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MDC CV - IMT Unadjusted Baseline 1991-1994



Common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) and carotid plaque data obtained from B-mode ultrasonography examination of the right carotid artery using an Acuson 128 CT system (Mountain View, CA, USA) with a 7-MHz transducer. Original (unadjusted) IMT baseline values.

Lines: 6 103

Variables: 19


Cardiovascular (CV) cohort of MDC. Every other individual in the MDC cohort screened between 1991 to 1994 was invited to a CV project, 6 103 individuals accepted the invitation.


Hedblad B, Nilsson P, Janzon L, Berglund G. Relation between insulin resistance and carotid intima-media thickness and stenosis in non-diabetic subjects. Results from a cross-sectional study in Malmö, Sweden. Diabet Med. 2000;17(4):299-307.

Rosvall M, Janzon L, Berglund G, Engström G, Hedblad B. Incident coronary events and case fatality in relation to common carotid intima-media thickness. J Intern Med. 2005;257(5):430-7.

List of variables

Unadjusted original IMT-variables from MDC baseline 1991-1994

NameVariable labelTypeFormatValue labelMaleFemale
lopnrMKCSequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric)NumericF5 25723531
lopnr_ulSequence number for ultrasound examination in MDC-CV cohort (also named patnr_ul)NumericF5 25723531
u_datDate of carotid ultrasound baseline examination.
Remarks: The variable u_dat equals date0 (see data with adjusted IMT-variables) for all individuals except for two, lopnrMKC=28996 and lopnrMKC=40313. These two individuals were examined twice at baseline, results from the first examination was used for the unadjusted IMT-variables (u_dat to plack6), but data from the second examination (with date equal to sdate in Bodycomp) was used for the adjusted IMT-variables (date0 to aplqsc_0, see separate data file). About 98% of the individuals in MDC-CV have identical dates for u_dat and start_d (the latter is MDC baseline screening date, which is derived from sdate in Bodycomp and DATUM in Cellcounter).
DateSDATE10 25723531
stenosCarotid stenos at baseline examination (% lumenreduction at plaques)NumericF2 22343043
lumendiaLumendiameter in the common carotid artery at baseline examination (mm)NumericF5.2 24713448
imtminMinimum intima-media-thickness in the common carotid artery at baseline examination (mm)NumericF4.2 25473510
imtmedelMean intima-media-thickness (unadjusted) in the common carotid artery at baseline examination (mm).
Remarks: The variable imtmedel equals the unadjusted imtcca0 value (i e without subtraction of the term 0,026) (see data with adjusted IMT-variables) for all individuals except for two individuals (see the variable descriptions for u_dat for further explanation of these two individuals).
NumericF4.2 25473510
imtmaxMaximal intima-media-thickness in the common carotid artery at baseline examination (mm)NumericF4.2 25473510
imt_bmaxMaximal intima-media-thickness (unadjusted) in the carotid bifurcation at baseline examination (mm).
Remarks: The variable imt_bmax equals the unadjusted imtbulb0 value (i e without subtraction of the term 0,042) (see data with adjusted IMT-variables) for all individuals except for two individuals (see the variable descriptions for u_dat for further explanation of these two individuals).
NumericF4.2 17902357
plq3Plaque score (3-point scale) at baseline examination.
Remarks: Only available for lopnr_ul=1- 1679 (until 19920531). The variable plq3 equals the plqsc3_0 value (see data with adjusted IMT-variables) for all individuals except for two, lopnrMKC=40313 (see the variable description for u_dat for further explanation of this individual) and lopnrMKC=43731 (reason for discrepancy is unclear).
NumericF10 = no plaque
1 = one plaque
2 = two or more plaques
-9 = missing (no result available)
plq6Plaque score (6-point scale) at baseline examination.
Remarks: Only available for lopnr_ul=1680-6117 (from 19920601). The variable plq6 equals the plqsc6_0 value  for all individuals except for one, lopnrMKC=40313 (see the variable description for u_dat for further explanation of this individual).
NumericF10 = no plaque or wall thickening
1 = one small plaque (<10 mm2) or one wall thickening (>1,2 mm)
2 = two or more small plaques (<10 mm2) or wall thickenings (>1,2 mm)
3 = one plaque >=10 mm2
4 = one plaque >=10 mm2 and one or more small plaques or wall thickenings
5 = two or more plaques >=10 mm2, and/or one circumferent plaque and/or one large plaque with >50 % stenosis
-9 = missing, no result available
stenClasses of stenosis (derived from the variable 'stenos').NumericF10 = no stenos
1 = stenos 5-29%
2 = stenos >29%
imt_mQuintiles of the variable 'imtmedel' (men).NumericF11 = lo-0.659 mm
2 = 0.660-0.729 mm
3 = 0.730-0.809 mm
4 = 0.810-0.909 mm
5 = 0.910-hi mm
imtb_mQuintiles of the variable 'imt_bmax' (men).NumericF11 = lo-1.011 mm
2 = 1.012-1.229 mm
3 = 1.230-1.509 mm
4 = 1.510-1.999 mm
5 = 2.000-hi mm
imt_kQuintiles of the variable 'imtmedel' (women).NumericF11 = lo-0.639 mm
2 = 0.640-0.699 mm
3 = 0.700-0.759 mm
4 = 0.760-0.839 mm
5 = 0.840-hi mm
imtb_kQuintiles of the variable 'imt_bmax' (women).NumericF11 = lo-0.959 mm
2 = 0.960-1.129 mm
3 = 1.130-1.349 mm
4 = 1.350-1.749 mm
5 = 1.750-hi mm
plaquePresence of carotid plaque (derived from the variables 'plq3' and 'plq6').NumericF10 = no
1 = yes (plq3>=1 or plq6>=2)
plack6Presence of plaque determined using the 6-point scale   (derived from the variable 'plq6').NumericF10 = no
1 = yes (plq6>=2)
hrHeart rate at ultrasound baseline examination (beats per minute). Remarks: Only available for lopnr_ul=1690-6117.NumericF3 19212436