MDC Neck Shoulder Questionnaire
Data on occupational status, lifestyle factors, mechanical exposures and psychosocial factors, with particular focus on neck shoulder pain.
Lines: 12 614
Variables: 339
Among 30 446 participants in the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study, 14 555 individuals who have filled in baseline questionnaire version 2 and been screened between February 1992 and December 1994 (based on the variable sdate in Bodycomp) were invited to a 1-year follow-up study, out of these 12 614 responded and were included in the study.
Canivet C, Nilsson P M, Lindeberg S I, Karasek R, Östergren P-O. Insomnia increases risk for car- diovascular events in women and in men with low socioeconomic status: a longitudinal, register- based study. J Psychosom Res. 2014; 76(4), 292-299. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2014.02.001
Canivet C, Östergren P-O, Choi B, Nilsson P, af Sillen U, Moghadassi M, Karasek R, Isacsson S O. Sleeping problems as a risk factor for subsequent musculoskeletal pain and the role of job strain: results from a one-year follow-up of the Malmo Shoulder Neck Study Cohort. Int J Behav Med, 2008; 15(4), 254-262. doi:905440510 [pii]10.1080/10705500802365466
Canivet C, Östergren P-O, Lindeberg S I, Choi B, Karasek R, Moghaddassi M, Isacsson S O. Conflict between the work and family domains and exhaustion among vocationally active men and women. Soc Sci Med, 2010; 70(8), 1237-1245. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2009.12.029
Östergren P-O, Hanson B S, Balogh I, Ektor-Andersen J, Isacsson A, Örbaek P, Winkel J, Isacsson S-O. Incidence of shoulder and neck pain in a working population: effect modification between mechanical and psychosocial exposures at work? Results from a one year follow up of the Malmö shoulder and neck study cohort. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2005 Sep;59(9):721-8doi: 10.1136/jech.2005.034801.
List of variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Sequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric) | Numeric | F5 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
udatum2_ 23 | Neck-Shoulder questioning date (corrected in 2023). Remarks: Records of eight individuals with apparently wrong dates were corrected in 2023. | Date | SDATE10 | 5 593 | 7 014 |
Education - Occupation
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
ar1 | Have you been in work/employment for at least one day in the past week? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 534 | 6 929 |
ar2 | Which of the following alternatives applies to you? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Housewife 2 = Employed - go to question AR2B 3 = Retired 4 = Student 5 = Unemployed - go to question AR2E | 5 556 | 6 967 |
ar2b | Number of working hours per week? | Numeric | F3 | 3 278 | 3 860 | |
ar2e | Unemployed, since how long (number of months)? | Numeric | F3 | 385 | 391 | |
ar3a | How many times have you been on sick leave in the past 12 months (since you were at Malmö-Diet-Cancer)? | Numeric | F2 | 898 | 1 373 | |
ar3b | How many days in total have you been on sick leave in the past 12 months (since you were at Malmö-Diet-Cancer)? | Numeric | F3 | 965 | 1 508 | |
ar3c | How many days have you been on sick leave due to problems from your neck and shoulders in the past 12 months (since you were at Malmö-Diet-Cancer)? | Numeric | F4 | 121 | 198 | |
ar3d | Are you currently on sick leave? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes - go to question AR3D1 | 4 177 | 4 965 |
ar3d1 | If yes on question ar3d, since when (year and month when sick leave began)? | Numeric | F4 | 256 | 328 | |
ar4a | Number of months you have been employed or worked (main employment/occupation) in the past 12 months (months). | Numeric | F2 | 3 426 | 4 030 | |
ar4ykod | Main employment/occupation in the past 12 months (Nordic occupational classification, NYK80). | Numeric | F3 | 3 427 | 4 016 | |
ar4sei_23 | Main employment/occupation in the past 12 months (Socioeconomic classification, SEI) (corrected in 2023). Remarks: Records of ten individuals with apparently wrong sei codes were corrected in 2023. | Numeric | F2 | 11 = Unskilled employees in goods production (manual workers) 12 = Unskilled employees in service production (manual workers) 21 = Skilled employees in goods production (manual workers) 22 = Skilled employees in service production (manual workers) 33 = Assistant non-manual employees, lower level (normally <2 years post-comprehensive school education) 36 = Assistant non-manual employees, higher level, without or with subordinates (normally 2, but not 3, years of post-comprehensive school education) 46 = Intermediate non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (normally 3, but not 6, years of post-comprehensive school education) 56 = Professionals and other higher non-manual employees, without or with subordinates (normally at least 6 years of post- comprehensive school education) 57 = Upper-level executives in private enterprises or organisations 60 = Self-employed professionals (normally at least 6 years of post- comprehensive school education) 76 = Self-employed without employees (not farmers) 77 = Small-scale entrepreneurs (with 1-9 employees) (not farmers) 78 = Large-scale entrepreneurs (with 10 or more employees or large scale farmers with >100 ha arable land and/or >400 ha forest land) 79 = Entrepreneurs, unspecified number of employees 86 = Small-scale farmers (<=20 ha arable land and < =100 ha forest land) 87 = Medium-scale farmers (21- 100 ha arable land and 101-400 ha forest land) 89 = Farmers (unspecified size of arable land and/or forest land) 99 = Data missing | 3 426 | 4 016 |
ar4c | Main work tasks (what did you do or produce?) | String | A20 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
ar4f | Main employment/occupation in the past 12 months (terms of employment). | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Employee 2 = Self-employed without employees 3 = Self-employed with 1-9 employees 4 = Self-employed with 10 or more employees | 3 409 | 3 987 |
Work tasks and work environment
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
ar5 | Does your work involve sitting down? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 397 | 3 986 |
ar6 | Does your work involve standing still? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 394 | 3 980 |
ar7 | Does your work involve walking? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 402 | 3 989 |
ar8 | Does your work involve lying down? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 393 | 3 966 |
ar9 | Does your work involve standing on one or two knees, or crouching? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 397 | 3 983 |
ar10 | Does your work involve working with your back severely twisted? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 395 | 3 976 |
ar11 | Does your work involve working with your back very much bent forward? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 401 | 3 986 |
ar12 | Does your work involve working with your head bent backwards? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 395 | 3 977 |
ar13 | Does your work involve working with your head bent slightly forward? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 393 | 3 980 |
ar14 | Does your work involve working with the head bent very much forward? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 382 | 3 961 |
ar15 | Does your work involve working with lifted and/or outstretched arms? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 400 | 3 981 |
ar16 | Does your work involve making repeated finger movements several times per minute? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 398 | 3 980 |
ar17 | Does your work involve making repeated arm movements several times per minute? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 397 | 3 979 |
ar18 | Does your work involve your making precise movements? (for example musician, dentist, etc) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 387 | 3 971 |
ar19 | Does your work involve working on a shaking foundation, such as a driver's seat? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 391 | 3 975 |
ar20 | Does your work involve working with vibrating hand-held machines? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 395 | 3 976 |
ar21 | Does your work involve handling and / or lifting objects weighing a few hundred grams with your own muscular strength? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 396 | 3 973 |
ar22 | Does your work involve handling and / or lifting objects weighing 1 - 5 kilos with your own muscular strength? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 397 | 3 979 |
ar23 | Does your work involve handling and / or lifting objects weighing 6 - 15 kilos with your own muscular strength? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 400 | 3 975 |
ar24 | Does your work involve handling and / or lifting objects weighing 15 - 45 kilos with your own muscular strength? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 397 | 3 974 |
ar25 | Does your work involve handling and / or lifting objects weighing more than 45 kilos with your own muscular strength? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 396 | 3 977 |
ar26 | Does your work involve jumping, striding or performing similar movements between different heights? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Some 3 = Much | 3 399 | 3 978 |
ar27 | Does your work involve becoming exposed to sudden unexpected large strains ('near-accident')? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often | 3 397 | 3 971 |
ar28a | How is your position in the workplace? Decides my own pace of work. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 397 | 3 979 |
ar28b | How is your position in the workplace? Decides the placement of my breaks myself | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 394 | 3 967 |
ar28c | How is your position in the workplace? Decides the placement of my holiday myself | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 390 | 3 968 |
ar28d | How is your position in the workplace? Participates in the appointment of my immediate manager | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 125 | 3 827 |
ar28e | How is your position in the workplace? Participates in the selection of co-workers | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 246 | 3 872 |
ar28f | How is your position in the workplace? Participates in the design of my physical environment | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost always 2 = Often 3 = Rarely 4 = No, never | 3 334 | 3 928 |
ar29 | What degree of physical activity is usually demanded in your work?. Remarks: Description of the alternatives: 1 = Very easy Sitting work (e.g. driving vehicles, reading, office work, teaching) 2 = Easy Standing work with little muscle activity (e.g. feeding, distribution of medicine in care, washing dishes, fine mechanical service work) 3 = Medium heavy Muscular work with medium intensity (e.g. walking around, lifting/carrying less than 5 kg, washing, making beds, cleaning, carpentry work, childcare) 4 = Heavy Muscular work with fairly high intensity and increased breathing (e.g. maintenance, heavier service work, lifting, carrying, turning patients in care, sweeping streets, heavier gardening work, loading and unloading goods 5 = Very heavy Muscular work with high intensity and greatly increased breathing (eg concrete casting, carpentry work, shoveling soil, sand, lifting, carrying more than 25 kg | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Very light 2 = Light 3 = Medium heavy 4 = Heavy 5 = Very heavy | 3 398 | 3 980 |
ar30 | How physically strenuous do you usually consider your work to be? | Numeric | F2 | 0 = Less than alternative 1 1 = Very, very light 2 = 3 = Very light 4 = 5 = Fairly light 6 = 7 = Somewhat strenuous 8 = 9 = Strenuous 10 = 11 = Very strenuous 12 = 13 = Very, very strenuous 14 = More than alternative 13 | 3 400 | 3 989 |
ar31 | Does your work demand that you work very fast? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 400 | 3 985 |
ar32 | Does your work demand that you work very hard? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 396 | 3 976 |
ar33 | Does your work demand too great an effort? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 397 | 3 984 |
ar34 | Do you have enough time for your working tasks? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 397 | 3 984 |
ar35 | Does your work often involve conflicting demands? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 401 | 3 982 |
ar36 | Do you get opportunities to learn new things in your work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 402 | 3 987 |
ar37 | Does your work demand skill? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 396 | 3 979 |
ar38 | Does your work demand ingenuity? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 400 | 3 984 |
ar39 | Does your work mean that you have to do the same thing over and over again? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 404 | 3 992 |
ar40 | Do you have the freedom to determine how your work will be performed? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 405 | 3 992 |
ar41 | Do you have the freedom to determine what will be performed at your work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, often 2 = Yes, sometimes 3 = No, seldom 4 = No, almost never | 3 406 | 3 990 |
ar42 | How often do you have to work overtime? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have no fixed working time 1 = Regularly, every week 2 = Relatively often, every month 3 = Relatively seldom, once or twice per year 4 = Never | 3 405 | 3 990 |
ar43 | Does your work mean inconvenient working hours or shift work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 3 404 | 3 989 |
ar44a | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have changed profession/position | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 312 | 3 871 |
ar44b | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have been given changed work duties | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 314 | 3 870 |
ar44c | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have been given changed working hours | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 309 | 3 875 |
ar44d | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have received new technical aids | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 298 | 3 856 |
ar44e | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Got new colleagues with whom I collaborate on a daily basis | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 310 | 3 876 |
ar44f | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Got a new immediate work manager | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 294 | 3 867 |
ar44g | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The work has been moved to other premises | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 304 | 3 873 |
ar44h | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Got much more to do | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 306 | 3 874 |
ar44i | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have had much less to do | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 262 | 3 818 |
ar44j | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have been given significantly more difficult tasks | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 291 | 3 847 |
ar44k | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have been given significantly easier tasks | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 266 | 3 820 |
ar44l | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Have largely the same work duties as 12 months ago | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 333 | 3 897 |
ar45a | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Changed the number of working hours per week | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 360 | 3 931 |
ar45b | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Physical activity has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 338 | 3 880 |
ar45c | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I sit has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 341 | 3 907 |
ar45d | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I stand still has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 331 | 3 903 |
ar45e | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I walk has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 338 | 3 909 |
ar45f | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total amount of time I work with my back heavily bent forward has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 343 | 3 889 |
ar45g | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I work with my hands above shoulder height has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 338 | 3 888 |
ar45h | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: Total time I handle (lift, hold, carry, push, pull) objects over 1 kg has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 342 | 3 893 |
ar45i | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I work with handheld instruments/tools that vibrate has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 325 | 3 842 |
ar45j | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I work at the screen has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 242 | 3 815 |
ar45k | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I perform the same hand/finger movements many times per minute has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 329 | 3 869 |
ar45l | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The total time I perform precise movements has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 322 | 3 848 |
ar45m | Permanent changes in your employment in the past 12 months: The possibility to freely vary my working position during the working day has changed | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, decreased 3 = Yes, increased | 3 341 | 3 902 |
ar46 | Are you rooted at your place of work and do you have a feeling of strong solidarity with your colleagues? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Very much 2 = To some extent 3 = Not particularly 4 = Not at all | 3 399 | 3 981 |
ar47 | In the past 12 months, have you been a supervisor (manager of one or more people) in your work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes | 3 392 | 3 970 |
ar48 | How many hours per week do you work on average with some kind of work in front of a screen? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Never work in front of a screen 2 = Some time, but less than 2 hours 3 = 2-5 hours 4 = 6-10 hours 5 = 11-15 hours 6 = 16-20 hours 7 = 21-30 hours 8 = More than 30 hours | 3 393 | 3 961 |
ar49 | Do you think you have the knowledge and skills to cope with your work? I perceive myself | Numeric | F1 | 1 = …as very overqualified 2 = …in some respects be overqualified 3 = …as suitably qualified 4 = …lack of certain knowledge that were needed 5 = …lack a lot of knowledge that was needed | 3 397 | 3 977 |
ar50 | There is a calm and pleasant atmosphere at my place of work | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 401 | 3 983 |
ar51 | There is a strong solidarity at my place of work | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 399 | 3 984 |
ar52 | My colleagues stand me by | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 399 | 3 976 |
ar53 | My colleagues understand that I may have a bad day | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 383 | 3 963 |
ar54 | I get along well with my superiors | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any superiors 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 395 | 3 978 |
ar55 | I like my colleagues | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Don't have any colleagues 1 = Completely true 2 = Fairly often true 3 = Not really 4 = Completely wrong | 3 397 | 3 979 |
ar56 | Have you had any extra work - besides your main work - during the last five years of professional work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No – go to question AR59 2 = Yes - go to question AR56A | 5 467 | 6 815 |
ar56a | If yes on question AR56, describe in a few words which tasks you had in your extra work | String | A80 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
ar57 | For how long did you have extra work in the last five years you worked? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Continuous to some extent throughout that time 2 = For certain periods during that time 3 = Only the last year 4 = In previous years, but not the most recent | 641 | 602 |
ar58 | How many hours per week did you spend on your extra work on average? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = 1-5 hours/week 2 = 6-10 hours/week 3 = 11-15 hours/week 4 = More than 16 hours/week | 639 | 586 |
ar59 | Have you ever been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything during your working life? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No – proceed to question AR 62 2 = Yes | 5 514 | 6 904 |
ar60a | How many times at different ages have you been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything? 15-24 years | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 times 1 = 1 time 2 = 2-4 times 3 = 5 or more times | 409 | 292 |
ar60b | How many times at different ages have you been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything? 25-34 years | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 times 1 = 1 time 2 = 2-4 times 3 = 5 or more times | 417 | 344 |
ar60c | How many times at different ages have you been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything? 35-44 years | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 times 1 = 1 time 2 = 2-4 times 3 = 5 or more times | 432 | 439 |
ar60d | How many times at different ages have you been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything? 45-54 years | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 times 1 = 1 time 2 = 2-4 times 3 = 5 or more times | 653 | 686 |
ar60e | How many times at different ages have you been unemployed, laid off or looked for work without getting anything? 55-64 years | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 times 1 = 1 time 2 = 2-4 times 3 = 5 or more times | 456 | 468 |
ar61_23 | For how long have you been unemployed in total in your life (months) (corrected in 2023)?. Remarks: Records of four individuals with apparently wrong number of months were set to missing in 2023. | Numeric | F4 | 1 258 | 1 253 | |
ar62 | How many hours a week do you work on average with 'household work' (incl. going out shopping) (hours/week)? | Numeric | F3 | 5 443 | 6 886 | |
ar63 | What degree of physical activity is usually required in your daily homework?. Remarks: This question applies to unpaid home work, either it is your full-time job or you have a paid professional job as well! 1 = Very easy Sitting work (e.g. driving vehicles, reading, office work, teaching) 2 = Easy Standing work with little muscle activity (e.g. feeding, distribution of medicine in care, washing dishes, fine mechanical service work) 3 = Medium heavy Muscular work with medium intensity (e.g. walking around, lifting/carrying less than 5 kg, washing, making beds, cleaning, carpentry work, childcare) 4 = Heavy Muscular work with fairly high intensity and increased breathing (e.g. maintenance, heavier service work, lifting, carrying, turning patients in care, sweeping streets, heavier gardening work, loading and unloading goods 5 = Very heavy Muscular work with high intensity and greatly increased breathing (eg concrete casting, carpentry work, shoveling soil, sand, lifting, carrying more than 25 kg | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Very easy 2 = Easy 3 = Medium 4 = Heavy 5 = Very heavy | 5 152 | 6 627 |
ar64 | How physically demanding do you usually find your daily housework? | Numeric | F2 | 0 = 1 = Very, very easy 2 = 3 = Very easy 4 = 5 = Quite easy 6 = 7 = Somewhat strenuous 8 = 9 = Exercising 10 = 11 = Very strenuous 12 = 13 = Very, very strenuous 14 = | 5 399 | 6 944 |
Social network and social support
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
so1 | What is your civil status? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Married 2 = Single 3 = Divorced 4 = Widow/widower | 5 585 | 7 001 |
so2 | Do you live alone? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No, with husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend without children 3 = No, with husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend with children 4 = No, with children and no other adult 5 = No, with parents 6 = No, with other | 5 584 | 6 999 |
so3 | Have you lately suffered from stress or mental pressure because of problems or demands not related to your work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 519 | 6 902 |
so4 | Are you able to receive help from anyone when you are ill or have other practical problems? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = Yes, probably 3 = No, probably not 4 = No, not at all | 5 580 | 7 000 |
so5 | How many persons do you feel that you know well and that you can talk to about most things? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = 0 1 = 1-3 2 = 4-6 3 = 7-9 4 = 10-15 5 = 16-30 6 = More than 30 | 5 580 | 6 999 |
so6 | Do you feel that you have one or more persons who will support you strongly when you deal with stress and problems in life? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, I am sure 2 = Yes, probably 3 = Not so sure 4 = No | 5 582 | 6 998 |
so7 | Do you have someone in whose company you can be yourself, who will accept you just the way you are, warts and all? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, I am sure 2 = Yes, probably 3 = Not so sure 4 = No | 5 580 | 6 999 |
so8 | Do you sometimes feel alone? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Often 2 = Sometimes 3 = Seldom 4 = Never | 5 581 | 7 003 |
so9 | If you are a member of a society or club, would you say that you feel a strong solidarity with this society or club and its members? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I am not a member 1 = Very much 2 = To some extent 3 = Not particularly 4 = Not at all | 5 576 | 6 986 |
so10 | Do you feel a strong solidarity with your relatives (excluding husband, wife, girlfriend/boyfriend and children)? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have no relatives 1 = Very much 2 = To some extent 3 = Not particularly 4 = Not at all | 5 580 | 7 000 |
so11a | Have you participated in a study circle or course at your place of work during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 1 145 | 1 778 |
so11b | Have you participated in a study circle or course in your spare time during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 960 | 1 889 |
so11c | Have you participated in a union meeting during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 1 070 | 1 254 |
so11d | Have you participated in a meeting of some other association during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 296 | 1 967 |
so11e | Have you been to the theatre or cinema during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 3 089 | 4 582 |
so11f | Have you been to an art exhibition during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 300 | 3 338 |
so11g | Have you been to church during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 282 | 3 342 |
so11h | Have you attended a sports event during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 485 | 1 255 |
so11i | Have you written a letter to a newspaper or magazine during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 402 | 283 |
so11j | Have you participated in a demonstration of some kind during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 336 | 326 |
so11k | Have you visited, for example, a dance- hall, nightclub etc during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 486 | 2 578 |
so11l | Have you participated in a larger family gathering during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 2 160 | 3 295 |
so11m | Have you been to a private party during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 4 630 | 6 036 |
so11n | Have you done none of the above during the last 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = None of the above | 192 | 228 |
so12 | Are you rooted in your neighbourhood and do you feel a strong solidarity with it? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Very much 2 = Some 3 = Not particularly 4 = Not at all | 5 580 | 6 994 |
so13 | Are you a part of a group of friends who have something in common or are doing something together, for example playing cards, listening to music, making excursions etc? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 574 | 6 987 |
Your childhood (up to 16 years)
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
so14 | Which of the following matches your time of growing up (up to the age of 16)? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = My parents were married and/or cohabiting throughout my childhood 2 = My parents were never married or living together 3 = My parents divorced and/or moved apart before I turned 16 4 = Both/one of my parents died before I turned 16 | 5 578 | 7 002 |
so15 | Did your family have a hard time financially when you were growing up (up to the age of 16)? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No, no significant financial problems 2 = Yes, mild and/or relatively short periods of financial problems 3 = Yes, severe and/or prolonged periods of financial problems | 5 571 | 6 992 |
Feelings and thoughts during the last month
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
so16 | During the last month: How often have you felt that you were unable to control important things in your life? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Never 2 = Almost never 3 = Sometimes 4 = Fairly often 5 = Very often | 5 581 | 7 001 |
so17 | During the last month: How often have you been unsure of your capacity to handle your personal problems? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Never 2 = Almost never 3 = Sometimes 4 = Fairly often 5 = Very often | 5 583 | 7 005 |
so18 | During the last month: How often have you felt that things did not turn out the way you wished? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Never 2 = Almost never 3 = Sometimes 4 = Fairly often 5 = Very often | 5 580 | 7 005 |
so19 | During the last month: How often have you felt that your problems have become too much for you? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Never 2 = Almost never 3 = Sometimes 4 = Fairly often 5 = Very often | 5 583 | 7 000 |
Tobacco and alcohol
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lv1 | Do you smoke? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, I smoke regularly 2 = Yes, I smoke occasionally 3 = No, I have stopped smoking - go to question LV1C 4 = No, I have never smoked | 5 531 | 6 980 |
lv1c | Year of smoking cessation? | Numeric | F2 | 2 467 | 1 981 | |
lv2 | How much do you smoke? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Do not smoke | 3 547 | 4 301 |
lv2a | How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? | Numeric | F2 | 1 244 | 1 747 | |
lv2b | How many cigars or cigarillos do you smoke per day? | Numeric | F2 | 99 | 41 | |
lv2c | How many grams of pipe tobacco do you smoke per week? | Numeric | F3 | 176 | 10 | |
lv3 | Do you take snuff? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes - go to question LV3A 2 = No | 5 533 | 6 869 |
lv3a | How many snuff-boxes do you take per week? | Numeric | F2 | 393 | 22 | |
lv4 | Do you chew tobacco? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 529 | 6 869 |
lv5 | Do you use nicotine chewing gum? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 536 | 6 863 |
lv6 | Do the persons you live with smoke indoors, or have they done so previously? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, for less than 10 years 3 = Yes, for 10-20 years 4 = Yes, for more than 20 years | 5 451 | 6 708 |
lv7 | Do you regularly stay in places of work (apart from your home) where people smoke, or have you previously been staying in such places regularly? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, for less than 10 years 3 = Yes, for 10-20 years 4 = Yes, for more than 20 years | 5 565 | 6 966 |
lv8 | When did you last drink beer (excluding light beer), wine or liquor? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have not drunk anything in the past year (go to question LV17) 1 = Have drank sometime in the past year, but NOT in the past 30 days (go to question LV17) 2 = Have drunk sometime in the past 30 days | 5 581 | 6 978 |
Alcohol consumption in the last 30 days (go to question LV17 if you did not drink anything)
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lv9 | On how many days did you drink beer (excluding light beer), wine or liquor during the last 30-day period? | Numeric | F2 | 4 658 | 5 113 | |
lv10 | On how many days did you drink beer (excluding light beer) during the last 30- day period? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv11a | How much beer (excluding light beer) did you drink on such a day in general (number of 33 cl bottles)? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv11b | How much beer (excluding light beer) did you drink on such a day in general (number of 45 cl cans)? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv12 | On how many days did you drink wine during the last 30-day period? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv13a | How much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number of glasses, 12 cl)? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv13b | How much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 37 cl)? | Numeric | F1 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv13c | How much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 75 cl)? | Numeric | F1 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv14 | On how many days did you drink liquor, for example vodka, gin or whiskey, during the last 30-day period? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv15a | How much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of drinks, 4-6 cl)? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv15b | How much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 37 cl)? | Numeric | F1 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv15c | How much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 75 cl)? | Numeric | F1 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv16a | On how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 5 bottles of beer or 4 cans of beer (excluding light beer) or more? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv16b | On how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 1 bottle of wine or more? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 | |
lv16c | On how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 37 cl liquor or more? | Numeric | F2 | 5 595 | 7 019 |
State of health
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lv18 | Have you substantially changed your eating habits because of illness or some other reasons? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No (if no, go on to question LV20) | 5 572 | 6 979 |
lv19a1 | If yes, how have you changed your eating habits? I eat more meat | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 65 | 60 |
lv19a2 | I eat more vegetables | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 507 | 826 |
lv19a3 | I eat more fruit | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 454 | 746 |
lv19a4 | I eat more fat | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 17 | 13 |
lv19a5 | I eat more fibre | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 445 | 694 |
lv19a6 | I eat more food in general (larger portions) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 28 | 35 |
lv19a7 | I eat more vitamin/mineral/herbal preparations | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 122 | 278 |
lv19a8 | I eat more vegetarian food | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 111 | 174 |
lv19a9 | I eat more hot meals | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 102 | 166 |
lv19b1 | I eat less meat | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 282 | 508 |
lv19b2 | I eat less vegetables | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 25 | 38 |
lv19b3 | I eat less fruit | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 21 | 31 |
lv19b4 | I eat less fat | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 464 | 761 |
lv19b5 | I eat less fibre | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 23 | 28 |
lv19b6 | I eat less food in general (smaller portions) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 320 | 534 |
lv19b7 | I eat less vitamin/mineral/health preparations | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 34 | 50 |
lv19b8 | I eat less vegetarian food | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 27 | 41 |
lv19b9 | I skip more meals than before | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes | 180 | 203 |
lv20 | What medical prescription drugs do you use regularly? (incl tranquilizers and sleeping pills) | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I don't take any medicines at all | 3 262 | 3 079 |
ht1 | How do you feel right now, physically and mentally, with respect to your health and your well-being? (Make a choice between 1 and 7) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Feel very bad, could not feel worse 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = Feel very well, could not feel better | 5 576 | 6 981 |
ht2 | Has your health and well-being changed in the past 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, for the better 2 = Unchanged 3 = Yes, for the worse | 5 582 | 7 002 |
ht3 | Have you had any problems with your neck at any time during the last 12 months (such as pain, ache, discomfort) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No, never 2 = Yes, once in a while 3 = Yes, sometimes 4 = Yes, often 5 = Yes, all the time | 5 588 | 7 010 |
ht4 | Do you have problems with your neck right now? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have not had neck problems 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 582 | 7 005 |
ht5 | Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of problems with your neck? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I have not had any problems with my neck 1 = No, I have not been on sick- leave 2 = Yes, 1-7 days 3 = Yes, 8-30 days 4 = Yes, 31-90 days 5 = Yes, more than 90 days | 5 487 | 6 805 |
ht6 | In the past 12 months, have you sought or been treated for pain, ache or discomfort in the neck? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, once 3 = Yes, several times | 5 581 | 6 991 |
ht7 | Have you had problems with your shoulders at any time during the last 12 months (such as pain, ache, discomfort)? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No, never 2 = Yes, once in a while 3 = Yes, sometimes 4 = Yes, often 5 = Yes, all the time | 5 591 | 7 005 |
ht8 | Do you have problems with your shoulders right now? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have not had shoulder problems 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 590 | 7 000 |
ht9 | Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of problems with your shoulders? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I have not had any problems with my shoulders 1 = No, I have not been on sick leave 2 = Yes, 1-7 days 3 = Yes, 8-30 days 4 = Yes, 31-90 days 5 = Yes, more than 90 days | 5 494 | 6 826 |
ht10 | In the past 12 months, have you sought or been treated for pain, ache or discomfort in the shoulders/shoulders? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, once 3 = Yes, several times | 5 582 | 6 991 |
ht11 | Have you at any time during the past 12 months had problems in your lumbar/lower back (such as pain, ache, discomfort)? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No, never 2 = Yes, once in a while 3 = Yes, sometimes 4 = Yes, often 5 = Yes, constantly | 5 583 | 7 005 |
ht12 | Do you have problems with your lumbar/lower back right now? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I have not had any problems with my lumbar/lower back 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 578 | 6 999 |
ht13 | Have you been on sick leave during the past 12 months because of problems in your lumbar/lower back? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I have not had any problems with my lumbar/lower back 1 = No, I have not been on sick leave 2 = Yes, 1-7 days 3 = Yes, 8-30 days 4 = Yes, 31-90 days 5 = Yes, more than 90 days | 5 485 | 6 829 |
ht14 | In the past 12 months, have you sought or been treated for pain, ache or discomfort in the lumbar/lower back? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, once 3 = Yes, several times | 5 572 | 6 998 |
ht15 | Have you had problems with your hands, wrists or elbows at any time during the past 12 months?. Remarks: Have you ticked 'no, never' on all questions HT3, HT7, HT11 and HT15? Yes --> go to question AH1 No --> go to question SM1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No, never 2 = Yes, once in a while 3 = Yes, sometimes 4 = Yes, often 5 = Yes, all the time | 5 589 | 7 008 |
ht16 | Do you have any problems with your hands, wrists or elbows right now? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Have not had problems in hands, wrists or elbows 1 = Yes 2 = No | 5 581 | 6 998 |
ht17 | Have you been on sick leave during the past 12 months because of the problems with your hands, wrists or elbows? | Numeric | F1 | 0 = I have not had any problems with my hands, wrists or elbows 1 = No, I have not been on sick leave 2 = Yes, 1-7 days 3 = Yes, 8-30 days 4 = Yes, 31-90 days 5 = Yes, more than 90 days | 5 507 | 6 843 |
ht18 | In the past 12 months, have you sought or been treated for pain, aches or discomfort in your hands, wrists or elbows? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = No 2 = Yes, once 3 = Yes, several times | 5 569 | 6 987 |
Have you ticked "No, never" on all questions HT3, HT7, HT11 and HT15? Yes ---> Go to question AH1
No ---> Go to question SM1
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
sm1a | When did you first start feeling your pain (year)? | Numeric | F2 | 3 777 | 5 203 | |
sm1b | When did you first start feeling your pain (month)? | Numeric | F2 | 3 763 | 5 192 | |
sm2a | What best describes your pain problem in the past 12 months? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Have had more or less pain throughout 2 = Had pain for several periods, but was pain-free in between, but had pain for most of the time 3 = Had pain for several periods, but was problem-free for most of the time 4 = Have had pain on a few short occasions (less than a month) | 4 086 | 5 694 |
sm2b | When was the last time you had pain? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More than 6 months ago - go to question sm3 2 = Between 1 and 3 months ago - go to question sm3 3 = Less than 1 month ago - skip to question sm3 4 = Having pain now | 4 058 | 5 628 |
sm2c | How long has the pain been as it is now (number of months)? | Numeric | F3 | 1 919 | 2 933 | |
sm5min | How strong has your pain felt during your last period of pain when it is least pronounced | Numeric | F2 | 0 = no pain 20 = worst imaginable pain | 3 997 | 5 406 |
sm5max | How strong has your pain felt during your last period of pain when it is worst | Numeric | F2 | 0 = no pain 20 = worst imaginable pain | 3 995 | 5 401 |
sm6 | How strong has your pain felt most often during your last period of pain? | Numeric | F2 | 0 = no pain 20 = worst imaginable pain | 3 947 | 5 342 |
sm8a | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? An accident? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, in traffic 2 = Yes, at work 3 = Yes, at sports 4 = Yes, other 5 = No | 3 552 | 4 735 |
sm8a4 | If 'Yes' on question SM8A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = pain problem started immediately after 2 = the pain problem started a few weeks after 3 = the pain problem started several months or years after | 1 241 | 1 409 |
sm8b | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? Heavy physical work? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 3 397 | 4 505 |
sm8b1 | If 'Yes' on question SM8B. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = the pain problem started already after a short time 2 = the pain problem started after a long time of work | 1 416 | 1 572 |
sm8c | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? Work with monotonous movements? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 3 349 | 4 679 |
sm8c1 | If 'Yes' on question SM8C. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = the pain problem started already after a short time 2 = the pain problem started after a long time of work | 1 291 | 2 335 |
sm8d_23 | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started (corrected in 2023)? Emotional stress?. Remarks: Record of one individual whith apparently wrong code was set to missing in 2023. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 3 180 | 4 395 |
sm8e | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? A surgery? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, for something other than the pain (something went wrong) 2 = Yes, because of the pain (the result was not good) 5 = No | 3 063 | 4 183 |
sm8e2 | If 'Yes' on question SM8E. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = the pain problem started already after a short time 2 = the pain problem started several months after the surgery | 132 | 206 |
sm8f | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? Pregnancy and childbirth? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 2 551 | 4 243 |
sm8f1 | If 'Yes' on question sm8f. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = the pain problem started already during the pregnancy 2 = the pain problem started during or shortly after childbirth 3 = the pain problem started several months after childbirth | 1 | 259 |
sm8g | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? A medical illness? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 2 705 | 3 801 |
sm8h | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? A cancer disease? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 2 626 | 3 754 |
sm8i | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? The pain just started, cause unknown | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 2 966 | 4 005 |
sm8j | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? Do you know the name of your diagnosis? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes - go to questions SM8J1 to SM8J3 5 = No | 3 018 | 4 223 |
sm8j1 | If 'Yes' on question SM8J, write the name of your diagnosis (diagnosis 1) (transferred to ICD9-code). | String | A4 | 991 | 1 467 | |
sm8j2 | If 'Yes' on question SM8J, write the name of your diagnosis (diagnosis 2) (transferred to ICD9-code). | String | A4 | 123 | 242 | |
sm8j3 | If 'Yes' on question SM8J, write the name of your diagnosis (diagnosis 3) (transferred to ICD9-code). | String | A4 | 5 | 43 | |
sm8k | What do you think is the most important reason why your pain problem started? None of the above | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 5 = No | 1 736 | 2 183 |
sm21 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I stay at home most of the time because of my pain. Introduction with description to questions SM21-SM48: Because of your pain problem, it may be difficult for you to do what you normally do. This is a list (SM21- SM48) of phrases that different people have used to describe how the pain affects them. As you read them, you may find some that fit your situation today. When you read the list, think about yourself today. When you read a formulation that describes your situation today, put a cross next to 'Correct'. If a formulation does not fit your situation today, put a cross next to 'Wrong'. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 483 | 4 880 |
sm22 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I often have to move around to make my situation more comfortable. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 584 | 5 008 |
sm23 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I walk slower than usual because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 554 | 4 967 |
sm24 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I am not doing any of the household chores I usually do. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 466 | 4 899 |
sm25 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I use the handrail when climbing stairs. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 518 | 4 939 |
sm26 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I lie down more often to rest. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 538 | 4 966 |
sm27 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I have to lean on something to get up from a reclining chair. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 527 | 4 926 |
sm28 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I try to get other people to do things for me. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 493 | 4 894 |
sm29 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Getting dressed is slower than usual because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 549 | 4 918 |
sm30 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I only stand for short periods of time because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 492 | 4 898 |
sm31 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I try not to bend or kneel. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 557 | 4 982 |
sm32 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I have difficulty getting up from a chair because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 523 | 4 903 |
sm33 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I feel pain pretty much all the time. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 527 | 4 944 |
sm34 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I have difficulty turning over in bed because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 535 | 4 950 |
sm35 | How does the pain affect your situation today? My appetite is not very good because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 472 | 4 873 |
sm36 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I have trouble putting on my socks because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 403 | 4 664 |
sm37 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I only walk short distances because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 342 | 4 666 |
sm38 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I sleep worse because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 403 | 4 780 |
sm39 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I get help from others to get dressed. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 289 | 4 574 |
sm40 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I sit down most of the day because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 291 | 4 585 |
sm41 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I avoid heavy work tasks in my household because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 346 | 4 802 |
sm42 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I am more irritable and impatient than usual. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 377 | 4 703 |
sm43 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I walk up stairs more slowly than usual. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 365 | 4 719 |
sm44 | How does the pain affect your situation today? I stay in my bed most of the time because of my pain. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 274 | 4 582 |
sm45 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I try to avoid movements with my arms above shoulder height. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 411 | 4 788 |
sm46 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I sometimes drop things from my hands. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 325 | 4 719 |
sm47 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I try to avoid heavy lifting. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 533 | 5 004 |
sm48 | How does the pain affect your situation today? Because of my pain, I try to avoid many monotonous movements. Remarks: See SM21. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Correct 2 = Wrong | 3 378 | 4 789 |
General state of health and well-being (over the past few weeks)
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
ah1 | Have you recently (the past few weeks): Been able to concentrate on what you are doing?. Introduction and description to questions AH1-AH30: We would like to know how your general health and well-being has been in recent weeks. We want you to answer ALL the questions on the following pages by ticking the option that you think is best for you. Remember that we would like to know how you experience your situation recently and right now, not how it has been further back in time. It is important that you try to answer all the questions! | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than usual 2 = As good as usual 3 = Worse than usual 4 = Much worse than usual | 5 580 | 6 996 |
ah2 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Had trouble sleeping due to anxiety?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 581 | 7 000 |
ah3 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Had anxious, restless nights?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 577 | 6 993 |
ah4 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been able to keep yourself going and busy?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than usual 2 = As good as usual 3 = Worse than usual 4 = Much worse than usual | 5 579 | 6 999 |
ah5 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Had activities outside the home to the same extent as usual?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More than usual 2 = As much as usual 3 = Less than usual 4 = Much less than usual | 5 569 | 6 969 |
ah6 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Coped as well as most would in your situation?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than most 2 = About the same 3 = Soon worse 4 = Much worse | 5 563 | 6 976 |
ah7 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt that you are generally doing things well?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than usual 2 = As good as usual 3 = Worse than usual 4 = Much worse than usual | 5 581 | 6 994 |
ah8 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been satisfied with how you completed your tasks?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More satisfied 2 = As satisfied as usual 3 = Less satisfied than usual 4 = Much less satisfied | 5 580 | 6 997 |
ah9 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been able to feel warmth and affection for your loved ones?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Easier than usual 2 = As easy as usual 3 = Harder than usual 4 = Much harder than usual | 5 568 | 6 992 |
ah10 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Found it easy to get along with others?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Easier than usual 2 = As easy as usual 3 = Harder than usual 4 = Much harder than usual | 5 583 | 6 997 |
ah11 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Spent a lot of time making small talk with people?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More time than usual 2 = Same amount of time as usual 3 = Less time than usual 4 = Much less time than usual | 5 580 | 6 999 |
ah12 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt that you play an important role in various contexts?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More than usual 2 = As much as usual 3 = Less important than usual 4 = Much less important than usual | 5 575 | 6 980 |
ah13 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt capable of deciding on different things?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More capable than usual 2 = Same as usual 3 = Less than usual 4 = Much less capable | 5 582 | 6 994 |
ah14 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Experienced a constant feeling of tension?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 582 | 6 990 |
ah15 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt that you cannot cope with your difficulties?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 582 | 6 993 |
ah16 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt that life forces you to fight hard all the time?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 583 | 6 998 |
ah17 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been able to enjoy your usual daily tasks?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than usual 2 = As good as usual 3 = Worse than usual 4 = Much worse than usual | 5 582 | 6 995 |
ah18 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been taking things hard?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 581 | 6 998 |
ah19 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been afraid or panicked for no particular reason?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 580 | 6 996 |
ah20 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Been able to deal with your problems?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Better than usual 2 = As good as usual 3 = Worse than usual 4 = Much worse than usual | 5 581 | 6 988 |
ah21 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt that all the problems are growing over your head?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 583 | 6 994 |
ah22 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt unhappy and depressed?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 581 | 6 993 |
ah23 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Lost faith in yourself?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 582 | 6 996 |
ah24 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Thought of yourself as a worthless person?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 582 | 6 993 |
ah25 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Thought that life is completely meaningless?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 582 | 6 996 |
ah26 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt hopeful about your own future?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More than usual 2 = Same as usual 3 = Less than usual 4 = Much less than usual | 5 582 | 6 991 |
ah27 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt pretty happy when everything is considered?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = More than usual 2 = Same as usual 3 = Less than usual 4 = Much less than usual | 5 579 | 6 987 |
ah28 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt nervous and tense all the time?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 581 | 6 995 |
ah29 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt like life wasn't worth living?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 583 | 6 993 |
ah30 | Have you recently (the last few weeks): Felt on certain occasions that you could not do anything at all because you felt so mentally ill?. Remarks: See AH1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = No more than usual 3 = Something more than usual 4 = Much more than usual | 5 574 | 6 984 |
ah31 | How often do you have problems with or feel worried about family members or relatives (e g parents or parents in-laws?) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Always 2 = Often 3 = Sometimes 4 = Rarely 5 = Never | 5 571 | 6 985 |
ah32 | How often does it happen that you do not have enough money to afford the food or clothing you/your family needs? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Always 2 = Often 3 = Sometimes 4 = Rarely 5 = Never | 5 580 | 6 993 |
ah33 | How much difficulty do you have in meeting your bills when they come? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Great difficulties 2 = Some difficulties 3 = Slight difficulties 4 = No difficulties | 5 580 | 6 990 |
ah34 | To what degree do you have problems with your home (e g too small a home, major repair needs, moisture problems, etc)? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Major problems 2 = Some problems 3 = Minor problems 4 = No problem | 5 580 | 6 995 |
ah35 | To what extent do you have problems in your residential area (e g noise, unsafe street environment, poor access to shops and other services?) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Major problems 2 = Some problems 3 = Small problems 4 = No problem | 5 581 | 6 998 |
ah36 | Have you been involuntarily unemployed at any time during the past 2 years | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes - go to questions AH36A and AH36B 2 = No - go to question AH37 | 5 461 | 6 771 |
ah36a | If 'Yes' on question AH36, how many times in the last two years have you been unemployed? | Numeric | F2 | 576 | 551 | |
ah36b | If 'Yes' on question AH36, approximately how long have you been unemployed in total during the past two years (months)?. ATTENTION! If you are unemployed - go to question AH39 | Numeric | F2 | 587 | 572 | |
ah37 | Have you been notified of dismissal or have you been dismissed from your workplace even though you are still working? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No | 4 554 | 5 343 |
ah38 | How great do you assess the risk that you yourself will become unemployed within a year? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = High risk 2 = Some risk 3 = Little risk 4 = No risk | 4 366 | 5 013 |
ah39 | Is anyone you live with currently unemployed, e g partner, husband, wife, parents, children? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes 2 = No 3 = Do not live with anyone | 5 493 | 6 767 |
Work, stress and family (only filled in by full or part-time employment in the past 12 months, others continue with question HM1)
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
sf1a | Would you agree that: Family commitments limit the time you can devote to your work?. The full wording of the introductory question (to be answered if you have been employed full or part-time in the past 12 months): Do you think that your family life and your family commitments interfere with your work in any of the following ways? Would you agree that: ... | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 356 | 3 918 |
sf1b | Would you agree that: Worries about the family or other family problems make it difficult for you to concentrate on work?. Remarks: See SF1A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 345 | 3 929 |
sf1c | Would you agree that: Family activities cause that you don't have time to sleep as much as you need to function well?. Remarks: See SF1A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 346 | 3 919 |
sf1d | Would you agree that: Family commitments take over the time you would need to relax or be to yourself?. Remarks: See SF1A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 347 | 3 924 |
sf2a | Would you agree that your work limit the time you can spend with your family?. The full wording of the introductory question (to be answered if you have been employed full or part-time in the past 12 months): To what extent do you think that the commitments in your work limit your family life? Would you agree that ... | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 346 | 3 901 |
sf2b | Would you agree that problems at work make you irritable at home?. Remarks: See SF2A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 342 | 3 910 |
sf2c | Would you agree that your work involve a lot of traveling and time away from home?. Remarks: See SF2A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 338 | 3 908 |
sf2d | Would you agree that your work require so much energy that you can not deal with things that need to be done at home?. Remarks: See SF2A. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = To some extent 3 = A lot 4 = Not applicable | 3 339 | 3 920 |
sf3 | To what extent do you think that the work you have contributes to the benefit of society, compared to other work?. Remarks: The question should only be answered if you have been employed full or part-time in the past 12 months. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Does not contribute at all or negatively 2 = Contributes to a certain extent 3 = Contributes to a large extent 4 = Contributes to a very large extent | 3 364 | 3 936 |
sf4a | How much time do you use daily to travel to and from work (hours)?. Remarks: Fixed alternatives were 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours. | Numeric | F2 | 1 386 | 1 429 | |
sf4b | How much time do you use daily to travel to and from work (minutes)?. Remarks: Fixed alternatives were 0-9 (coded 5), 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 minutes. | Numeric | F2 | 2 620 | 3 109 |
Health and recovery
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
hm1 | How often do you feel physically exhausted at the end of the day? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost never or never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Very often or always | 5 547 | 6 978 |
hm2 | How often do you feel emotionally or psychologically exhausted at the end of the day? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Almost never or never 2 = Sometimes 3 = Often 4 = Very often or always | 5 549 | 6 978 |
hm3a | To what extent have you during the past four weeks felt full of zest for life? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 547 | 6 960 |
hm3b | Been a very nervous person? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 550 | 6 960 |
hm3c | To what extent during the past four weeks have you felt so down that nothing could cheer you up? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 551 | 6 963 |
hm3d | To what extent during the past four weeks have you felt calm and peaceful? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 552 | 6 961 |
hm3e | To what extent during the past four weeks have you had lots of energy? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 551 | 6 957 |
hm3f | To what extent during the past four weeks have you felt fepressed and sad? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 551 | 6 959 |
hm3g | To what extent during the past four weeks have you felt exhausted? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 546 | 6 963 |
hm3h | To what extent during the past four weeks have you been a happy person? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 550 | 6 954 |
hm3i | To what extent during the past four weeks have you felt tired? | Numeric | F1 | 1 = All the time 2 = Most of the time 3 = A lot of the time 4 = Part of the time 5 = Quite a small part of the time 6 = Not at all | 5 554 | 6 966 |
hm4a | Do you agree: At home, I feel that I have control over what happens in most situations. The full wording of the introductory description to the question: The following statements apply to how to manage one's situation and various factors related to health. Put a cross in the box that best shows whether you agree with the statement. Agree with ... | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 556 | 6 973 |
hm4b | Do you agree: At work, I feel that I have control over what happens in most situations. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 3 973 | 4 494 |
hm4c | Do you agree: Keeping myself healthy depends on things that I can do myself. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 547 | 6 958 |
hm4d | Do you agree: There are things I can do myself to reduce my risk of getting cancer. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 527 | 6 927 |
hm4e | Do you agree: There are things that I can do myself to reduce the risk of having a heart attack. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 539 | 6 954 |
hm4f | Do you agree: Anyone who thinks too much about their health gets sick more easily. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 521 | 6 928 |
hm4g | Do you agree: I have to be very sick before I go to the doctor. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 550 | 6 965 |
hm4h | Do you agree: People like me do not have time to think about their health. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 473 | 6 826 |
hm4i | Do you agree: The most important thing for good health is the innate physique. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 536 | 6 938 |
hm4j | Do you agree: It is chance that determines whether one has good health or not. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 521 | 6 935 |
hm4k | Do you agree: When you are sick, it is the doctor who knows best what to do. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 546 | 6 962 |
hm4l | Do you agree: Taking care of my health is very important to me. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 549 | 6 961 |
hm4m | Do you agree: I think it is important to know new findings about what is healthy and unhealthy. Remarks: See HMA4. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Not at all 2 = Mostly not 3 = To some extent 4 = By and large 5 = Totally | 5 545 | 6 951 |