MDC Physical activity
Physical activity during leisure according to question 37 (version 1), question 75 (version 2) or question 32 (version 3) in the questionnaire. Number of minutes per week per season per activity (including to and from work), one type of activity per line.
Lines: 107 189 records of 27 749 individuals
Variables: 8
Data have been derived from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study questionnaire filled in by the individuals during the period 1991 03 18 - 1996 09 30. There are three versions of the questionnaire.
Versions 2 and 3 of the questionnaire contains a check-box for all preprinted physical activity alternatives, the check-boxes should be filled in for those activities the individual seldom or never take part in. In versions 2 and 3, but not in version 1, some individuals have the value 0 for the variables 'spring' to 'winter'. A total score variable ("fa_total") for physical activity at leisure is given in the file "MDC Questionnaire". The score variable has been calculated from the data on number of minutes per week per activity, type of activity, and an activity specific factor.
List of Variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female | ||
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]). | Numeric | F5 | 45 184 | 62 005 | |||
udatum_fa | Questioning date. Remarks:The variable 'udatum_fa' ought to be identical with the variable "udatum" in MDC baseline questionnaire, however the date differ for nine individuals, as a consequence the suffix "_fa" has been added to the variable name. | Date | SDATE10 | 45 184 | 62 005 | |||
ver | Version of the questionnaire form. Remarks: Three different questionnaire forms were used during the study period as given below Version 1: 1991 03 18 – 1992 03 10 Version 2: 1992 03 11 – 1994 09 26 Version 3: 1994 09 27 – 1996 09 30 | Numeric | F1 | 45 184 | 62 005 | |||
aktivite | Type of physical activity during leisure time (including to and from work). Remarks: Does not include activities at work. The alternative "TR" (Gardening; Trädgårdsarbete) was not preprinted in the Questionnairy form version 1. | String | A2 | BA = Badminton BB = Body-building BC = Boccia BO = Table tennis BW = Bowling BY = Construction work, carpenter's work CU = Curling CY = Cycling EX = Military drill FD = Athletics FJ = Back-packing FO = Football GA = Old-time dancing GK = Grass mowing GO = Golf GR = Digging GT = Stair climbing HK = Hedge cutting HR = Dog walking HS = Dog sport HV = Handicraft IB = Indoor bandy JA = Hunting JD = Jazz dance JK = Tai chi, judo, karate JL = Juggle JO = Jogging, running MD = Exercise dance MG = Motor lawn mowing MO = Keep-fit exercises MT = Motorcycle racing MS = Mensendieck OR = Orienteering PR = Walking RN = Riding RP = Rowing, paddling RT = Physical apparatus training RY = Back training SD = Ballroom dancing SG = Sailing SI = Swimming SK = Skiing SK = Vasalopp skiing SL = Mowing SM = Trampoline jumping SO = Sweeping SQ = Squash SR = Forestry work, forest clearing SS = Skating ST = Snow shoveling SU = Sulky driving SY = Physiotherapy TE = Tennis TR = Gardening VB = Volley-ball VG = Pool training VG = Water aerobics VH = Sawing, firewood chopping WS = Windsurfing | 45 184 | 62 005 | ||
spring | Number of minutes per week per activity during the spring. Remarks: Number of minutes per week on average during the season, estimated active time (including to and from work), except change of clothes, showering and similar. | Numeric | F5 | 39 383 | 53 875 | |||
summer | Number of minutes per week per activity during the summer. Remarks: Number of minutes per week on average during the season, estimated active time (including to and from work), except change of clothes, showering and similar. | Numeric | F5 | 40 053 | 53 827 | |||
autumn | Number of minutes per week per activity during the autumn. Remarks: Number of minutes per week on average during the season, estimated active time (including to and from work), except change of clothes, showering and similar. | Numeric | F5 | 39 134 | 52 354 | |||
winter | Number of minutes per week per activity during the winter. Remarks: Number of minutes per week on average during the season, estimated active time (including to and from work), except change of clothes, showering and similar. | Numeric | F5 | 25 599 | 38 872 |