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MDC Questionnaire



Factors which are likely to have an effect on the emergence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, such as education, occupation, physical load, psychosocial working environment, social relations, physical activity, sleep, tobacco and alcohol consumption, health, diseases in the family, use of contraceptive pills etc.

Lines: 28 577

Variables: 291


Data have been derived from the Malmö Diet and Cancer Study questionnaire filled in by the individuals. There are three versions of the questionnaire, each with its own corresponding set of database variables. Some of the variables are identical in all three versions (except for their names), some differ only in their details and others are unique for the version in question.
The three versions were used during following periods version 1: 1991-03-18 – 1992-03-10
version 2: 1992-03-11 – 1994-09-26
version 3: 1994-09-27 – 1996-09-30


The second version is used as a standard. A comparison of the overlapping variables in the three versions are given in the Appendix of the variable description by Peter Wallström. The column “Ver” in the table below shows in which version the question was used. The ht113 Yes/No-variables were corrected in 2022, the new variables were assigned variable names with suffix "_22".

List of variables

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric).
Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).
NumericF5 1125217325123
udatumQuestioning date.
Remarks: The date stamped on the questionnaire form at the last visit
DateSDATE10 1125217325123
verVersion of the questionnaire form. Remarks: Three different questionnaire forms were used during the study period as given below
Version 1: 1991 03 18 – 1992 03 10
Version 2: 1992 03 11 – 1994 09 26
Version 3: 1994 09 27 – 1996 09 30
The variable names in version 2 were used as a standard
NumericF1 1125217325 

Education - Occupation

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
uy1Highest level of education?NumericF11 = Did not complete elementary school
2 = Elementary school (6-8 years)
3 = 'Realskola', 'grundskola' (9-10 years)
4 = 'Studentexamen' (11-12 years, approx 'A-levels')
5 = At least one year after 'studentexamen'
6 = University degree
uy2Which of the following alternatives applies to you?NumericF11 = Housewife
2 = Employed
3 = Retired
4 = Student
5 = Unemployed
6 = Other occupation (version 1 only)
uy2bNumber of working hours per week?NumericF3 637910197123
uy2eUnemployed, since when (year, month)?NumericF3 618814123
uy3How many hours per week do you do household work, including shopping?NumericF2 1068817027123
uy4Are you on sick leave at present?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
uy4bSick leave, since when (year, month)?NumericF4 46963112
uy5ykodBreadwinner's occupation during the participant's childhood (Nordic standard occupational classification, NYK).
Remarks: see codes in Appendix A
NumericF3 97881512123
uy5seiBreadwinner's occupation during the participant's childhood (Swedish socioeconomic classification, SEI). Remarks: see Appendix B for a list of codes in SwedishNumericF211 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of goods, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
12 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of services, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
21 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of goods, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
22 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of services, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
33 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, <2 yrs educ after comp school
36 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, >=2 to <3 yrs educ after comp school
46 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), interm pos, >=3 to <6 yrs educ after comp school
56 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), higher pos, >=6 yrs educ after compulsary school
57 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usually organized within TCO or SACO/SR), leading positions
60 = Employers, self-employed (excl farmers)
70 = Employers (excl farmers), with 1-9 employees
79 = Employers (excl farmers), with >=10 employees
89 = Employers, farmers
uy5dTerms of the breadwinner's employment during the participant's childhoodNumericF11 = Employed
2 = Leader of own business without employees
3 = Leader of own business with 1-9 employees
4 = Leader of own business with 10 or more employees
uy6aHave you ever had a job for more than 2 years?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
uy6a1Yes, I have been working for X years altogetherNumericF2 640178762
uy6bHow many jobs have you had?NumericF2 98741529423
uy7a1Starting year of present/latest jobNumericF2 1114717071123
uy7a2Ending year of present/latest jobNumericF2 961713558123
uy7ykodPresent or latest job (Nordic standard occupational classification, NYK).
Remarks: see codes in Appendix A
NumericF3 1118417114123
uy7seiPresent or latest job (Swedish socio- economic classification, SEI).
Remarks: see Appendix B for a list of codes in Swedish
NumericF211 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of goods, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
12 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of services, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
21 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of goods, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
22 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of services, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
33 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, <2 yrs educ after comp school
36 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, >=2 to <3 yrs educ after comp school
46 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), interm pos, >=3 to <6 yrs educ after comp school
56 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), higher pos, >=6 yrs educ after compulsary school
57 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usually organized within TCO or SACO/SR), leading positions
60 = Employers, self-employed (excl farmers)
70 = Employers (excl farmers), with 1-9 employees
79 = Employers (excl farmers), with >=10 employees
89 = Employers, farmers
uy7eTerms of employment?NumericF11 = Employed
2 = Own business without employees
3 = Own business with 1-9 employees
4 = Own business with 10 or more employees
uy8a1Starting year of second latest jobNumericF2 720910532123
uy8a2Ending year of second latest jobNumericF2 716710425123
uy8ykodSecond latest job (Nordic standard occupational classification, NYK). Remarks: see codes in Appendix ANumericF3 722210531123
uy8seiSecond latest job (Swedish socio- economic classification, SEI).
Remarks: see Appendix B for a list of codes in Swedish
NumericF211 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of goods, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
12 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of services, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
21 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of goods, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
22 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of services, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
33 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, <2 yrs educ after comp school
36 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, >=2 to <3 yrs educ after comp school
46 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), interm pos, >=3 to <6 yrs educ after comp school
56 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), higher pos, >=6 yrs educ after compulsary school
57 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usually organized within TCO or SACO/SR), leading positions
60 = Employers, self-employed (excl farmers)
70 = Employers (excl farmers), with 1-9 employees
79 = Employers (excl farmers), with >=10 employees
89 = Employers, farmers
uy8eTerms of employment?NumericF11 = Employed
2 = Own business without employees
3 = Own business with 1-9 employees
4 = Own business with 10 or more employees
uy9a1Starting year of third latest jobNumericF2 41875307123
uy9a2Ending year of third latest jobNumericF2 41635275123
uy9ykodThird latest job (Nordic standard occupational classification, NYK). Remarks: see codes in Appendix ANumericF3 42055320123
uy9seiThird latest job (Swedish socio- economic classification, SEI). Remarks: see Appendix B for a list of codes in SwedishNumericF211 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of goods, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
12 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), not prof trained, in prod of services, <2 yrs educ/train after comp school
21 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of goods, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
22 = Employees, labourers (usual org within LO), prof trained, in prod of services, >=2 yrs educ/train after comp school
33 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, <2 yrs educ after comp school
36 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), lower pos, >=2 to <3 yrs educ after comp school
46 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), interm pos, >=3 to <6 yrs educ after comp school
56 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usual org within TCO or SACO/SR), higher pos, >=6 yrs educ after compulsary school
57 = Employees, officials/salaried empl (usually organized within TCO or SACO/SR), leading positions
60 = Employers, self-employed (excl farmers)
70 = Employers (excl farmers), with 1-9 employees
79 = Employers (excl farmers), with >=10 employees
89 = Employers, farmers
uy9eTerms of employment?NumericF11 = Employed
2 = Own business without employees
3 = Own business with 1-9 employees
4 = Own business with 10 or more employees
uy10Does your work involve sitting down?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy11Does your work involve standing still?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy12Does your work involve walking?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy13Does your work involve lying down?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy14Does your work involve standing on one or two knees, or crouching?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy15Does your work involve working with your back severely twisted?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy16Does your work involve working with your back very much bent forward?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy17Does your work involve working with your head bent backwards?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy18Does your work involve working with your head bent slightly forward?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy19Does your work involve working with the head bent very much forward?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy20Does your work involve working with lifted and/or outstretched arms?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy21Does your work involve making repeated finger movements several times per minute?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy22Does your work involve making repeated arm movements several times per minute?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy23Does your work involve your making precise movements? (for example musician, dentist, etc)NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy24Does your work involve working on a shaking foundation, such as a driver's seat?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy25Does your work involve working with vibrating hand-held machines?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy26Does your work involve handling and
/ or lifting objects weighing a few hundred grams with your own muscular strength?
NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy27Does your work involve handling and
/ or lifting objects weighing 1 - 5 kilos with your own muscular strength?
NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy28Does your work involve handling and
/ or lifting objects weighing 6 - 15 kilos with your own muscular strength?
NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy29Does your work involve handling and
/ or lifting objects weighing 15 - 45 kilos with your own muscular strength?
NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy30Does your work involve handling and
/ or lifting objects weighing more than 45 kilos with your own muscular strength?
NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy31Does your work involve jumping, striding or performing similar movements between different heights?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Some
3 = Much
uy32Does your work involve becoming exposed to sudden unexpected large strains ('near-accident')?NumericF11 = Not at all
2 = Sometimes
3 = Often
u11aDo you, in your work, regularly perform heavy lifting or other strenuous work?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u11bDo you, in your work, regularly perform monotonous movements?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u11cDo you, in your work, work in awkward body positions?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u11dIf you have answered 'Yes' on question a, b or c: Does this cause you discomfort?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
uy33_10What degree of physical activity is usually demanded in your work? (recoded in 2010).
Remarks: The original values 2 and 3 in versions 2 and 3 of variable uy33 have been changed to value 2, similarly the values 4 and 5 in versions 2 and 3 have been changed to values 3 and 4, respectively. The new variable is called uy33_10 (August 2, 2010).
NumericF11 = Very light
2 = Light or medium heavy
3 = Heavy
4 = Very heavy
uy34How physically strenuous do you usually consider your work to be?NumericF20 = Less than alternative 1
1 = Very, very light
2 =
3 = Very light
4 =
5 = Fairly light
6 =
7 = Somewhat strenuous
8 =
9 = Strenuous
10 =
11 = Very strenuous
12 =
13 = Very, very strenuous
14 = More than alternative 13
uy35How much or your working time is spent outdoors?NumericF11 = None
2 = Very little
3 = 50% inside and 50% outside
4 = Rather much
5 = All the time
uy36Does your work demand that you work very fast?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy37Does your work demand that you work very hard?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy38Does your work demand too great an effort?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy39Do you have enough time for your working tasks?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy40Does your work often involve conflicting demands?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy41Do you get opportunities to learn new things in your work?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy42Does your work demand skill?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy43Does your work demand ingenuity?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy44Does your work mean that you have to do the same thing over and over again?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy45Do you have the freedom to determine how your work will be performed?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
uy46Do you have the freedom to determine what will be performed at your work?NumericF11 = Yes, often
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, seldom
4 = No, almost never
u12Is your work hectic?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u13Is your work mentally exacting?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u14Are you able to make a private telephone call at work for about ten minutes?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u15Are you able to leave your work on private business for about half an hour without asking your supervisor?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
u16Are you able to have a private visit  at work for about ten minutes without asking your supervisor?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
uy47How often do you have to work overtime?NumericF10 = Have no fixed working time
1 = Regularly, every week
2 = Relatively often, every month
3 = Relatively seldom, once or twice per year
4 = Never
uy48Does your work mean inconvenient working hours or shift work?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
uy49Are you rooted at your place of work and do you have a feeling of strong solidarity with your colleagues?NumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues (not in version 1)
1 = Very much
2 = To some extent
3 = Not particularly
4 = Not at all
uy50There is a calm and pleasant atmosphere at my place of workNumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong
uy51There is a strong solidarity at my place of workNumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong
uy52My colleagues stand me byNumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong
uy53My colleagues understand that I may have a bad dayNumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong
uy54I get along well with my superiorsNumericF10 = Don't have any superiors
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong
uy55I like my colleaguesNumericF10 = Don't have any colleagues
1 = Completely true
2 = Fairly often true
3 = Not really
4 = Completely wrong


NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
n56Were you born in Sweden?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
n56aIn what country were you born?. Remarks: see country codes in Appendix CStringA2 1016119712
n56bWhen did you move to Sweden (year)?NumericF2 14212139123
n57For how many years have you lived in Malmö?NumericF2 1121617255123

Social network and social support

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
sn58What is your civil status?NumericF11 = Married
2 = Single
3 = Divorced
4 = Widow/widower
sn59Do you live alone?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No, with husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend without children
3 = No, with husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend with children
4 = No, with children and no other adult
5 = No, with parents
6 = No, with other
sn60Have you lately suffered from stress or mental pressure because of problems or demands not related to your work?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
sn61Are you able to receive help from anyone when you are ill or have other practical problems?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = Yes, probably
3 = No, probably not
4 = No, not at all
sn62How many persons do you feel that you know well and that you can talk to about most things?NumericF10 = 0
1 = 1-3
2 = 4-6
3 = 7-9
4 = 10-15
5 = 16-30
6 = More than 30
sn63Do you feel that you have one or more persons who will support you strongly when you deal with stress and problems in life?NumericF11 = Yes, I am sure
2 = Yes, probably
3 = Not so sure
4 = No
sn64Do you have someone in whose company you can be yourself, who will accept you just the way you are, warts and all?NumericF11 = Yes, I am sure
2 = Yes, probably
3 = Not so sure
4 = No
sn65Do you sometimes feel alone?NumericF11 = Often
2 = Sometimes
3 = Seldom
4 = Never
sn66If you are a member of a society or club, would you say that you feel a strong solidarity with this society or club and its members?NumericF10 = I am not a member
1 = Very much
2 = To some extent
3 = Not particularly
4 = Not at all
sn67Do you feel a strong solidarity with your relatives (excluding husband, wife, girlfriend/boyfriend and children)?NumericF10 = Have no relatives
1 = Very much
2 = To some extent
3 = Not particularly
4 = Not at all
sn68aHave you participated in a study circle or course at your place of work during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes25505091123
sn68bHave you participated in a study circle or course in your spare time during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes19334911123
sn68cHave you participated in a union meeting during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes23323503123
sn68dHave you participated in a meeting of some other association during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes46744890123
sn68eHave you been to the theatre or cinema during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes629711802123
sn68fHave you been to an art exhibition during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes45108202123
sn68gHave you been to church during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes47048781123
sn68hHave you attended a sports event during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes49643359123
sn68iHave you written a letter to a newspaper or magazine during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes851881123
sn68jHave you participated in a demonstration of some kind during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes682890123
sn68kHave you visited, for example, a dance-hall, nightclub etc during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes48876834123
sn68lHave you participated in a larger family gathering during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes46348748123
sn68mHave you been to a private party during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = Yes936614956123
sn68nHave you done none of the above during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = No392503123
sn69Are you rooted in your neighbourhood and do you feel a strong solidarity with it?NumericF11 = Very much
2 = Some
3 = Not particularly
4 = Not at all
sn70Are you a part of a group of friends who have something in common or are doing something together, for example playing cards, listening to music, making excursions etc?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No

Questions about feelings and thoughts during the last month

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
kt71During the last month: How often have you felt that you were unable to control important things in your life?NumericF11 = Never
2 = Almost never
3 = Sometimes
4 = Fairly often
5 = Very often
kt72_14During the last month: How often have you been unsure of your capacity to handle your personal problems? (recoded in 2014).
Remarks: The original values in version 1 have been reversed (value 1 has been changed to 5 etc) due to opposite wording in version 1 vs versions 2 and 3. The new variable is called kt72_14 (August 26, 2014).
NumericF11 = Never
2 = Almost never
3 = Sometimes
4 = Fairly often
5 = Very often
kt73_14During the last month: How often have you felt that things did not turn out the way you wished? (recoded in 2014).
Remarks: The original values in version 1 have been reversed (value 1 has been changed to 5 etc) due to opposite wording in version 1 vs versions 2 and 3. The new variable
NumericF11 = Never
2 = Almost never
3 = Sometimes
4 = Fairly often
5 = Very often
 is called kt73_14 (August 26, 2014).      
kt74During the last month: How often have you felt that your problems have become too much for you?NumericF11 = Never
2 = Almost never
3 = Sometimes
4 = Fairly often
5 = Very often

Physical activity - in your spare time

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
fa_totalPhysical activity score.
Remarks: calculated as the number of minutes of activity per week multiplied by an activity specific factor, summed over type of activity (see Appendix D)
NumericF6 1115517205  
fa76aHow many hours do you usually sleep per night during a typical week (Monday-Friday)?NumericF2 7700982012 
fa39a2How many hours do you usually rest (not sleep) during a typical week (Monday-Friday)?NumericF2 7389211 
fa39a3How many hours do you usually sit, stand or walk about during a typical week (Monday-Friday)?NumericF2 120117281 
fa39a4How many hours do you usually run or take exercise during a typical week (Monday-Friday)?NumericF2 6358691 
fa76bHow many hours do you usually sleep per night during a typical week (Saturday-Sunday)?NumericF2 7683980812 
fa39b2How many hours do you usually rest (not sleep) during a typical week (Saturday-Sunday)?NumericF2 80510401 
fa39b3How many hours do you usually sit, stand or walk about during a typical week (Saturday-Sunday)?NumericF2 119617261 
fa39b4How many hours do you usually run or take exercise during a typical week (Saturday-Sunday)?NumericF2 6649011 
fa77aDo you have any problems with going to sleep in the evening?NumericF11 = None
2 = Small
3 = Moderate
4 = Very big
fa77bDo you have any problems with waking up during the night?NumericF11 = None
2 = Small
3 = Moderate
4 = Very big
fa77cDo you have any problems with waking up too early?NumericF11 = None
2 = Small
3 = Moderate
4 = Very big
fa77dDo you have any problems with feeling that your sleep does not make you feel thoroughly rested?NumericF11 = None
2 = Small
3 = Moderate
4 = Very big
fa78How many hours of sleep per night do you need?NumericF2 7675980612 
fa79Do you wake up during the night?NumericF11 = No, never
2 = Yes
fa79bHow many times do you wake up during the night?NumericF2 5657794212 

Tobacco consumption

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
tk80Do you smoke?NumericF11 = Yes, I smoke regularly
2 = Yes, I smoke occasionally
3 = No, I have stopped smoking
4 = No, I have never smoked
tk80cYear of smoking cessation?NumericF2 48154768123
tk81Have you ever smoked?NumericF10 = Never smoked32357698123
tk81aFor how many years have you smoked regularly?NumericF2 829010302123
tk82How much do you smoke?NumericF10 = Do not smoke776612176123
tk82aHow many cigarettes do you smoke per day?NumericF2 26424643123
tk82bHow many cigars or cigarillos do you smoke per day?NumericF2 23290123
tk82cHow many grams of pipe tobacco do you smoke per week?NumericF3 40346123
tk83Do you take snuff?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
tk83aHow many snuff-boxes do you take per week?NumericF2 75963123
tk84Do you chew tobacco?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
tk85Do you use nicotine chewing gum?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
tk86Did any of your parents smoke when you grew up?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
tk87Do the persons you live with smoke indoors, or have they done so previously?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes, for less than 10 years
3 = Yes, for 10-20 years
4 = Yes, for more than 20 years
tk88Do you regularly stay in places of work (apart from your home) where people smoke, or have you previously been staying in such places regularly?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes, for less than 10 years
3 = Yes, for 10-20 years
4 = Yes, for more than 20 years

Alcohol consumption

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
ak61Have you substantially changed your drinking habits owing to disease or other causes?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
ak61aIf yes, since when (year)?NumericF2 4033563
ak89When did you last drink beer (excluding light beer), wine or liquor?NumericF10 = Have not been drinking during the last year (go to HT98)
1 = Have been drinking some during the last year, but NOT during the last 30 days (go to HT98)
2 = Have been drinking sometime during the last 30 days
ak90On how many days did you drink beer (excluding light beer), wine or liquor during the last 30-day period?NumericF2 941212911123
ak91On how many days did you drink beer (excluding light beer) during the last 30-day period?NumericF2 82359106123
ak92aHow much beer (excluding light beer) did you drink on such a day in general (number of 33 cl bottles)?NumericF2 46597462123
ak92bHow much beer (excluding light beer) did you drink on such a day in general (number of 45 cl cans)?NumericF2 52555254123
ak93On how many days did you drink wine during the last 30-day period?NumericF2 774312345123
ak94aHow much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number of glasses, 12 cl)?NumericF2 505910496123
ak94bHow much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 37 cl)?NumericF1 39095478123
ak94cHow much wine did you drink on such a day in general (number ofNumericF1 20573923123
 bottles, 75 cl)?      
ak95On how many days did you drink liquor, for example vodka, gin or whiskey, during the last 30-day period?NumericF2 81529044123
ak96aHow much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of drinks, 4-6 cl)?NumericF2 75868751123
ak96bHow much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 37 cl)?NumericF1 21373860123
ak96cHow much liquor did you drink on such a day in general (number of bottles, 75 cl)?NumericF1 17223825123
ak97aOn how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 5 bottles of beer or 4 cans of beer (excluding light beer) or more?NumericF2 26734444123
ak97bOn how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 1 bottle of wine or more?NumericF2 29864904123
ak97cOn how many days during the last 30-day period did it occur that you in one day drank 37 cl liquor or more?NumericF2 29224466123

State of health

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
ht98How much did you weigh when you were 20 years old (kg)?NumericF3 96631514323
ht99How has your weight changed since you were 20 years old?NumericF11 = It has been the same
2 = Gradually increased
3 = Gradually decreased
4 = My weight has varied
ht100How do you feel right now, physically and mentally, with respect to your health and your well-being? (Make a choice between 1 and 7)NumericF11 = Feel very bad, could not feel worse
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 = Feel very well, could not feel better
ht101Have you had any problems with your neck at any time during the last 12 months (such as pain, ache, discomfort)NumericF11 = No, never
2 = Yes, once in a while
3 = Yes, sometimes
4 = Yes, often
5 = Yes, all the time
ht102Do you have problems with your neck right now?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
ht103Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of problems with your neck?NumericF10 = I have not had any problems with my neck
1 = No, I have not been on sick- leave
2 = Yes, 1-7 days
3 = Yes,   8-30 days
4 = Yes, 31-90 days
5 = Yes, more than 90 days
ht104Have you had problems with your shoulders at any time during the last 12 months (such as pain, ache, discomfort)?NumericF11 = No, never
2 = Yes, once in a while
3 = Yes, sometimes
4 = Yes,   often
5 = Yes, all the time
ht105Do you have problems with your shoulders right now?NumericF10 = Have not had shoulder problems
1 = Yes
2 = No
ht106Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of problems with your shoulders?NumericF10 = I have not had any problems with my shoulders
1 = No, I have not been on sick leave
2 = Yes, 1-7 days
3 = Yes,   8-30 days
4 = Yes, 31-90 days
5 = Yes, more than 90 days
ht107Have you at any time during the last 12 months had problems in your loin-/lumbar region (such as pain, ache, discomfort)?NumericF11 = No, never
2 = Yes, once in a while
3 = Yes, sometimes
4 = Yes, often
5 = Yes, constantly
ht108Do you have problems with your lower back region right now?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
ht109Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of problems in your lower back region?NumericF10 = I have not had any problems with my lower back region
1 = No, I have not been on sick leave
2 = Yes, 1-7 days
3 = Yes,   8-30 days
4 = Yes, 31-90 days
5 = Yes, more than 90 days
ht110Have you had problems with your hands, wrists or elbows at any time during the last 12 months?NumericF11 = No, never
2 = Yes, once in a while
3 = Yes, sometimes
4 = Yes,   often
5 = Yes,   all the time
ht111Do you have any problems with your hands, wrists or elbows right now?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
ht112Have you been on sick leave during the last 12 months because of   the problems with your hands, wrists or elbows?NumericF10 = I have not had any problems with my hands, wrists or elbows 1 = No, I have not been on sick leave
2 = Yes, 1-7 days
3 = Yes,   8-30 days
4 = Yes, 31-90 days
5 = Yes, more than 90 days
ht113a_22Have you ever been treated for heart attack (infarction)?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113a1How many times?NumericF2 39211712
ht113a2Last time (year)?NumericF2 39211812
ht113b_22Have you ever been treated for stroke?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113b1How many times?NumericF1 1338412
ht113b2Last time (year)?NumericF2 1358612
ht113c _22Have you ever been treated for claudication in the legs?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113c1Been treated since (year)?NumericF2 1519812
ht113d _22Have you ever been treated for hypertension (high blood pressure)? Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113d1Been treated since (year)?NumericF2 1312136412
ht113e _22Have you ever been treated for diabetes?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113e1Been treated since (year)?NumericF2 26620912
ht113f _22Have you ever been treated for goitre?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113f1When (year)?NumericF2 9288512
ht113g _22Have you ever been treated for gastric ulcer (found by X-ray or gastroscopy)?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113g1How many times?NumericF2 77558912
ht113g2Last time (year)?NumericF2 83263612
ht113h _22Have you ever been treated for cancer?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113h1Last time (year)?NumericF2 26884312
ht75iIf yes, was it discovered before 1960?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113i _22Have you ever been treated for asthma and/or chronic bronchitis? Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113i1Since (year)?NumericF2 35357212
ht113j _22Have you ever been treated for rheumatoid arthritis?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113j1Since (year)?NumericF2 16633112
ht113k _22Have you ever been treated for inflammatory bowel disease? Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113k1Since (year)?NumericF2 22734412
ht113l _22Have you ever been treated for kidney stones?
Remarks: The value for the variable was changed in 2022 from missing to 1 (=No) for individuals who have responded on the version 1 questionnaire (originally only the Yes-alternative was coded in that version), a new variable with suffix "_22" was created.
NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht113l1X-rayed, when (year)?NumericF2 100150112
ht75nHave you ever been treated for a fracture?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
ht114Have you during the last 14 days, suffered from a respiratory infection or a common cold?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
ht115Have you substantially changed your eating habits because of illness or some other reasons?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No (if no, go on to question HT120)
ht116If yes, since when (year)?NumericF2 25134254123
ht117a1If yes, why have you changed your eating habits? Hypertension (high blood pressure)NumericF11 = Yes55260423
ht117a2High blood fatsNumericF11 = Yes54252823
ht117a3OverweightNumericF11 = Yes687135123
ht117a4More physically activeNumericF11 = Yes18835223
ht117a5DiabetesNumericF11 = Yes27729123
ht117a6High blood sugarNumericF11 = Yes25425323
ht117a7Want to keep my weightNumericF11 = Yes581113523
ht117a8Less physically activeNumericF11 = Yes21435623
ht117a9Coronary or other vascular diseaseNumericF11 = Yes44424623
ht117a10Gastro-intestinal disorderNumericF11 = Yes36587423
ht117a11Mental disorderNumericF11 = Yes8316223
ht117a12AllergyNumericF11 = Yes6929223
ht117b1Changed working hoursNumericF11 = Yes8313523
ht117b2Physically heavier workNumericF11 = Yes142423
ht117b3Eat alone nowadaysNumericF11 = Yes15052223
ht117b4UnemploymentNumericF11 = Yes10612423
ht117b5Physically lighter workNumericF11 = Yes707923
ht117b6Eat in the company of others nowadaysNumericF11 = Yes609123
ht117b7Worsened economyNumericF11 = Yes10121723
ht117b8RetirementNumericF11 = Yes35741823
ht117b9Disease in the familyNumericF11 = Yes8031423
ht117b10Other reasonNumericF11 = Yes29173823
ht118Who or what was the most important factor behind your changing your eating habits?NumericF11 = Disease
2 = Medical examination
3 = Health check-up
4 = Diet/health information
5 = Dietician's advice
6 = Changed working conditions
7 = Changed living conditions
8 = Family member
9 = Other reason
ht119a1If yes, how have you changed your eating habits? I eat more meatNumericF11 = Yes12815023
ht119a2I eat more vegetablesNumericF11 = Yes1635293823
ht119a3I eat more fruitNumericF11 = Yes1306243923
ht119a4I eat more fatNumericF11 = Yes413323
ht119a5I eat more fibreNumericF11 = Yes1502253123
ht119a6I eat more food in general (larger portions)NumericF11 = Yes575823
ht119a7I eat more vitamin/mineral/herbal preparationsNumericF11 = Yes41182423
ht119a8I eat more vegetarian foodNumericF11 = Yes27267023
ht119a9I eat more hot mealsNumericF11 = Yes18541923
ht119b1I eat less meatNumericF11 = Yes680157523
ht119b2I eat less vegetablesNumericF11 = Yes6213523
ht119b3I eat less fruitNumericF11 = Yes9118023
ht119b4I eat less fatNumericF11 = Yes1662275523
ht119b5I eat less fibreNumericF11 = Yes479323
ht119b6I eat less food in general (smaller portions)NumericF11 = Yes841155623
ht119b7I eat less vitamin/mineral/health preparationsNumericF11 = Yes399023
ht119b8I eat less vegetarian foodNumericF11 = Yes468023
ht119b9I skip more meals than beforeNumericF11 = Yes39958923
ht120What are your eating habits like right now?NumericF11 = All kinds of food
2 = Vegetarian food (not fish or meat)
3 = Vegan diet (only products from the vegetable kingdom)
4 = Diabetic diet
5 = Other diet
ht121What medical prescription drugs do you use regularly? (incl tranquilizers and sleeping pills)NumericF10 = I don't take any medicines at all67718392123
ht122What medical drugs (incl vitamins etc) that you have bought without a prescription do you use regularly?NumericF10 = I don't take any medicines at all900712497123
ht123Do you use vitamins, herbal remedies, health products or other preparations that you do not buy at the pharmacy (for example in health food shops or grocery stores)?NumericF11 = Yes, regularly
2 = Yes, sometimes
3 = No, never

Diseases in the family

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
sd126Do you have any brothers or sisters?NumericF11 = I don't have any brothers or sisters (go to SD134)1557196423
sd134Do you have any children?NumericF11 = I have no children1578219123
sd134aOne of my children has had cancerNumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Don't know
sd134bOne of my children has had a heart infarctionNumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Don't know
sd134cOne of my children has had a strokeNumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
3 = Don't know

Questions put to women only

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemaleVer
kv135Are you, or have you been, taking oral contraceptives?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No (If no, go on to question KV138)
kv136In what year did you start taking oral contraceptives?NumericF2 08323123
kv137For how many years have you taken oral contraceptives?NumericF2 08206123
kv138When did your period first start (year)?NumericF2 017190123
kv139In what year did your period stop (YY)?
Remarks: 0=Has not stopped.
NumericF20 = Has not stopped017029123
kv102Have you had hormonal replacement therapy after your menopause (tablets or skin adhesives)?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
kv102aIf yes, for how many years?NumericF2 017633
kv103Have you ever had your womb and/or one or both ovaries removed?NumericF11 = Yes
2 = No
kv140How many children have you given birth to?NumericF2 017028123
kv140a1When was child number 1 born (year)?NumericF2 014794123
kv140a2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 1?NumericF2 014034123
kv140b1When was child number 2 born (year)?NumericF2 011089123
kv140b2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 2?NumericF2 010553123
kv140c1When was child number 3 born (year)?NumericF2 03995123
kv140c2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 3?NumericF2 03758123
kv140d1When was child number 4 born (year)?NumericF2 01139123
kv140d2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 4?NumericF2 01064123
kv140e1When was child number 5 born (year)?NumericF2 0329123
kv140e2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 5?NumericF2 0310123
kv140f1When was child number 6 born (year)?NumericF2 06323
kv140f2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 6?NumericF2 06723
kv140g1When was child number 7 born (year)?NumericF2 02423
kv140g2For how many months did you breastfeed child number 7?NumericF2 02723
kv141Have you had any miscarriages?NumericF11 = No
2 = Yes
kv141aIf yes, how many miscarriages have you had?NumericF2 03892123