MDC Cellcounter
Cell ounter (Sysmex K-1000) values. Cell counting was performed with a Sysmex K-1000, with related computer part DA 1000, Toa Medical Electronics, Japan, purchased in 1991. Data were generated from four main qualifiers (type of sample), all individuals have results from whole blood (QUAL=0). A marker (minus sign, "-") in front of all abnormal values (outside the reference range) was removed in 2023.
Lines: 76 305 (30 362 individuals)
Variables: 18
Adamsson Eryd S, Smith J G, Melander O, Hedblad B, Engström G. Incidence of coronary events and case fatality rate in relation to blood lymphocyte and neutrophil counts. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2012;32:533-539
Borné Y, Smith J G, Melander O, Hedblad B, Engström G. Red cell distribution width and risk for first hospitalization d u to heartfailure: a population-based cohort study. Eur J Heart Failure. 2011;13:1355-1361.
Martinsson A, Andersson C, Andell P, Koul S, Engstrom G, Smith J G. Anemia in the general population: prevalence, clinical correlates and prognostic impact. Eur J Epidemiol. 2014;29:489– 498.
Patti P, Di Martino G, Ricci F, Renda G, Gallina S, Hamrefors V, Melander O, Sutton R, Engström G, De Caterina R, Fedorowski A. Platelet Indices and Risk of Death and Cardiovascular Events: Results from a Large Population-Based Cohort Study. Thromb Haemost. 2019 Nov;119(11):1773- 1784.
Sysmex operators manual k-1000. Kobe, Japan. Toa Medical Electronics Co. Ltd. 1993. 150 s. Sysmex k-1000 specifications. Kobe, Japan. Toa Medical Electronics Co. Ltd. 1 s.
List of variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | |
lopnrMKC | Baseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric) | Numeric | F5 | ||
labnrMKC | Baseline sequence number of laboratory sample in MDCS (originally named LABNO) | Numeric | F5 | ||
QUAL | Qualifiers, type of sample (QUAL=0 is usually used) | Numeric | F1 | 0 = Whole blood, (differential count on heparin blood), available from all participants 1 = Isolated mononuclear leukocytes, available from 16000 participants 2 = Isolated granulocytes (GRAN), available from the first 16000 participants 3 = Erythrocytes (quality control) 4 = EDTA blood (about 200 participants, analysed by Sölve/ S Anders) 5 6 = Buffy coat (WBC, leukocytes), available from the last 14000 participants 7 8 9 | |
DATUM | Date at sample collection at MDC baseline | Numeric | F6 | ||
WBC_23 | Leukocyte count, white blood cells (x10^9 cells/liter). Remarks: WBC=│LYMPH│+│MXD│+│NEUT│, where ││ denotes the absolute value. The relationship is valid for all records (with few exceptions) with values for LYMPH, MXD and NEUT. | Numeric | F5.2 | ||
LYMPH_23 | Lymphocyte count (x10^9 cells/liter) | Numeric | F5.2 | ||
MXD_23 | Mixed cell (monocyte rich) count (x10^9 cells/liter) | Numeric | F5.2 | ||
NEUT_23 | Neutrophil (granulocyte) count (x10^9 cells/liter) | Numeric | F5.1 | ||
RBC_23 | Erythrocyte count, red blood cells (x10^12 cells/ liter) | Numeric | F4.2 | ||
SD_23 | Erythrocyte distribution width | Numeric | F5.1 | ||
HGB_23 | Hemoglobin concentration (g/liter) | Numeric | F3 | ||
HCT_23 | Hematocrit, true relative percentage volume of erythrocytes (%) | Numeric | F5.2 | ||
MCV_23 | Mean erythrocyte volume (fl, femto liter, 10^-15 liter) | Numeric | F5.1 | ||
MCH_23 | Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin (pg, pico gram, 10^-12 gram) | Numeric | F5.1 | ||
MCHC_23 | Mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration (g/liter) | Numeric | F4 | ||
PLT_23 | Platelet count (number of particles * 10^9/liter) | Numeric | F4 | ||
PDW_23 | Platelet distribution width (fl, femto liter, 10^-15 liter) | Numeric | F5.2 | ||
MPW_23 | Mean platelet volume (fl, femto liter, 10^-15 liter) | Numeric | F5.2 |