MDC Extract
Variables created from baseline data questionnairy data given in four files:
- MDC Questionnaire
- MDC Physical activity
- MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based
- MDC Family disease heredity.
Lines: 30 446
Variables: 36
Questionnaire - Physical activity (variables LTPAtotal_h, LTPAtotal_METh)
Mutie P M, Drake I, Ericson U, Teleka S, Schulz C-A, Stocks T and Sonestedt E. Different domains of self-reported physical activity and risk of type 2 diabetes in a population-based Swedish cohort: the Malmö diet and Cancer study. BMC Public Health (2020) 20:261.
List of variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Sequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric) | Numeric | F5 | 12120 | 18326 |
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female | ||
ensam_22 | Living alone? Remarks: The variable "ensam_22" has been created from the variable "sn59" in the MDC Baseline Questionnaire as follows: ensam_22[1]=sn59[1] ensam_22[2]=sn59[2/3/4/5/6]. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes, living alone 2 = No, cohibiting -9 = Got the questionnaire but did not respond | 11236 | 17315 | ||
sei_22 | SEI job code (Swedish socio-economic classification). Remarks: The variable "sei_22" has been created from the variable "uy7sei" in the MDC Baseline Questionnaire as follows: sei_22[1] = uy7sei[56/57] sei_22[2] = uy7sei[46] sei_22[3] = uy7sei[33/36] sei_22[4] = uy7sei[21/22] sei_22[5] = uy7sei[11/12] sei_22[6] = uy7sei[60/70/79/89]. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = High level non manual worker 2 = Medium level non manual worker 3 = Low level non manual worker 4 = Skilled manual worker 5 = Unskilled manual worker 6 = Entrepreneurs | 11200 | 17140 | ||
rok_22 | Smoking habits. Remarks: The variable "rok_22" has been derived from the variable "tk80" in the MDC Baseline Questionnaire, or if tk80 is missing the variable "rok_bc" in the BCAPS-study (where rok_bc[1]=Current smoker, and rok_bc[0]=Not current smoker), as follows: rok_22[1] = tk80[1], or rok_bc[1] rok_22[2] = tk80[2/3] rok_22[3] = tk80[4], or rok_bc[0] The individuals in the BCAPS study (all in the MDC-CV subcohort) were screened during 1994-96 (first visit). For 43 individuals the rok_22 value has been derived from the BCAPS-study, these individuals had their BCAPS screening date on average 2,3 years after the MDC baseline screening date, none of the 43 individuals responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Current smoker 2 = Ex-smoker/smoke occasionally 3 = Never smoked | 11267 | 17340 | ||
pack_y_22 | Pack-years, including tobacco in cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco (years*(grams/day)/20). Remarks: The variable "pack_y_22" has been calculated for regular and occasional smokers (tk80=1 or 2) who have smoked at least one year (tk81a>0) with information on the amount of cigarettes, cigars or pipe tobacco (SUM(tk82a,tk82b,tk82c)>0) according to the MDC Baseline Questionnaire variables as follows: pack_y_22=((tk82a+tk82b*5+tk82c*0.142 85)/20)*tk81a. | Numeric | F5.2 | 3061 | 4659 | |||
alko | Alcohol (g/day). Remarks: The variables 'alko' and 'ak89' (from the baseline questionnaire) are commonly used together to identify zero alcohol consumers and to create sex specific groups (low, medium, high), see Ericson et al Am J Clin Nutr 2015;101:1065, and Frondelius et al Nutrients 2017, 9, 211. The variable alko is also available in the file MDC Energy and nutrients | Numeric | F6.2 | 11134 | 17100 | |||
age_child1 | Age of female MDC participant when first child was born, based on MDC baseline Questionnaire (variable "kv140a1"), confirmed by birth data (within +/- 1 yr) from The Swedish Tax Agency (yrs). Remarks: Female participants who died before November 2005, as well as immigrant participants whose children were born abroad, lack information on age_child1. | Numeric | F2 | 0 | 13136 |
Questionnaire - Physical activity
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
LTPAtotal_ h | LTPA total (hr/wk) | Numeric | F6.2 | 11153 | 17195 | |
LTPAtotal_ METh | LTPA total METh/week | Numeric | F6.2 | 11153 | 17195 |
Questionnaire - Pharmacological agents
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
bp_drug_22 | Use of blood pressure (BP) lowering drugs (ATC: C02, C03, C07, C08 or C09) at MDC baseline according to the questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: Individuals who have responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire and/or reported intake of any drug at baseline, but not blood pressure lowering drugs, have been assigned the value bp_drug_22=0. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 11285 | 17362 |
lip_drug_22 | Use of lipid lowering drugs (ATC: C10) at MDC baseline according to the questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: Individuals who have responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire and/or reported intake of any drug at baseline, but not lipid lowering drugs, have been assigned the value lip_drug_22=0. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 11285 | 17362 |
bet_drug_22 | Use of beta blocking drugs (ATC: C07) at MDC baseline according to the questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: Individuals who have responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire and/or reported intake of any drug at baseline, but not beta blocking drugs, have been assigned the value bet_drug_22=0. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 11285 | 17362 |
sta_drug_22 | Use of statin drugs (ATC: C10AA) at MDC baseline according to the questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: Individuals who have responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire and/or reported intake of any drug at baseline, but not statin drugs, have been assigned the value sta_drug_22=0. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 11285 | 17362 |
diabmed_22 | Use of anti diabetic drugs (ATC: A10) at MDC baseline according to the questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: Individuals who have responded on the MDC baseline questionnaire and/or reported intake of any drug at baseline, but not anti diabetic drugs, have been assigned the value diabmed_22=0. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 11285 | 17362 |
A10_22 | A10 - Antidiabetic drugs - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_A10 and m_A10 have been amalgamated into the new variable called A10_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any A10 drug 1 = Yes, intake of A10 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
C03_22 | C03 - Diuretics - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_C03 and m_C03 have been amalgamated into a new variable called C03_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any C03 drug 1 = Yes, intake of C03 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
C07_22 | C07 - Beta blocking agents - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_C07 and m_C07 have been amalgamated into the new variable called C07_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any C07 drug 1 = Yes, intake of C07 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
C08_22 | C08 - Calcium channel blockers - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_C08 and m_C08 have been amalgamated into the new variable called C08_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any C08 drug 1 = Yes, intake of C08 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
C09_22 | C09 - ACE, agents acting on the renin- angiotenson system - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_C09 and m_C09 have been amalgamated into the new variable called C09_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any C09 drug 1 = Yes, intake of C09 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
C10_22 | C10 - Lipid modifying agents - From the baseline questionnaire and the diary book. Remarks: The original variables q_C10 and m_C10 have been amalgamated into the new variable called C10_22. Derived from the first three positions of the variables atc97f and atc97s in the MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based file. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Got the question, responded on the questionnaire or on the question, but did not report intake of any C10 drug 1 = Yes, intake of C10 drug reported -8 = Got the question but did not respond | 11285 | 17362 |
Questionnaire - Family disease heredity
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
far_canc | Cancer Father - My father has had/have cancer. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=F and cancer=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. far_canc[-6]: incl no cancer, unknown or missing cancer status of father. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the father was not reported to have cancer | 2372 | 3922 |
mor_canc | Cancer Mother - My mother has had/have cancer. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=M and cancer=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. mor_canc[-6]: incl no cancer, unknown or missing cancer status of mother. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the mother was not reported to have cancer | 2354 | 3859 |
syskcanc | Cancer Siblings - At least one of my brothers and/or sisters (excl half brothers/sisters) has had/have cancer. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=BR/SY and cancer=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. syskcanc[-6]: incl no cancer, unknown or missing cancer status of brothers and sister. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the brothers and sisters were not reported to have cancer | 1435 | 2497 |
far_inf | Myocardial infarction Father - My father has had/have myocardial infarction. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=F and infarkt=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. far_inf[-6]: incl no myocardial infarction, unknown or missing myocardial infarction status of father. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the father was not reported to have myocardial infarction | 2350 | 4192 |
mor_inf | Myocardial infarction Mother - My mother has had/have myocardial infarction. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=M and infarkt=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. mor_inf[-6]: incl no myocardial infarction, unknown or missing myocardial infarction status of mother. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the mother was not reported to have myocardial infarction | 1265 | 2409 |
syskinf | Myocardial infarction Siblings - At least one of my brothers and/or sisters (excl half brothers/sisters) has had/have myocardial infarction. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=BR/SY and infarkt=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. syskinf[-6]: incl no myocardial infarction, unknown or missing myocardial infarction status of brothers and sister. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the brothers and sisters were not reported to have myocardial infarction | 931 | 1670 |
far_slag | Stroke Father - My father has had/have stroke. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=F and slag=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. far_slag[-6]: incl no stroke, unknown or missing stroke status of father. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the father was not reported to have stroke | 1369 | 2346 |
mor_slag | Stroke Mother - My mother has had/have stroke. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=M and slag=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. mor_slag[-6]: incl no stroke, unknown or missing stroke status of mother. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the mother was not reported to have stroke | 1366 | 2418 |
syskslag | Stroke Siblings - At least one of my brothers and/or sisters (excl half brothers/sisters) has had/have stroke. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=BR/SY and slag=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. syskslag[-6]: incl no stroke, unknown or missing stroke status of brothers and sister. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the brothers and sisters were not reported to have stroke | 467 | 770 |
far_sock | Diabetes Father - My father has had/have diabetes. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=F and socker=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. far_sock[-6]: incl no diabetes, unknown or missing diabetes status of father. The question was only given in version 1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -9 = Did not get the question -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the father was not reported to have diabetes | 62 | 124 |
mor_sock | Diabetes Mother - My mother has had/have diabetes. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=M and socker=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. mor_sock[-6]: incl no diabetes, unknown or missing diabetes status of mother. The question was only given in version 1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -9 = Did not get the question -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the mother was not reported to have diabetes | 101 | 184 |
sysksock | Diabetes Siblings - At least one of my brothers and/or sisters (excl half brothers/sisters) has had/have diabetes. Remarks: Derived from the variables slaktska=BR/SY and socker=1 in the MDC Family disease heredity file. sysksock[-6]: incl no diabetes, unknown or missing diabetes status of brothers and sister. The question was only given in version 1. | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Yes -9 = Did not get the question -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions -6 = Got the family disease questions, answered the questions but the brothers and sisters were not reported to have diabetes | 52 | 95 |
hscorcan | Heredity score for cancer - Number of kinship groups (father, mother and siblings; excl half siblings) with cancer, contributes with one 'point' each. Remarks: 'Siblings' includes brothers and sisters, but not halfbrothers or halfsisters. hscorcan[0] = Did get the family disease questions, responded on the questions, but did not report any relative with cancer. hscorcan = SUM(far_canc,mor_canc,syskcanc). | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No heredity for cancer 1 = One kinship group had cancer 2 = Two kinship groups had cancer 3 = All three kinship groups had cancer -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions | 11203 | 17256 |
hscorinf | Heredity score for myocardial infarction - Number of kinship groups (father, mother and siblings; excl half siblings) with myocardial infarction, contributes with one 'point' each. Remarks: 'Siblings' includes brothers and sisters, but not halfbrothers or halfsisters. hscorinf[0] = Did get the family disease questions, responded on the questions, but did not report any relative with myocardial infarction. hscorinf = SUM(far_inf,mor_inf,syskinf). | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No heredity for myocardial infarction 1 = One kinship group had myocardial infarction 2 = Two kinship groups had myocardial infarction 3 = All three kinship groups had myocardial infarction -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions | 11203 | 17256 |
hscorstr | Heredity score for stroke - Number of kinship groups (father, mother and siblings; excl half siblings) with stroke, contributes with one 'point' each. Remarks: 'Siblings' includes brothers and sisters, but not halfbrothers or halfsisters. hscorstr[0] = Did get the family disease questions, responded on the questions, but did not report any relative with stroke. hscorstr = SUM(far_slag,mor_slag,syskslag). | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No heredity for stroke 1 = One kinship group had stroke 2 = Two kinship groups had stroke 3 = All three kinship groups had stroke -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions | 11203 | 17256 |
hscordia_17 | Heredity score for diabetes - Number of kinship groups (father, mother and siblings; excl half siblings) with diabetes, contributes with one 'point' each (recoded in 2017). Remarks: 'Siblings' includes brothers and sisters, but not halfbrothers or halfsisters. hscordia[0] = Did get the family disease questions, responded on the questions, but did not report any relative with diabetes. hscordia = SUM(far_sock,mor_sock,sysksock). The question was only given in version 1. The original value 0 for individuals which have got versions 2 and 3 of the questionnaire have been changed to the missing code -9 (since they did not get the question). The new variable is called hscordia_17 (March 24, 2017). | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No heredity for diabetes 1 = One kinship group had diabetes 2 = Two kinship groups had diabetes 3 = All three kinship groups had diabetes -9 = Did not get the question -8 = Got the question, but did not respond on the questionnaire or on the family disease questions -7 = Got the family disease questions, responded on the questionnaire but not on the family disease questions | 1194 | 1721 |