hot (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rwasauc | Warm sauces in total incl fat (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rpasauc | Pasta sauce (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rcosaoc | Cold sauces/dressings (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rdessert | Desserts (all types of desserts) (g/day). | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rdfrmeat | Deep fried meat/poultry (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rdfrfish | Deep fried fish/seafood (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rdfrpot | Deep fried potato (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rdfrveg | Deep fried vegetable (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rjam | Jam, puree, jelly (g/day). | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rmus | Mustard (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rket | Ketchup (g/day). | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 |
MDC Energy and nutrients
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |
enertot | Energy (kcal/day). Remarks: The variable 'enertot' is based on the original variable 'ener' (kcal/day), plus the energy in fibre, i e enertot=ener+2*fibe. | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
vatt | Water (g/day) | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
prot | Protein (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
fett | Fat (g/day). Remarks: Total fat = saturated fat + monounsaturated fat + polyunsaturated fat | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
kolh | Carbohydrates (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
fibe | Fibre, total (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
aska | Ash (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
reti | Retinol (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
karo | Beta-carotene (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
rekv | Retinol equivalents (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
dvit | Vitamin D (ug/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
evit | Vitamin E (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
toko | D-alpha-tocopherol (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
asko | Ascorbic acid (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
tiam | Thiamin (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
ribo | Riboflavin (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
fola | Folate (ug/day) | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |
niac | Niacin (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
niek | Niacin equivalents (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
b6 | B6 (Pyridoxine) (mg/day) | Numeric | F7.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
b12 | B12 (Cobalamin) (mg/day) | Numeric | F8.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
kalc | Calcium (mg/day) | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
fosf | Phosphorus (mg/day) | Numeric | F4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
jern | Iron (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
magn | Magnesium (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
natr | Sodium (g/day) | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |
kali | Potassium (mg/day) | Numeric | F5 | 11134 | 17100 | |
zink | Zinc (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
sele | Selenium (ug/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
alko | Alcohol (g/day). Remarks: The variables 'alko' and 'ak89' (from the baseline questionnaire) are commonly used together to identify zero alcohol consumers and to create sex specific groups (low, medium, high), see Ericson et al Am J Clin Nutr 2015;101:1065, and Frondelius et al Nutrients 2017, 9, 211. | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
mfet | Saturated fat (SFA) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
mone | Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
pole | Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
kole | Cholesterol (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
msac | Monosaccharides (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
dsac | Disaccharides (g/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
sack | Sucrose (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f410 | Butyric acid, Caproic acid, Caprylic acid, Capric acid, C4:0-C10:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f120 | Lauric acid, C12:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f140 | Myristic acid, C14:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f160 | Palmitic acid, C16:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f180 | Stearic acid, C18:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f200 | Arachidic acid, C20:0 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f161 | Palmitoleic acid, C16:1 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f181 | Oleic acid, C18:1 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f183 | Alpha-linolenic acid (n-3), gamma-linolenic acid (n-6), C18:3 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f204 | Arachidonic acid (n-6), C20:4 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f182 | Linoleic acid (n-6), C18:2 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f205 | Eicosapentaenoic acid (n-3), C20:5 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f225 | Docosapentaenoic acid (n-3) C22:5 (g/day) | Numeric | F6.4 | 11134 | 17100 | |
f226 | Docosahexaenoic acid (n-3), C22:6 (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 11134 | 17100 |
MDC Energy and nutrients from supplements
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 6582 | 12801 | |
enertot_s | Energy (from dietary supplements) (kcal/day). Remarks: The variable 'enertot_s' is based on the original variable 'ener_s' (kcal/day), plus the energy in fibre, i e enertot_s=ener_s+2*fibe_s. | Numeric | F4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
vatt_s | Water (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
prot_s | Protein (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
fett_s | Fat (from dietary supplements) (g/day). Remarks: Total fat = saturated fat + monounsaturated fat + polyunsaturated fat | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
kolh_s | Carbohydrates (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
fibe_s | Fibre, total (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
aska_s | Ash (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
reti_s | Retinol (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
karo_s | Beta-carotene (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
rekv_s | Retinol equivalents (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
dvit_s | Vitamin D (from dietary supplements) (ug/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
evit_s | Vitamin E (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
toko_s | D-alpha-tocopherol (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
asko_s | Ascorbic acid (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
tiam_s | Thiamin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
ribo_s | Riboflavin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
fola_s | Folate (from dietary supplements) (ug/day) | Numeric | F4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
niac_s | Niacin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
niek_s | Niacin equivalents (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
b6_s | B6 (Pyridoxine) (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
b12_s | B12 (Cobalamin) (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
kalc_s | Calcium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
fosf_s | Phosphorus (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
jern_s | Iron (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
magn_s | Magnesium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F6.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
natr_s | Sodium (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5 | 6582 | 12801 | |
kali_s | Potassium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5 | 6582 | 12801 | |
zink_s | Zinc (from dietary supplements) (mg/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
sele_s | Selenium (from dietary supplements) (ug/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
alko_s | Alcohol (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
mfet_s | Saturated fat (SFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
mone_s | Monounsaturated fat (MUFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
pole_s | Polyunsaturated fat (PUFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
kole_s | Cholesterol (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
msac_s | Monosaccharides (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
dsac_s | Disaccharides (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F6.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
sack_s | Sucrose (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f410_s | Butyric acid, Caproic acid, Caprylic acid, Capric acid, C4:0-C10:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f120_s | Lauric acid, C12:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f140_s | Myristic acid, C14:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f160_s | Palmitic acid, C16:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f180_s | Stearic acid, C18:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f200_s | Arachidic acid, C20:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f161_s | Palmitoleic acid, C16:1 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f181_s | Oleic acid, C18:1 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.1 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f183_s | Alpha-linolenic acid (n-3), gamma-linolenic acid (n-6), C18:3 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f204_s | Arachidonic acid (n-6), C20:4 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f182_s | Linoleic acid (n-6), C18:2 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.2 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f205_s | Eicosapentaenoic acid (n-3), C20:5 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f225_s | Docosapentaenoic acid (n-3) C22:5 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F6.4 | 6582 | 12801 | |
f226_s | Docosahexaenoic acid (n-3), C22:6 (from dietary supplements) (g/day) | Numeric | F5.3 | 6582 | 12801 |
MDC Food and nutrients - Miscellaneous
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 11063 | 17035 | |
season | Season of collection of dietary data (seven-day diary and diet history interview) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Jan-March 2 = April-June 3 = July-Sept 4 = Oct-Dec | 11063 | 17035 |
method | Dietary method, based on the date of collection of dietary data (seven-day diary and diet history interview) in relation to the change of coding of dietary data (Sept 1, 1994) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Old: Before Sept 1, 1994 2 = New: After Sept 1, 1994 | 11063 | 17035 |
ka | Code of dietary assistant who performed the dietary history interview | Numeric | F2 | 1 = Dietary interviewer 1 2 = Dietary interviewer 2 3 = Dietary interviewer 3 4 = Dietary interviewer 4 5 = Dietary interviewer 5 6 = Dietary interviewer 6 7 = Dietary interviewer 7 8 = Dietary interviewer 8 9 = Dietary interviewer 9 10 = Dietary interviewer 10 11 = Dietary interviewer 11 12 = Dietary interviewer 12 13 = Dietary interviewer 13 14 = Dietary interviewer 14 15 = Dietary interviewer 15 16 = Dietary interviewer 16 17 = Dietary interviewer 17 | 11063 | 17035 |
ener_rap | Reported energy intake in relation to the energy consumption. Remarks: The variable was originally called 'ur_er_or'. For further description see Mattisson et al, British Journal of Nutrition 2005;94(5):832-42. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Under 2 = Adequate 3 = Over | 11063 | 17035 |