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MDC Food and nutrients



Dietary data on basic food groups (raw ingredients) and cooked foods (dishes), plus energy and nutrients from intake of food and supplements. Data are available in five files.

Lines & variables

MDC Food – Basic foods
(orig. name: g1_aggr.sav)  
# lines 28 234
# variables 126
MDC Food – Cooked dishes
(orig. name: g2_aggr.sav)    
# lines 28 234
# variables 64
MDC Energy and nutrients
(orig. name: nvds_kost_91_96.sav)    
# lines 28 234
# variables 52
MDC Energy and nutrients from supplements
(orig. name: nvds_s_91-96.sav)
# lines 19 383
# variables 52
MDC Food and nutrients – Miscellaneous# lines 28 098
# variables 5


Dietary data originate from three sources: 

  1. a 7-day food diary (“Menybok”)
  2. a 168-item semi quantitative  diet history questionnaire  (“Kosthistoria”)
  3. a 45-60 minutes diet history interview. 

The methodology combined a “current diet” method (food diary) with a “usual diet” method (diet history questionnaire).

Data editing

The food information was entered into the data base using an interactive computer software KOSTSVAR, which guided the interviewer through a system of ”recipe identifiers”, particularly useful for identifying preparation methods and ingredients in mixed dishes. The food intake data were converted into nutrient intake data by the combined use of the interactive computer software, and the Swedish Food Database PC KOST2 of the Swedish National Food Administration (Livsmedelsverket).


Wirfält E and Sonestedt E (eds). The modified diet history methodology of the Malmö Diet Cancer cohort. 2016. Lund University, Dept of Clinical Sciences Malmö, Lund.

List of variables

MDC Food - Basic Foods

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 1113417100
g2vegthfVegetables all kinds, all types of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).
Remarks: g2vegthf = gvegth + glegumh + gcarrotf + grootvef + glegumf + gleafvef + gcabbf + gtomatof + gothvegf.
NumericF4 1113417100
gvegthVegetables, heat-treated (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
glegumhLegumes, dried, cooked (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcarrotfCarrot, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
grootvefRoot vegetables, raw, other (ie not carrot), (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
glegumfLegumes, raw (not dried, including sprouts from dried legumes) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gleafvefLeafy vegetables, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcabbfCabbage, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gtomatofTomato, raw (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gothvegfVegetables, other raw (ie not carrot, root vegetables, legumes, leafy vegetables, cabbage, tomato) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcarrjuCarrot juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF6.1 1113417100
gvegjuVegetable juices, other (ie not carrot juice) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
g2ncitrtFruits (not citrus) and berries in total, all forms of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).
Remarks: g2ncitrt = gfrbeth + gncitrif + gberrtf (gfrbeth include only the non-citrus part)
NumericF4 1113417100
g2citrtCitrus fruits in total, all forms of cooking (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).
Remarks: g2citrt = gcitrf + gfrbeth (gfrbeth include only the citrus part)
NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfrbethFruits and berries, cooked (weight before cooking) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gdrifrbeFruits/berries dried, non-heat treated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcitrfCitrus, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gncitrifFruits, non-citrus, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF4 1113417100
gberrtfBerries in total, fresh (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day) (not in the 1991 database).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcitrjuCitrus juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gncitrjuNon-citrus juice (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gpotboilPotato, boiled/baked incl mashed potato (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gpotrecPotato, heat-treated (boiled/fried in mixed dishes) (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gpotfriPotato, fried (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gpotdfriPotato, deep-fried (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
geggtEgg, in total (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gporklfPork <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gporkmfPork 11-24% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gporkhfPork >25% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gporksSliced sandwhich meat, pork (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbeeflfBeef <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbeefhfBeef >10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbeefsSliced sandwhich meat, beef (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
glamblfLamb <=10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
glambhfLamb >10% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
ggametGame meat, in total (elk, roe deer, reindeer, deer, hare, rabbit) (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
goffalOffal, pure (liver, kidney, heart, tongue) (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
goffalmOffal, mixed product (liver sausage, black pudding) (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
goffalsOffal spread (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gsaustSausage (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gsaussSausage spread (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gpoultryPoultry (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfishlfFish (incl fish balls) <=5% (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfishhfFish >5% fat (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfishmFish, mixed products (eg fish fingers) (weight before cooking) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfihelfCanned fish and herring <=5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gfihehfCanned fish and herring >5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gfishsSpread (fish) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gshellftShellfish, molluscs (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmilklfMilk <=0,5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gmilkmfMilk 0,6-2,4% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gmilkhfMilk 2,5-7% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gmilkylfFermented milk <=0,5% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gmilkymfFermented milk 0,6-2,4% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmilkyhfFermented milk 2,5-7% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gcreamlfCream <=12% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcreammfCream 13-30% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcreamhfCream >30% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcheeslfCheese <=10% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcheesmfCheese 11-20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcheeshfCheese >20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gicecrlfIce cream, sorbet <=6% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gicecrhfGlass >6% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcelfinCereals/flakes <10% fibre, natural (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcelflsCereals/flakes <10% fibre <15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcelfhsCereals/flakes <10% fibre >15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcehfnCereals/flakes >=10% fibre, natural (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gcehflsCereals/flakes >=10% fibre <15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gcehfhsCereals/flakes >=10% fibre >15% sugar (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gflourtFlour, in total (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbrelfiBread <=3,5% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbremfiBread 3,6-4,5% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbrehfiBread 4,6-5,9% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbrexhfiBread >=6,0% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcrbrlfiCrispbread <10% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcrbrmfiCrispbread 10-20% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcrbrhfiCrispbread >20% fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbiruleiCrackers, wafers, wheat rusks etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gbiruhfiRusks >10g fibre (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcakeslfCoffee bread, biscuits, <=15g fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).
Remarks: Including various kinds of Swedish coffee breads, e g cardamom wheat bread, cinnamon roll bread.
NumericF5.1 1113417100
gcakeshfBiscuits, cake/pastry >15g fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gripatRice/pasta in total (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
goil1Oil/lard <=30% poly <=40% mono (lard, coconut fat) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
goil2Oil/lard <=30% poly >40% mono (olive oil) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
goil3Oil/lard >30% poly <=40% mono (corn oil, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, etc) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
goil4Oil/lard >30% poly >40% mono (rapeseed oil) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gbutterButter (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmargd1Milk fat-based margarine >=80% fat (Bregott) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmargd2Milk fat-based margarine <=40% fat (Lätt och Lagom, Klick) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gmarghf1Margarine 61-80% fat <=20% poly <=20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF3.1 1113417100
gmarghf2Margarine 61-80% fat <=20% poly >20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmarghf3Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly <=20% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmarghf4Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly >20% mono <=10% saturated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gmarghf5Margarine 61-80% fat >20% poly >20% mono >10% saturated (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmargmfMargarine 41-60% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmarglf1Margarine <=40% fat <=10% poly <=10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF3.1 1113417100
gmarglf2Margarine <=40% fat <=10% poly >10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF3.1 1113417100
gmarglf3Margarine <=40% fat >10% poly <=10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF3.1 1113417100
gmarglf4Margarine <=40% fat >10% poly >10% mono (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gdresslfMayonnaise/dressing <=20% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gdressmfMayonnaise/dressing 20-40% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gdresshfMayonnaise/dressing >40% fat (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gsugarSugar (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gsweetSweets etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gchocChocolate etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gnutsNuts, seeds, almond paste, etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gsnacksSnacks, chips, etc (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gmarmMarmalade, honey, jam, puree (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gketchupTomato ketchup, tomato paste, chili sauce (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gcoffeeCoffee (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gteaTea (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gsofdrJuice, soft drink, meal drink ready to drink (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gsofdrneJuice, soft drink, meal drink ready to drink, energy-free (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF6.1 1113417100
gbeerBeer, cider (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gwineWine (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gspiritsLiquor (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gminwaMineral water (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
gtapwaTap water (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).
Remarks: Average of various tap water in Malmö is used
NumericF4 1113417100
ginsoupIndustrial soups (eg Varma koppen) (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF6.1 1113417100
ggruelGruel (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
gspiceVinegar, spices, broth, etc (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
gsoyaSoya products, algae, seaweed meal (cooked weight, consumed weight) (g/day).NumericF6.2 1113417100
gformulaNutritional powder (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF6.2 1113417100
gpowderPowder for sauces, soups, cream (dry weight) (g/day).NumericF6.3 1113417100
ggarbRemainder (miscellaneous difficult to define) (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100

MDC Food - Cooked dishes

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 1113417100
rfrmeatFried meat (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfroffFried offal, blood sausage (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrsauFried sausage (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrmmeatFried mince (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrpoulFried poultry (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rfrfishFried fish/seafood (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrvegFried vegetables/root vegetables (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrpotFried potato (grams).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfrpotdiFried potato dishes (g/day).NumericF6.2 1113417100
rfrvegbeFried vegetarian burgers/vegetarian sausage (g/day).NumericF6.2 1113417100
rfreggdFried egg/milk/flour dishes (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbameatRoasted meat (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbasauRoasted sausage (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbammeatRoasted mince (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbapoulRoasted poultry (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbafishBaked fish/seafood (g/day).NumericF6.2 1113417100
rbavegRoasted vegetable/root vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rbapotBaked potato (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbomeatCooked meat (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbosauCooked sausage (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbommeatCooked mince (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rbopoulCooked poultry (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rpivegPickled/lacto-fermented vegetables/root vegetables (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbofishCooked fish/seafood (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rbopotBoiled potato, mashed, baked (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
rbovegCooked vegetable/root vegetable/legume, vegetarian sausage (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rboriceBoiled rice and other cereals (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
rbopastBoiled pasta incl stewed macaroni (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rporriPorridge incl gruel (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsmmpfSmoked meat/sausage/mince/poultry/fish
+ seafood (g/day).
NumericF5.1 1113417100
rpifishPickled herring, all kinds (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcasmeatCasserole with meat, pork/beef/lamb incl mince +/- vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcasoffCasserole with offal +/- vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcassauCasserole with sausage +/- vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcaspoulCasserole with poultry +/- vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcasfishCasserole with fish/seafood +/- vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcasvegCasserole with only vegetable/root vegetable incl potato (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
rsoumspSoup with meat/sausage/mince/poultry (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsoufishSoup with fish/seafood (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsouvegSoup with only vegetable/root vegetable incl potato (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rpieSavory pies, all kinds (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rgrampsf'Lådor'/puddings (savory dish)/soufflés/gratins/pates, all kinds (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcrepCrepes, pirogs and similar, all kinds (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rpizzaPizza, all kinds (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rfastfoFast food, burgers, etc (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rallinlComplete meals (eg 'pyttipanna') all kinds (g/day).
Remarks: 'Pyttipanna' = hash of fried diced meat with onions and potatoes
NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsmalldiVarious small dishes, eg 'fräs' (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsalsmAccompaniment salad/vegetable without dressing (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsalsmdrAccompaniment salad with fat dressing, eg mimosa salad, potato salad (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rsalbigSalad meal without dressing (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcosandwSandwiches, cold (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rwasandwSandwiches, hot (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rwasaucWarm sauces in total incl fat (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rpasaucPasta sauce (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rcosaocCold sauces/dressings (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rdessertDesserts (all types of desserts) (g/day).NumericF4 1113417100
rdfrmeatDeep fried meat/poultry (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rdfrfishDeep fried fish/seafood (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rdfrpotDeep fried potato (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rdfrvegDeep fried vegetable (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rjamJam, puree, jelly (g/day).NumericF5.1 1113417100
rmusMustard (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100
rketKetchup (g/day).NumericF5.2 1113417100

MDC Energy and nutrients

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr]
(in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 1113417100
enertotEnergy (kcal/day).
Remarks: The variable 'enertot' is based on the original variable 'ener' (kcal/day), plus the energy in fibre, i e enertot=ener+2*fibe.
NumericF4 1113417100
vattWater (g/day)NumericF4 1113417100
protProtein (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
fettFat (g/day).
Remarks: Total fat = saturated fat + monounsaturated fat + polyunsaturated fat
NumericF5.1 1113417100
kolhCarbohydrates (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
fibeFibre, total (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
askaAsh (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
retiRetinol (mg/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
karoBeta-carotene (mg/day)NumericF6.2 1113417100
rekvRetinol equivalents (mg/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
dvitVitamin D (ug/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
evitVitamin E (mg/day)NumericF7.2 1113417100
tokoD-alpha-tocopherol (mg/day)NumericF7.2 1113417100
askoAscorbic acid (mg/day)NumericF7.1 1113417100
tiamThiamin (mg/day)NumericF7.3 1113417100
riboRiboflavin (mg/day)NumericF7.3 1113417100
folaFolate (ug/day)NumericF5 1113417100
niacNiacin (mg/day)NumericF7.2 1113417100
niekNiacin equivalents (mg/day)NumericF6.1 1113417100
b6B6 (Pyridoxine) (mg/day)NumericF7.3 1113417100
b12B12 (Cobalamin) (mg/day)NumericF8.2 1113417100
kalcCalcium (mg/day)NumericF4 1113417100
fosfPhosphorus (mg/day)NumericF4 1113417100
jernIron (mg/day)NumericF6.2 1113417100
magnMagnesium (mg/day)NumericF6.1 1113417100
natrSodium (g/day)NumericF5 1113417100
kaliPotassium (mg/day)NumericF5 1113417100
zinkZinc (mg/day)NumericF6.2 1113417100
seleSelenium (ug/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
alkoAlcohol (g/day).
Remarks: The variables 'alko' and 'ak89' (from the baseline questionnaire) are commonly used together to identify zero alcohol consumers and to create sex specific groups (low, medium, high), see Ericson et al Am J Clin Nutr 2015;101:1065, and Frondelius et al Nutrients 2017, 9, 211.
NumericF6.2 1113417100
mfetSaturated fat (SFA) (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
moneMonounsaturated fat (MUFA) (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
polePolyunsaturated fat (PUFA) (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
koleCholesterol (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100
msacMonosaccharides (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
dsacDisaccharides (g/day)NumericF6.2 1113417100
sackSucrose (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
f410Butyric acid, Caproic acid, Caprylic acid, Capric acid, C4:0-C10:0 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f120Lauric acid, C12:0 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f140Myristic acid, C14:0 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f160Palmitic acid, C16:0 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f180Stearic acid, C18:0 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f200Arachidic acid, C20:0 (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100
f161Palmitoleic acid, C16:1 (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100
f181Oleic acid, C18:1 (g/day)NumericF5.1 1113417100
f183Alpha-linolenic acid (n-3), gamma-linolenic acid (n-6), C18:3 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f204Arachidonic acid (n-6), C20:4 (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100
f182Linoleic acid (n-6), C18:2 (g/day)NumericF5.2 1113417100
f205Eicosapentaenoic acid (n-3), C20:5 (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100
f225Docosapentaenoic acid (n-3) C22:5 (g/day)NumericF6.4 1113417100
f226Docosahexaenoic acid (n-3), C22:6 (g/day)NumericF5.3 1113417100

MDC Energy and nutrients from supplements

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 658212801
enertot_sEnergy (from dietary supplements) (kcal/day).
Remarks: The variable 'enertot_s' is based on the original variable 'ener_s' (kcal/day), plus the energy in fibre, i e enertot_s=ener_s+2*fibe_s.
NumericF4 658212801
vatt_sWater (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF4 658212801
prot_sProtein (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
fett_sFat (from dietary supplements) (g/day). Remarks: Total fat = saturated fat + monounsaturated fat + polyunsaturated fatNumericF5.1 658212801
kolh_sCarbohydrates (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
fibe_sFibre, total (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
aska_sAsh (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
reti_sRetinol (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
karo_sBeta-carotene (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
rekv_sRetinol equivalents (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
dvit_sVitamin D (from dietary supplements) (ug/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
evit_sVitamin E (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
toko_sD-alpha-tocopherol (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
asko_sAscorbic acid (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
tiam_sThiamin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
ribo_sRiboflavin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
fola_sFolate (from dietary supplements) (ug/day)NumericF4 658212801
niac_sNiacin (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
niek_sNiacin equivalents (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
b6_sB6 (Pyridoxine) (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF6.3 658212801
b12_sB12 (Cobalamin) (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF6.2 658212801
kalc_sCalcium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF4 658212801
fosf_sPhosphorus (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF4 658212801
jern_sIron (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
magn_sMagnesium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF6.1 658212801
natr_sSodium (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5 658212801
kali_sPotassium (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5 658212801
zink_sZinc (from dietary supplements) (mg/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
sele_sSelenium (from dietary supplements) (ug/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
alko_sAlcohol (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF6.2 658212801
mfet_sSaturated fat (SFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
mone_sMonounsaturated fat (MUFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
pole_sPolyunsaturated fat (PUFA) (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
kole_sCholesterol (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
msac_sMonosaccharides (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
dsac_sDisaccharides (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF6.2 658212801
sack_sSucrose (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
f410_sButyric acid, Caproic acid, Caprylic acid, Capric acid, C4:0-C10:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f120_sLauric acid, C12:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f140_sMyristic acid, C14:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f160_sPalmitic acid, C16:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f180_sStearic acid, C18:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f200_sArachidic acid, C20:0 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
f161_sPalmitoleic acid, C16:1 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
f181_sOleic acid, C18:1 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.1 658212801
f183_sAlpha-linolenic acid (n-3), gamma-linolenic acid (n-6), C18:3 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f204_sArachidonic acid (n-6), C20:4 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
f182_sLinoleic acid (n-6), C18:2 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.2 658212801
f205_sEicosapentaenoic acid (n-3), C20:5 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801
f225_sDocosapentaenoic acid (n-3) C22:5 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF6.4 658212801
f226_sDocosahexaenoic acid (n-3), C22:6 (from dietary supplements) (g/day)NumericF5.3 658212801

MDC Food and nutrients - Miscellaneous

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 1106317035
seasonSeason of collection of dietary data (seven-day diary and diet history interview)NumericF11 = Jan-March
2 = April-June
3 = July-Sept
4 = Oct-Dec
methodDietary method, based on the date of collection of dietary data (seven-day diary and diet history interview) in relation to the change of coding of dietary data (Sept 1, 1994)NumericF11 = Old: Before Sept 1, 1994
2 = New: After Sept 1, 1994
kaCode of dietary assistant who performed the dietary history interviewNumericF21 = Dietary interviewer  1
2 = Dietary interviewer  2
3 = Dietary interviewer  3
4 = Dietary interviewer  4
5 = Dietary interviewer  5
6 = Dietary interviewer  6
7 = Dietary interviewer  7
8 = Dietary interviewer  8
9 = Dietary interviewer  9
10 = Dietary interviewer  10
11 = Dietary interviewer  11
12 = Dietary interviewer  12
13 = Dietary interviewer  13
14 = Dietary interviewer  14
15 = Dietary interviewer  15
16 = Dietary interviewer  16
17 = Dietary interviewer  17
ener_rapReported energy intake in relation to the energy consumption.
Remarks: The variable was originally called 'ur_er_or'. For further description see Mattisson et al, British Journal of Nutrition 2005;94(5):832-42.
NumericF11 = Under
2 = Adequate
3 = Over