MDC Neck Shoulder - Social Insurance Agency
Data from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) on disability pension (DP), number of sick-leave days and periods, sick-leave diagnoses. The individuals were followed from the MDC baseline screening date until they got disability pension or long-term sick-leave, emigrated, died, turned 65 years of age, or until December 31 2005 when the study ended.
Lines: 7 086
Variables: 42
Among 14 555 individuals who have been invited to a 1-year follow-up study (Neck Shoulder), 7 086 individuals who have worked at least 30 hours per week (baseline question uy2b), were less than 64 years of age and not retired (uy2), and been on sick leave none or less than 365 days when filling in the baseline questionnaire (udatum, uy4b), were included in the study. Of the 7 086 invited individuals who met the criteria for the study, 6 265 participated in the Neck Shoulder study.
Canivet C, Choi B, Karasek R, Moghaddassi M, Staland-Nyman C, Östergren P-O. Can high psychological job demands, low decision latitude, and high job strain predict disability pensions? A 12-year follow-up of middle-aged Swedish workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2013 Apr;86(3):307-19. doi: 10.1007/s00420-012-0766-4.
Canivet C, Staland-Nyman C, Lindeberg S I, Karasek R, Moghaddassi M, Östergren P-O. Insomnia Symptoms, Sleep Duration, and Disability Pensions: a Prospective Study of Swedish Workers. Int J Behav Med. 2014 Apr;21(2):319-28. doi: 10.1007/s12529-013-9315-0.
List of variables
Name | Variable label | Type | Format | Value label | Male | Female |
lopnrMKC | Sequence number for baseline examination in the MDC cohort (Numeric) | Numeric | F5 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Startdate | Startdate for each individual. Remarks: The variable 'startdate' is identical to the variable 'sdate' in MDC Bodycomp. | Date | SDATE10 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Stopdate | Stopdate for each individual | Date | SDATE10 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
flopnr_23 | Participated in the Neck Shoulder follow- up study one year after the baseline screening (corrected in 2023). Remarks: Records of two individuals were corrected in 2023. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 3 555 | 3 531 |
Stopsort | How the individual terminated the study | Numeric | F2 | 3 = Turned 65 4 = Emigrated 5 = Died 12 = Disab pension or longterm sickleave 67 = Study ended | 3 555 | 3 531 |
fpelej | Disability pension (DP) or not. Remarks: ‘No’ is coded also for those with DP awarded after the study ended, value ‘25’ in ‘totalen’ | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No 1 = Yes | 3 555 | 3 531 |
fptid | Period of time for awarded disability pension. | Numeric | F1 | 0 = No disab pens 1 = Disab pens awarded until 1997-12-31 2 = Disab pens awarded from 1998-01-01 | 3 555 | 3 531 |
totalen | Different combinations of long-term sick- leave (sjukbidrag) and disability pension (DP) that are all classified as disability pension. Remarks: Value ‘25’ = awarded DP after the study ended. The official term “förtidspension” was replaced in 2003 by the term “sjukersätt- ning”. Both of these could be preceded by time-limited compensation periods. In the first "era" these were called “sjukbidrag”. When the term “sjukersättning” was introduced, it was called “tidsbegränsad sjukersättning”. Almost always, the time- limited variants turned into permanent ones, and in the studies published by Canivet C, Östergren P-O et al, all the above events - including part-time variants of the same – were classified as "disability pension" (see also the variable “fpelej”). Explanations: Sjukbidrag (Sjukbi)=Long term time- limited sick leave, almost invariably resulting in subsequent disability pension Tidsbegränsad sjukersättning (Tidsbe)=Long term time-limited sick leave, almost invariably resulting in subsequent disability pension Förtidspension (Förtidsp)=Disability pension Sjukersättning (Sjukers)=Disability pension | Numeric | F2 | 0 = Neither 1 = Sjukbi 2 = Sjukbi+Tidsbe 3 = Sjukbi+Förtidsp+Tidsbe 4 = Sjukbi+Förtidsp+Tidsbe+ Sjukers 5 = Tidsbe 6 = Förtidsp+Tidsbe 7 = Förtidsp+Tidsbe+Sjukers 8 = Tidsbe+Sjukers 9 = Förtidsp 10 = Förtidsp+Sjukers 11 = Sjukers 12 = Sjukbi+Förtidsp 13 = Sjukbi+Sjukers 14 = Sjukbi+Förtidsp+Sjukers 15 = Sjukbi+Tidsbe+Sjukers 25 = Förtidsp efter studieslut | 3 555 | 3 531 |
Fomdat_al l | Date of disability pension (DP). | Date | SDATE10 | 520 | 685 | |
Hdiag_firs t | Main diagnosis (huvuddiagnos) at the first event (from FK), according to ICD9 or ICD10 | String | A3 | 498 | 653 | |
Hdiagbesk rivn | Diagnostic group | String | A99 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Diagmain | Main diagnosis, group (created variable, numeric) | Numeric | F4 | 1 = Musculoskeletal 2 = Psychiatric 3 = Circulatory 4 = Other 8888 = Lacking diagnosis | 520 | 685 |
Bdiag_first | Secondary diagnosis (bidiagnos) at the first event (from FK) | String | A3 | 192 | 250 | |
Diagsec | Secondary diagnosis, group (created variable, numeric) | Numeric | F1 | 1 = Musculoskeletal 2 = Psychiatric 3 = Circulatory 4 = Other | 192 | 250 |
antdag_fs ny | Number of days from startdate to disability pension (DP). | Numeric | F4 | 520 | 685 | |
Totstudda y | Number of days in study | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Fpinnan | Special cases of disability pension (DP). | Numeric | F1 | 2= was awarded DP during the month after startdate 3= was awarded DP without sick- listing just before DP date 4= sick-listed at startdate, subsequently awarded DP 5= was awarded DP without any sick-listing during the study period | 95 | 95 |
studydays A | Number of days the person participated in study period A 19920217 - 19971231 (2144 days). | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
studydays B | Number of days the person participated in study period B 19980101 - 20011231 (1460 days). | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
studydays C | Number of days the person participated in study period C 20020101 - 20051231 (1460 days) | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
A_sickday s | Number of days the person was on sick- leave (i e and receiving reimbursement from FK) in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
B_sickday s | Number of days the person was on sick- leave (i e and receiving reimbursement from FK) in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
C_sickday s | Number of days the person was on sick- leave (i e and receiving reimbursement from FK) in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
healthday sA | Number of days the person was not on sick-leave in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
healthday sB | Number of days the person was not on sick-leave in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
healthday sC | Number of days the person was not on sick-leave in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F4 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Asickepito t | Number of sick-leave periods in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F2 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Bsickepito t | Number of sick-leave periods in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F2 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
Csickepito t | Number of sick-leave periods in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F2 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
shortA | Number of sick-leave periodes with short duration (15-28 days) that started in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F2 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
shortB | Number of sick-leave periodes with short duration (15-28 days) that started in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F2 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
shortC | Number of sick-leave periodes with short duration (15-28 days) that started in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
middleA | Number of sick-leave periods with medium duration (29-89 days) that started in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
middleB | Number of sick-leave periods with medium duration (29-89 days) that started in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
middleC | Number of sick-leave periods with medium duration (29-89 days) that started in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
longA | Number of sick-leave periods with long duration (90 days and above) that started in study period A 19920217 - 19971231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
longB | Number of sick-leave periods with long duration (90 days and above) that started in study period B 19980101 - 20011231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
longC | Number of sick-leave periods with long duration (90 days and above) that started in study period C 20020101 - 20051231. | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
short0A | Sick-leave period (15-28 days) with short duration that started before startdate and ended during the study period A | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
middle0A | Sick-leave period with medium duration (28-89 days) that started before startdate and ended during the study period A | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
long0A | Sick-leave period with long duration (90 days and above) that started before startdate and ended during the study period A | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 | |
totantalggr | Total number of sick-leave periods (including, if applicable, short0A, middle0A, or long0A) | Numeric | F1 | 3 555 | 3 531 |