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MDC Pharmacological agents - Drug based



Intake of prescribed and non-prescribed drugs (with brand, atc code, dose, disease and starting year). The data file contains one drug per line, an individual may have multiple lines.

Lines: 76 946 records of 20 508 individuals

Variables: 19


Data have been derived from two sources: 1) the questionnaire (questions 62 and 63 [version 1], 121 and 122 [version 2], and 83 and 84 [version 3]), and 2) the diary (7-day menu book), both filled in by the participants. Data from the diary do only contain atc code and dose.

List of variables

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCBaseline sequence number in MDCS (Numeric). Remarks: original variable name is [lopnr] (in Bodycomp [seqno]).NumericF5 25 45651 490
questionInformation from the questionnaire.
Remarks: Data were obtained from following questions: Questionnaire version 1: 62+63
Questionnaire version 2: 121+122
Questionnaire version 3: 83+84
NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
25 45651 490
diaryInformation from the diary (i e the 7-day menu book).NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
25 45651 490
atc97fATC code (version 1997) of pharmacologic agent in drug reported in the questionnaire (String).
Remarks: ATC codes were classified according to 5th level of the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical classification system version of 1997. Most of the phamacologic agents were registered in the Swedish FASS-1998.
StringA8 11 06221 267
atc97frATC code (version 1997), recoded to a numeric value, of pharmacologic agent in drug reported in the questionnaire (Numeric).
Remarks: The information of the variables atc97fr and atc97f are identical, but the former variable consist of numeric values insead of characters which facilitates extraction of specific codes.
NumericF3 11 06221 267
nameBrand name (drug name) of pharmacological drug reported in the questionnaire (String).StringA40 11 06021 263
namnreBrand name (drug name), recoded to a numeric value, of pharmacological drug reported in the questionnaire (Numeric).
Remarks: The information of the variables namnre and name are identical, but the former variable consist of numeric values insead of characters which facilitates extraction of specific codes.
NumericF4 11 06221 267
styrkaDose of pharmacologic agent reported in the questionnaire (String).
Remarks: Information about the dose is often included in the variable 'name'.
StringA25 5 0247 505
ant_tblNumber of doses (pills) per day reported in the questionnaire.NumericF5.1 10 45719 691
presdrugDrug prescribed by physician, reported in the questionnaire.NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
9 50817 282
otcdrugDrug not prescribed by physician (over the counter drug), reported in the questionnaire.NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
1 5543 985
sjukdomDisease (which the pharmacologic agent is used against) reported in the questionnaire (String). Remarks: Spelling of disease names have not been corrected or not been made uniform.StringA25 11 06121 250
sjukdomrDisease (which the pharmacologic agent is used against), recoded to a numeric value, reported in the questionnaire (Numeric).
Remarks: Spelling of disease names have not been corrected or been made uniform.
NumericF4 11 06021 227
arYear when drug use started reported in the questionnaire (YY).NumericF2 10 36019 797
comb_N02BE51Drug containing a combination of two pharmacological agents, N02BE51 (paracetamol) and N02AA59 (codein), concerns only the drugs CITADON and PANOCOD. Remarks: Drug information reported in the questionnaire. Information about the pharmacological agents, N02AA59 and N02BE51 are given on two separate data lines.NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
Diary (7-day menu book)     
atc97sATC code (version 1997) of pharmacologic agent reported in the diary (String).
Remarks: ATC codes were classified according to 5th level of the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical classification system version of 1997. Most of the phamacologic agents were registered in the Swedish FASS-1998.
StringA8 14 39430 223
atc97srATC code (version 1997), recoded to a numeric value, of pharmacologic agent reported in the diary (Numeric).
Remarks: The information of the variables atc97sr and atc97s are identical, but the former variable consist of numeric values insead of characters which facilitates extraction of specific codes.
NumericF3 14 39430 223
dosupDose of pharmacologic agent reported in the diary (Numeric).NumericF5 14 39430 223
ogrupps_15Information about ATC code is missing, but data on dose (dosup) is available, reported in the diary.
Remarks: The variable name refer to the circumstance that no ATC group was recorded, the variable was created in year 2015.
NumericF10 = No
1 = Yes
2 4445 773